Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 12, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be happy and successful ...
Have a Successful Year ahead!!!
Wish U Happy a Prosperous and Happy New Year!!!

Wishing 2009 as a year of dreams becoming reality,
goals being achieved, a brand new start to leave the past & embrace the future.

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 12, 2008

Have A Little Christmas

Wishing all my friends a world of happiness during this special Christmas Season....

I had been away for so long. Just back from my Sarawak tour. After I came back, I'm still busy coz my cousins and relatives came to Sabah. 15 of them. Many right? They from Kuching, Miri, Brunei, Perth and even England. Unexpected all of them will came at the same time. They really love Sabah and almost come every year. They just went back this noon to Miri. Hope to see them again next year.

It's been so long I had never celebrating X'mas at my hometown. I thought I will celebrating X'mas by just sitting at home, watching movie with my family. But with kind of people like me, it's hard coz I don't want to celebrate this festival with lame life. So I called up all my friends including from friend from Tawau to join me and my cousin who came from Perth. She had been staying KK for almost 2 weeks but she never able to have the change to see nightlife. So, I had decided to bring her to see KK night life. Well, by the way, it's my first time too to go out and see KK night life. Here I means was pub, karaouke and club..:P.. I went until 5 am reach home. Luckily my parents not mad at me as my cousin was with me all the time. This is the first time I went out so late. I really hope I can go Bed in the Waterfront there on this New Year Eve. Die! I'm getting to become naughty naughty :P..Merry Christmas everyone..Enjoy ur day on this special season

Last year celebration was at Choon Chiao and Siew Hsia's house at TBR.

2 years ago at Sunway Pyramid. Ponteng Tax tutorial class to go there

My favourite place for X'mas in KL, Mid Valley

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 11, 2008

Welcome to Our Family!

My family just adopted new puppy, Shih Tzu breed and her name was Guci. Yup, Guci but not the world famous brand, Gucci! It is 6 months old now.

Wasn't she adorable?

I tied a pink ribbon on her but she doesn't like it.

It's me and lil Guci

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 11, 2008

Day With My Ji Mui

16th November 2008

My convocation ends last saturday and my mom went back last few days. I was suppose to go back hometown earlier since some of my friends are busy working and some got class. But I refuse and book my ticket on 17th November 2008. After my mom and my aunts back, I went back to Wangsa Maju to stay with Meow Ling for another few days. Most of the times I went to library to online because lazy to go shopping and want to online booking to Kuching and Miri since I haven't book yet.

Glad that Jenny, Purplefish and Meow Ling want to go out with me this weekend. Damn happy till speechless that time. This is the moment I was waiting for. It's been so long never went out with them after back from UK. Some more, this is my first time to go out with 3 of them. So sad Kai Wee is not here with us. Then it would be totally perfect picture. I went out with them before but not 3 of them together.

4 of us went to KLCC to watch Madagascar 2. Bought the ticket first before had our lunch. At first we find a seat at KLCC food court there..Suddenly purplefish suggest to eat at Sushi King. Well, since I also want to eat ramen althought I just ate at Sushi King twice with my hostel juniors and my sis. Unfortunately, no curry ramen for today. So sad.. So I had to order other dishes.
Still curry but with rice
Jenny's dish...

4 of us at Sushi King..
After that, movie time. Comment for this movie was not as funny compare the first movie. However, overall still can watch. I still miss the Madagascar first movie. The song makes me move..."I like to move it, move it"..
I'm really had a wonderful time with them. Although just window shopping around Isetan, Nose, Espirit, etc... Then we went back to Wangsa to have our dinner. Tonight is purplefish last night to stay at wangsa since she want to shift to KL Central to stay with her sis. Quite sad by the way because next time when I back to KL, no purplefish around Wangsa Maju. So must enjoy that moment with them. We had steamboat at new Hometown Steamboat which was located nearby BRJ. Chat for non-stop. I miss u all when I writing this blog..

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 11, 2008

Day with Ex-roomate and Senior

15th November 2008
First of all, really thanks a lots for coming to my convo last week. So touching that both of u come especially my ex-roomie who can have a good rest at home after being working for whole week but still spend some time to come...As well as my senior, busy with her assignment but come with her cutie and pretty smile...Hehehe
My ex-roomie, Chai Hsia
My senior, Joey. Doesn't look like my senior rite?
Kuma-kuma from both of them..So cute!!

Spend a day with my 1st roomate, Chai Hsian and my senior, Joey..Been so long we never went out together after celebration of my birthday. We went to Pasar Seni coz Joey want to search for souvenir for her lecturer. After that, we went to Times Square to have our lunch. At first, we plan to have our lunch at Gasoline but we saw a new restaurant being launched at ground floor, so we decide to have a try. The name of that restaurant was Vivo. It's famous for American pizza.
[The pic of the dishes we order will be upload soon after Joey upload to me]
I really miss the moment where 3 of us overnite at Joey place at Sg Long there and had a pillow talk. Thanks to Chai Hsia, althought being my roomate for 1 sem only, but I felt like knowing u for so long. Glad that after you had moved out, you still remember me. Joey, sorry coz keep bullying u when in hostel. I really had a good time with u after all this...

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 11, 2008

Advanced Diploma Convocation

8th November 2008

Today is the most important not just for me, but my mom too. She had been waiting for this day for so long. She is the one who arrange all for me which makes me feel glad and blessful to have mom that keep supporting in everything I do especially in my study. Wake up at 5.30 am for early preparation coz the registration is from 7 am till 8 am. I scare if late, can't join the convo. We wait for taxi outside the hotel but need to wait for almost half hour coz too early. Not much taxi that time so me and my mom decide to go Sungei Wang there to take taxi. Believe it or not? The driver ask for RM20 from there to TAR College. WTH!! But my mom said OK..Coz she really scare I unable to reach there on time coz I still need to go hostel to take my gown. That's my mom. When reach hostel, I just realize something. The visit time is from 7.30 am and I reach there at 7 am. Somemore, my cousin was at hotel, not at hostel so no one can't help me take my formal shoes and gown. I damn nervous that moment. Luckily the hostel guard was very kind to let me enter or else I'm really in dead meat.

It's quite funny for us to wear gown with th red hood on it. While waiting to enter hall, it's so hot..
Before enter the hall..Everyone said "Cheessse.."
The gown was so thick. I really can't wait to enter the hall, take the certificate roll and get out of the hall. So lucky that Kai Wee sit just nearby or else I will be dead boring. Non stop chatting with Sharon, Kai Wee, and the people beside me and behind me. Hahahaha...Talk for almost 2 hours just realised is our turn to go to the stage. Really damn nervous. When times come, all I can do is SMILE!! Yes, SMILE!! So glad that I didn't pengsan or fell down on the stage.
This is the moment where all of us waiting for. FINISH!! The ceremony is over. We thought that it will end around 12 pm but it ends earlier at 10.30 am. Wah!! Really very fast. The moment that every student (i think so) wait for was taking unforgetable photos with family and friends.
My family: My aunt, cousin, 2nd aunt and my mom
AAC students
Glad that our diploma Business Law lecturer, Mr Julius come

Yeah, lots of photos but still not satisfied with it. Because I didn't manage to take some of the photo with my classmates, coursemates and even my AFA friends. This time I also didn't take photos in front of library, my favourite place. Haiz..So sad..

However, I'm glad that....
Adeline and Marina come from far far far away just to attend the convo. Adeline from Melaka and Marina from Kelantan. Thank so much!! Love u both!!
My hostel juniors..Thanks for the flowers!!

For this convo, I got 2 wishes. I know that second wish won't come true coz it is impossible but I really glad till like nobody worlds when all my ji mui come especially purplefish. I received sms from her the night before convo that she can't come coz need to send her mom to airport. I was damn sad till I not really had the mood that time. It was a really a great shock and suprise to see her there and u know what? I shout like a mad dog. But I really happy. Thanks so much for coming.

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 11, 2008

Scotland [Part 5]

20th August 2008Isle of Sky - Glascow

Back again to Scotland trip. Ok! Ok! This is the last post about Scotland trip. After that, my post will about Europe trip, Advanced Diploma convocation and lots more.

This is the 5th day of the Scotland Trip and we really start to dislike the programme being organised by the student coordinator especially the accomodation provided. Early morning, inside the coach, the student coordinator informed us that tonight we will separate into 2 hostel again. "What the ....", Not Again!!!! Why can't this people organised their things properly? I really just don't get it. Selection of hostel for that moment was in Glasgow and one more is back to the first hostel that stayed which was Loch Lomond Youth Hostel. Glasgow hostel was not enough for all of us and the student coordinator need to choose 15 people to stay in Loch Lomond Youth Hostel. Hey, who want to stay back at the same hostel whereas Glasgow is much better where we can have night view. So, some of us start to argue for our own right and at last, the solution was we need to share 1 bed with 2 people. This solution is much better than stay back to Loch Lomond.

I was really moody that day. Hard to explain but what to do, put a fake smile and pretend to be happy.

First place that we visited was Eileen Donan Castle. It is now one of the most photographed monuments in Scotland and a popular venue for weddings and film locations. It has appeared in lots of films such as one of the James Bond's movie; The World is Not Enough, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Made of Honor and even Bollywood movie, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. On a clear day it is possible to see the Isle of Skye from this castle. Weather on that day was very clear but we can't see Isle of Sky coz we need to pay for the entrance fee. As usual, if we heard the world "Pay" sure we don't want to have a look inside unless it is worthwhile. So, we just busybody outside the castle and wait for the time to fly.
Second place was Ben Nevis Distilerry but some of us not really interested with it. So we just walk around Fort William city.

At nitgh, walk around the Glasgow city and enjoy the night life. Glasgow was the second largest cities in Scotland with fantastic night life.
21st August 2008
Glasgow - Moffat - Sheffield

Last day of Scotland trip. Whole day shopping around Glasgow. Before back to Sheffield, we stopby Moffat to buy Scotland infamous short bread biscuits. The famous brand were Walkers and Campbell. It was much more cheaper than the other places.

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 11, 2008

Scotland [Part 4]

19th August 2008Inverness - Isle of Skye

We depart from the horrible youth hostel that we stayed last nite. It's such a crippy feel to stay at there. And back to coach again to Isle of Skye. Today programme quite boring by the way compare to previous days maybe due to some of us too tired, not enough sleep especially me. Not much things to see as most all the places we visit were rock, mountain, waterfalls, etc.

Warning: Don't put much expectation on a place u visit.

Before we went Isle of Skye, we visit the Loch Ness Exhibition Centre. This place is famous for the legendary monster which called as Nessie (quite cute name). For those who had watched The Water House movie, it was adapted from this story.

After that, boring time! Welcome to Mountain, Rocks and Waterfalls...We start with Old Man of Storr.

Did u saw the stone on the right hand side? That's is Old Man of Storr...
This is one and only waterfall that knock my heart. Gosh, I'm feel like in heaven once again
Before we end our trip for today, we stopby another castle which was Duntulm Castle. Not much remains of Duntulm except a few scattered rubble foundations. I can't even knew that it was a castle before. This time we really mad and frustrated with the accomodation provided. Divided us into 2 different hostel...Ok but the problem was both hostel very far from each other which took 2 hours by coach. Really frustrated!! This is reminder to all the juniors who wish to join Scotland trip when study at SHU, don't join Scotland trip organised by student coordinator. I don't want to state his name here but I really wish next year will have different student coordinator for coming students. However, the hostel that we select was not bad at all. I don't know with the other hostel where my other friends stayed...

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 11, 2008

Scotland [Part 3]

Been away to KL for almost 2 weeks for my Advanced Diploma convocation. Should update my post bout the convo since everyone had post it but I seems so lazy to transfer all my photos to my laptop. Addition, my laptop hardisk is out of memory. Plan to buy new external hardisk but waiting for PC Fair that will be held soon in KK. Cant wait for that moment but my friend warned me that KK is totally different from KL PC Fair. I really want to see how much differences since I never went to PC Fair that held in my hometown.

Now back to my Scotland trip. I really far behind since all my friends who had been to UK had already post finish about their trip and I still posting about Scotland. Well, I don't want to lost the memory that I had in Scotland with my friends. And posting in my blog is like writing diary.

18th August 2008
John O' Groats

Past 2 days all the places we went was travelling by coach. This time, we had the opportunity to enjoy spectacular cruice. Yes, Cruise!!! Which means we were going out to the sea.
John O' Groats Ferry. Well, it's just a normal ferry. The wind is so strong. You can see from my hair :P
John o' Groats is a village in the Highland Council area of Scotland. It is popular with tourists because it is usually regarded as the most northerly settlement of mainland Great Britain. The actual location of the most northerly point, however, is at nearby Dunnet Head. The town takes its name from Jan de Groot, a Dutchman who obtained a grant for the ferry from the Scottish mainland to Orkney. [OK, well I copy this from Wikipedia. I like this website coz is like reference

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 11, 2008

Scotland [Part 2]

17th August 2008
Fort William - Inverness

Depart from Loch Lomond at 8.30 am to visit Nevis Range which offer unique mountain experience. We took gondolas which is the cable cars to altittude if 2150ft up Absorb Mor besides Ben Nevis.
Gondolas which took us to Nevis Range. Almost similar cable car to Genting Highland
View from Nevis Range. Feels like in heaven

After that, we depart to Glenfinnan. This is one of the destionation that I had been waiting for. This is because some scenes from Harry Potter films were shot here. I thought we gonna miss to see the trains pass by as we reach there around 3 pm and the train gonna passby at 3.15 pm. Luckily we manages to reach on time. I'd been searching all the places or building that Harry Potter were shot on but I only able to find 2. This is one of it.

On the way to Inverness, we stopby Urguhart Castle. There's nothing much left of this castle. Though extensively ruined, it was in its day one of the largest strongholds of medieval Scotland, and remains an impressive structure. We unable to enter since it's closed, so just took group photo of it.
We reach Inverness at evening. The night view at Inverness was totally awesome and spectacular.

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 11, 2008

Scotland [Part 1]

16th August 2008
Sheffield - Newcastle - Edinburgh - Loch Lomond

We depart from Charlotte Court at 12.30 am. While waiting for our couch, I just realized I forget to take the most important thing with me. So I had to run back again back to my flat to take it. On my way back to my flat, I was stopped by the hostel guard. He keep telling me go back to where we were stand juz now for our couch. I was like what happened. Then I just knew that our couch has arrived at last, Oh gosh! I had to run as fast as I can. Run like an ox. What had I forgotten by the way? Samsung MP3..Hehehe..Well, should understand that most of our time was spend inside the couch. I really need MP3 by my side.

Our first stop is Newcastle. We stopped by Newcastle Millenium Bridge at 3 am like that. My long time friend, YH Thong was studied there. Sad that till now we never met each other.
Newcastle Millenium Bridge behind me
At last, we reach Scotland around 7 am plus plus. It's hard for me to explain all the places I been to coz I not really know what were they behind. I think pictures speaks more than thousand words, rite??
Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station
Palace of Hollyroodhouse . The Palace of Holyroodhouse is the official residence in Scotland of Queen Elizabeth II
, who spends time at the Palace at the beginning of the summer.

This is one of the photo that I had been waiting for. A complete of AAC picture at Calton Hill

Edinburgh City
Our first hostel in Scotland, Loch Lomond Youth Hostel. This house retains many original features including a sweeping starcaise with vast stained glass window and ballroom.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 10, 2008

My B'day

By the way, this post had been passed for 7 months and 18 days in my friendster but I would like to post here again since I would like to close my blog in friendster. I really had a wonderful, enjoyable and unforgetable birthday this year.

7th March 2008
My juniors and I went to Station 1 at Genting Klang. It was my earliest and first birthday celebration from all my juniors this year. Thanks a lots to Chiou Nhan, Lynnette, May Kim, Chen Ling, Wey Shin, Han Yin, Mei Foong, Yanz and Li Pi. It was really a suprise birthday from u all. It was unexpected celebration with all unknown people over there who having their dinner or yam cha at there. When the cake was in front of me, I push the cake to my other junior coz I’m too shy. Hahahaha…Thanks once again.
My cute cute juniors at Station 1

8th March 2008
My ex-roomate, Chai Hsian, my senior, Joey and my best friend, Kai Wee fetch me from hostel to Times Square. We having our lunch at Gasoline and it was my first time lunch having at there.What a nice renovation at there. I was amazed. After that, shopping and searching for something at Low Yat. Next, watching movie with them. I never thought that it was a ghost movie. I’m not scare but coz want to accompany me watch movie, my ex-roomie sacrifice to watch this movie..Hahahaa…Thanks my ex-roomie..Althought my ex-roomie and I been a roomate for 1 semester onli, but she treat me very nice. She like a big sister to me. And my senior, Chew Yi, she now studying at UTAR, sungai long busy with her assignment but still left some time for me..I was so touching and thanks for the dinner at Secret Recipe. Being forced to choose 3 slide of cakes and had to eat all by myself but at last i refused and said I want 1 cake and 1 meal. Thanks a lots for spending whole day with me.

9th March 2008
Quite tired coz last 2 days sleep very late but need to be active coz 2nite having BBQ with all my friends. Before that, my ex-roomie came to hostel to fetch me and my friend went to Carrefour, Jusco and 99 speed market to bought some groceries item for some left items that haven’t bought yet for tonight BBQ. Thanks again my ex-roomie..U always fetch me here and there.Sometimes I wish I had car but what to do..Haiz.. 5 pm reach. All my hostel friends reach at Kai Wee’s house for BBQ. Quite a lot people this time.. Reach around 10.45, came with a third and suprise birthday cake from them. And it was my favourite cake from Secret Recipe, Chocolate Indulgence. Thanks to u all. Even need to wake up early for early class and working on the next day, but you all still come. I was so touching and almost want to cry.. Here a list I want to thanks. Thanks to Kai Wee for organise this party. Thanks to Tracey, Wei Pei, Jenny, Zhee Yee aka purplefish, Meow Ling,Liong Sung, Jason, Joe aka Leftooter, Felicia, Shiueh Yi, Fiona, Ah Hin, Min Tek, Ah Chen, Jonathan, Brendan, Phui Loo, Apple, Fah Li, Pooi Kuan, Soopor, Wen Loon, Tommy, Chen Yong and Shih Ching. Did I miss someone from the list? I think nope..Not forget to my cute and funny lecturer, Mr Julius. Thanks for coming and hope u all enjoy.. Thanks to Julius for fetch all of my hostel friends back.. I was reli happy and enjoy that moment.. Especially the birthday card that I received..I was made by my ex-roomie, senior and Kai Wee. Reli thanks a lot..All of ur signature were on the card plus "being forced pic of mine". What can I said now was reli thanks a lot..I reli appreciate and glad for what u all had done. I was so thankful to Lord for knowing u all.

How many people in this pic?? Hehehe :P 

Lastly, when reach hostel, thanks to my dearest current roomate, Joanna for ur wishing,message and birthday present too. Not forgeting to my zhu zhu, Siew Yen and Pooi Yam for your lovely gift. Thanks to Andrew too for "belanja" me sing k.

Not forget to all who send message to my friendster’s testimonial and sms. Thanks thanks..How many times I said thanks already? Once more time, THANKS TO ALL MY JUNIORS, EX-ROOMIE, SENIOR, CLASSMATES, EX-CLASSMATES, COURSEMATES, HOSTEL FRIENDS, ROOMATE, MR JULIUS AND ALL MY BELOVED FRIENDS AND NOT FORGETING HIM. Thanks for celebrate my "double 2" birthday. Hope our friendship will last forever and never ends. Wish all ur dreams and wishes come true.

Truly, madly, deeply from -dianateo- [Will be continue]

Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 10, 2008

Welcome Back

It's been so long that I really didn't create new post. Yes, there is moment where I went to my blog and read my friends and others blog but I really lazy to update mine. Ok, this time must upload new post about what happens recently. I had planned to create post about my past study in TAR college especially during Diploma time. Yeah, Diana gambate :P...
Leaving Sheffield17th September 2008
This is the last day of my day in Charlotte Court, Sheffield. This is also the last day for my last paper, BSMA. I'm not really confident with this paper but I really wish I can pass. Don't talk about exam. Just forget bout it. Well, what we do since is the last day. We went to have our lunch at Noddle Inn. Yup, Noddle Inn again coz all of us really miss chinese cruisine. It's been my 3rd time to have my meals at there. After that, went back to Charlotte Court to pack all my things. Always last minute one. I haven't pack anything yet coz busy with study for my exam. So at that moment, I packed my things like hell. This throw, that throw. I even didn't manage to pack tidy my things inside my luggage. Just simply throw inside. This is the 2nd time already rushing to pack my things. 1st time was during my stay in KL, going to UK soon and I packed my things till 6 am and I haven't packed finish yet. I never thought I will repeat the same things. Before we leave, some of my friends came to our flat and said goodbye to us. It's so touching! Especially to Ai Wei where she can't came down to meet me (It's ok, I understand) and Kai Xin. So glad that you came.
Not forgeting, million thanks to Veronica, June, Liong Sung, Yong Siang, Hong Jun and Lee Chiat for sending us to the bus station and help us carry our heavy bag. Thanks a lots.
Lastly, flat 43 resident.
From left: Felicia, Hui Xiang, me, Sin Liang (behind)
Tsun Hin and Liong Sung (front)
Felicia, Hui Xiang and Tsun Hin is going to Europe trip with me while Sin Liang will continue stay in UK for 2 years with her sister. Liong Sung is backpacking by himself. Wish you all da best in ur trip and don't missing ooo.,..Hahahahaha...