Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 6, 2008

Cardiff City Center & Barry Island, Wales

Date of Visited: 29th June 2008

We spend most of our morning visited Cardiff Bay and after that, we were given opt either to sightseeing around Cardiff city center, the capital of Wales or a small tiny little island known as Barry Island. The main activity that can be done in Cardiff City center is mostly shopping and since because we are not shopaholics, hence we decided to visit the Barry Island. Plus, we might able to sightseeing around Cardiff City for few hours after back from Barry Island. 
Cardiff City 01
Having our lunch at a random restaurant of Queen Street before depart to Barry Island.

Cardiff City 02
The atmosphere of most typical restaurant can be found in United Kingdom.

Cardiff City 03
Cardiff Railway Station, this is where we travelled to Barry Island by train. 

Cardiff City 05
Inside the train. Almost looks alike our Malaysia's KTM but this is way much better because it is not so crowded and more systematic.

The journey from Cardiff City Center to Barry Island wasn't that long as what we expected. It took less than an hour by train. Barry Island is a seaside resort, forming part of the town in South Wales. Barry's stretch of coast has the world's second highest tidal range, of 15 metres (49 ft). 

Barry Island 01

Barry Island 02

Then only we realised that we didn't brought extra spare of clothes with us cause we're never expecting that we will going to visit an island. Hence, we tried to avoid from enter into the water and just taking photo around the area. 

Barry Island 03

Barry Island 04

Barry Island 05

Barry Island 06

Barry Island 07

After that, we went back to Cardiff City centre. Before heading back to our backpack loudge, there a few buildings you shouldn't miss when visiting Wales.
1. Cardiff Castle - Cardiff may only have been a city for 100 years, but there has been a castle here for nearly 2000 years. Tours of the castle interior take place throughout the day, or visitors can just enjoy a stroll around the picturesque Castle gardens. The newly opened 6m pound Interpretation Centre will also present for the first time the story of the Castle and its 2000 years of history, offering visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the different phases of the Castle's development from the Romans through to the modern day.

Cardiff City 06

 Cardiff City 07

2. Millennium Stadium - When the stadium isn't hosting major sports matches or concerts you can take a tour of the 74,000 seater stadium. Walk down the player's tunnel, try out the Queen's seat in the Royal box and discover how they removed the curse from the away-team changing rooms.

Cardiff City 08

Previous Post<< Cardiff Bay

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 6, 2008

Cardiff Bay & Its Attractions

Date of Visited: 29th June 2008

Before this, I had talked about Wales before but this time around, we will know more about Wales. Wales is my first overnight trip during my study at United Kingdom.

Wales is not a country but eventually it is one of the four "home nations" that make up the United Kingdom. The other 3 home nations are England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales is rich in history and natural beauty and has a culture distinct from the rest of the UK. Travelers are attracted to Wales because of its beautiful landscape, the wide open spaces of its stunning national parks and the wealth of history and culture. 

Our first destination on the first day was Cardiff Bay, a home to a large freshwater lake for sailing and water sports. It has been redeveloped in the last decade by the old Cardiff docklands.
Cardiff Bay 01
View of Cardiff Bay

Besides the infamous bay, there are few of Cardiff Bay's notable buildings you shouldn't miss out:

1. Wales Millenium Centre is an art centre that presents international opera, ballet, modern dance and musical. "Art Sherpas" sun tours of the front and backstage areas and free live music performances take place in the foyer everyday lunchtime. The Wales Millenium Centre is home to the Welsh National Opera.
Cardiff Bay 02

2. Cardiff Bay Visitor Centre - The Bay Visitor Centre, also known as The Tube is a home to exhibitions and displays on the history and development of Cardiff Bay, including a scale model of the entire city.
Cardiff Bay 03

Cardiff Bay 14
The other side of The Tube looks like 

3. Norwegian Church was first established in Cardiff Bay to serve the large community of Norwegian sailors working in the docks. Its main claim to fame is as the church where author Roald Dahl was christened - today, however, it has been converted into a cafe and art gallery.
Cardiff Bay 04

Cardiff Bay 07
It's also an art centre and a coffee shop.

4. Pierhead Building - contains an interactive exhibition on the role of the National Assembly. The clock of the building is unofficially known as "Baby Big Ben".
Cardiff Bay 05

Cardiff Bay 09

5. The Seneed is the home of the Welsh Assembly Government's debating chamber, where visitors can join a tour of the eco-friendly building, or watch Assembly debates from the public viewing gallery.

Cardiff Bay 06

There are also few number of unique buildings and art statue while we're strolling around the Cardiff Bay
Cardiff Bay 08

Cardiff Bay 10

Cardiff Bay 13

Cardiff Bay 12

Cardiff Bay 11

Next Post>> Cardiff City Center & Barry Island

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 6, 2008

Sheffield Hallam University and Its City

Yup, that is the name of the University that all of us will enroll next week. Really can't wait for that moment. Can't wait to see our first "mat salleh" lecturers and tutors. Don't talk about the study first. Better enjoy while still can.

Not many people know about this little city by the name of Sheffield. Neither do I. Before I come here, most of my friends and relatives will likely ask which part of United Kingdom that I will heading to and I told them that I will going to Sheffield. They will like "Sheffield???".. All I can said is nearby Manchester. And they will like "Ooooohhh! Near Manchester!!". It was quite funny when I saw most of their response. Where is Sheffield located by the way? Well, it is almost nearby Manchester but the journey took one and half hour. Can it consider nearby? Hahahaha....

Sheffield can be consider a quiet and peace city. It is such a lovely city where you can see most of the oldfolks holding their hands together? Ooooh..What an adorable couple? Will me and my other half be in that situation when we are old? I wonder...

Ok, let me go into the important part. A day after we reach Sheffield, our senior resident bought us for city tour and introduce some of the places in Sheffield. He also told us the way to our university. Holy gosh! The distance from our hostel to university took us almost half hour. No bus provided. All we need to do is walking. I guess should be not a big deal for me cause I used to it as I walked from TAR college to Wangsa Maju before.
The pathway that we use to the university almost everyday
Moor Street. Here, you can find many shops that sell each item for only just 1 pound

Architecture of Sheffield City is really impressive and eye-opening to us.

The Yorkshire Bank

The peace garden. No wonder Sheffield is so peace.

Not forgeting to take a snap of the university. Sheffield has 2 different universities; Sheffield Hallam University and University of Sheffield. Most people confuse about these 2 universities including my parents.
Sheffield Hallam University behind me

The garden in front of our university, where you can lay down and enjoy your reading

Sheffield Railway Station. The railway to Meadowhall, one and only shopping centre in Sheffield, London, Leeds, Yorks and lots more..

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 6, 2008

UK Life - First Day

My wish come true. At last, I had reached Sheffield, United Kingdom. I had landed to another part of the world. My flight was on 12nd June 2008 at 9.30 pm and flight via Etihad Airways. Anyone heard of this airline before? Not me either. It's the first time I heard of this airline. Anyway, the services provided were not bad at all. Got entertainment somemore such as movie, drama, games and not forget music. Got my favourite music too. Yes!!! Even they provide blanket, pillow, socks for us and it is free. We were allowed to take it out of the cabin.

Flying With Etihad Airways
Etihad airline and its free blanket

However, the in-flight food are cold. Maybe due to long hour flight. How long is our flight? Let me recall back. From KLIA to Abu Dhabi International Airport, we reached at 4 am. Which means almost 7 hours flight. OMG! Wait..That's not our final destination. Our final destionation is Manchester Airport. Another 7 hour plus flight. Quite tired and when I inside the plan, all I can do is sleep sleep and sleep. Reach Manchester Airport at 4 pm (M'sia time).

Meals Inside Etihad Airways
One of the dishes provided inside cabin

Once we stepped out of the airport, it was really cold. Plus, it was raining somemore. We were not use to the weather over there cause as we all know, Malaysia is very hot. My friends told me that weather at UK at that moment was 8 degrees. But we were very excited as we can't wait to see our hostel.

Bus From Manchester To Sheffield
On the way to our hostel

Reach our hostel at last after 1 and half hour journey from Manchester Airport. Our hostel name is Charlotte Court. There is KFC nearby. Sure can't wait to have our lunch or dinner at there. We're being told that not all of us will get 6 rooms in one flat. Maybe some of us need to separate as there are few students still study at that moment. But me and my gang were consider to be lucky coz we can get 6 rooms.

Yeah! Our flat number was 43. Before going to find out about out flat, I was thinking, will my flat located at upper floor just like my college hostel back in Kuala Lumpur? If yes, then I will be in dead meat since I carried plenty of luggage bags with me. Fuuuuuuuuuuh! Lucky again. My flat was situated on the ground floor. I was amazed with our room. Each of our room is attached with toilet. My room number was 6. So from now on, my address is Flat 43, Room 6. Anyone wanna post something to me, you are welcome to do so and I'm glad to receive it.

Charlotte Court 02
My comfort single bed

Charlotte Court 01
My long table with my laptop on it.