Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 6, 2009

London Walker [Part 2]

20th July 2008

This was the second day of our London Trip. Wake up early morning to have our breakfast provided, which was English Breakfast; bread, egg, sausage, ham, frieds and orange juice. Although it just like every ordinary breakfast provided by our own local Malaysia hotel and nothing extraordinary, but it's better than nothing, right?
We start our tour with visiting Pollock's Toy Museum. Unfortunately, it was closed when we were there. Maybe it was too early for us to reach there. So we move to next destination.
We visit few museums once again. London really gots lots of museum which you can't missed out.
The first museum we visited on the second day was British Museum. It was located nearby Holborn Station. I really love this museum compared to the other museum which I had visited. It's a recommend must-visit museum.
British Museum is a museum of human history and culture. Its collections, which number more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present.
Entrance of the British Museum
Standing at Great Court
Its divide into few departments such as Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Greek and Roman, Middle East, Asia and etc. Due to lack of time, my friends and I are able to visit few departments only. If I had the chance to visit London again, British Museum will be in my top list.
Next, we heading to Museum of London. Once again, we unable to sight around this museum and we only manage to quick and fast view around.

With Gladiator

Now, we go into the most interesting and the world well-know places. Just stopby half of your day at Westminister station or Waterloo Station and you will be able to see most of the famous landmarks of the world.

First, start with London Eye.
London Eye, which also known as Millenium Eye is the biggest ferris wheel in Europe. It is one of the most popular tourist attraction. If you want to take a ride, I would recommend you to early booking thru online as if you plan to buy on the spot, you need queue up for 3-4 hours. No kidding!
Second, Big Ben. Big Ben actually is the nickname for the great bell of the clock and is often extended to refer the the clock tower. It's just nearby London Eye which you can see it on your left hand side.
Big Ben behind me from London Eye location
Big Ben and Palace of Westminister
After that, we were heading to the landmark where we used to sing this landmark where we were small. But before I introduce that place to u, here are some pics of the building and places that is so interesting and amazing.
Seems like a ship in Pirates of the Carribbean
The place where we had our dinner. Damn expensive. Cost 15 pound per person
Here it comes.

"London Bridge is falling down. Falling down. Falling down."

Yup. This is the landmark which you can't be miss. Like they said, if you don't visit this landmark, then you never come to London.
By the way, the bridge behind is not London Bridge. Most of the people had mistakenly referred this bridge as London Bridge but it was not. There is a really London Bridge exist but it seems like a normal bridge and it's just next to this bridge. The name of this bridge is Tower Bridge.
Night view from the Tower Bridge. A night to remember
Last chapter of London Walker is next.

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 6, 2009

London Walker [Part 1]

19th July 2008

This trip had been past for almost 1 year and now only I had the available time to upload it.
This is our first ever backpack trip during our study in Sheffield. Transportations, accommodations and everything are under our arrangement. Journey from Sheffield to London took almost 4 hours. UK bus driver is very punctual. If the time for bus departure is 8 am, 8 am they will drive off straightly at time. So don't be late. No excuses will be accepted if you are late.
Once we reach, we're heading to our hostel. It's a budget hostel. So, can't expert much from it. Anyway, for me, if there is bed and toilet provided for me, I will appreciate it so much. The name of our hostel is Stonebridge Hostel. Good thing about this hostel was breakfast provided. So we won't worry much about what and where breakfast we should look for. But the bad new was, it's too far away from London city. It tooks us almost 40 minutes from hostel to reach London city.

5 of us inside the hostel
My first experience sleeping on double decker bed. Saw the bathroom attached behind?

Outside view of the hostel we stayed
Address: 16 Hillside, London, NW10 8 BN
Most of the places we visited on the day we reach London city was museum. Most of the museum in London is FOC. No entrance fees being charged.
1. Science Museum
This museum is located on South Kensington, London and is a major London tourist attraction. The Science Museum is made up of a number of galleries, for example:
Corliss Stream Engine, telling the stories of British Industrial Revolution
Apollo 10 Command Module
Lockheed 10A
2. National Museum
It's just beside Science Museum. One thing I love about London is all the attraction places are nearby. However, we only able to sighted around for less than half hours coz they were about to close that time. In this museum, I able to feel the Japan's earthquake. Scary leh?

3. Victoria & Albert Museum

4. Royal Albert Hall
I think most of you must heard of this building before as our own local sensation No.1 Singer in Malaysia, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza held her successful solo concert here. She is the first Asian pop singer to have a solo performance there. The Beatles and The Rolling Stone also ever performed at this building which recognised as one of the UK's most treasured and distinctive buildings, recognisable the world over.
5. Hyde Park
This is one of the place that I'm really love to visit once I saw the signboard. Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain.
The person I'm really love to meet if her royal highness is still alive.
Another reason I love about UK is we can sleep and lay down in the park. Compare to Malaysia, I'm totally speechless

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 6, 2009


Unseen meals from McDonalds..
Not the everyone's loving frieds and coke but the burger. It is sweet chilli chicken burger.
Do you want to have a try on it?
But's too bad.. This was in Sheffield. I really miss the taste of this delicious and fulfilled your stomach burger. It's damn big that you might need someone to share with you.
The cost of McD meals could be consider cheap, if you don't convert back to our Ringgit Malaysia. It only cost 3.25 pound per meal, comes with frieds and coke. And one more tips for my juniors and friends who will going there soon; please show your student card to the cashier to get a free ice-cream. Yup, I'm not kidding. Free ice-cream for students. How I wish Malaysia got this kind of services? It's applicable in Sheffield and Wales. I'm forget whether this is applicable in London and Scotland.
McD burger comes with variety of burger each day per week. Monday, "Chicken & Bakon". Tuesday, "Chicken Salad". Wednesday "Spicy Veggie". Thursday "Sweet Chilli Chicken". You still can choose other burgers which you prefer but the choice of the day will be much cheaper. My favourite is "Sweet Chilli Chicken". But if I recompare again, I will think Malaysia McD much better coz chilli sauce provided. In UK, no chilli sauce. They only provide tomato and BBQ sauce. Even some of McD franchise didn't provide thouse sauce and if you request from the cashier, "20 pence please". Holy gosh!
This friday, my friends and junior are flying to Sheffield soon. How times flies so fast without realise it? I really miss the time I had at Sheffield especially the weather. Gosh, somebody please stop me from saying the same thing over again and again.
By the way, I'm back with blog.! :P