Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Recap of My 2010 History

The year of 2010 is the year of tiger in chinese calender, which is also the year I was born. This year may seems to be a good year but too bad there are some not. Here is the recap of the my 2010 history:

It starts with a bad beginning of the year. My family and I lost the closest family member; which was my beloved grandfather. He is the one who closest to me as he stayed with my family and I since the day I was born. Maybe God loves him so much. I'm really miss him until now. He never scold or even beat me. The thing that I regret the most was I promised to buy a 3R photo album for him but I failed. Sorry, my dearest grandfather. I will always remember and love you. Both of us have similarities which are both of us love taking photo and camera. I bought camera more than handphone.
However, I met someone special and cheer my life since then. I start a new relationship and there is a cheecky story behind. It's all regarding to a dream.

Then, it's Chinese New Year and it falls on the same day as Valentine's Day. Double Celebration! Due to the sad incidence, my family and I didn't celebrate CNY as merrier compare to previous year. But thanks to TTM, it was my first ever Valentine's celebration.

Surprised Valentine's Bear from dearest TTM

The following month is the month of Pisces, and its my birthday. Early on the month, a really blast and surprised birthday from my *deariest*. I won't forget that day at all. There is a video being recorded but too bad, the size of the video is too big.

Besides that, it's my officially one year working in my current working place. Works start to overloaded. Oh no~~~

For my globe trotting, I went to 3 countries in a year.

1. Sweet Summer Getaway to Hong Kong and Macau with my beloved TTM and my collegemate, Vincent and his colleagues. Its my third visit to Hong Kong but first visit to Macau.

2. Adventurous Autumn Japan Trip with my university friend, Nicole. Thanks for the invitation. By the way, Japan had never in my 3 years travelling list as Japan is famous for the higher living expenses and most of the things is so so so expensive. But since got people invite me and it's a one in a lifetime opportunity, I grab this chance and backpack with my university friend, Nicole. Most of them thought we are joining the travel agent but we are proudly to tell u, that we're not. 2 brave little ladies are backpacking by their own. I'm really enjoying backpacking and this reflash back of my Europe trip.

3. Wonderful Winter Taiwan Trip. Celebrate this year X'mas with my family in Taiwan. Love Taiwan so much. That's end of my year end trip of 2010

Last night, it's New Year Eve. My boss invite us to his baby full month celebration in New Wong Kok Restaurant.
End my Year 2010 by went to TTM house to watch fireworks from his house. Thanks so much on the last day of 2010. Although it's just simple but it means a lot to me. :)

A New Year
A New Start
A New Chapter
A New Beginning

Forget the Bad
Cherish the Good

Wish You All Happy New Year 2011

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 12, 2010


Had you ever went to our local 24 hours convenient shop?
And if you hungry, what foods can you search from?
You only able to search for mee cup, snack and typical tit-bits.
For drinks, you can only see few selections from Coke to Spritzer mineral water.sad

But not until you went 7-Eleven in other part of countries.
The first time I went 7-Eleven in Hong Kong, I was so in love with them as they served foods like in chinese restaurant. You able to search for Char Siew Fun rice and even curry chicken noodle.biggrin

When I was in Japan with Nicole, every night before went back our place of stay, we sure will visit 7-Eleven for our dinner. Lots of selection too; Bento, sushi and even spagetti is available too.
How about Taiwan? Gosh. You just can't stop yourself from entering their 7-Eleven too.

Its almost finish coz we went around 9 pm++

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tw 03
tw 04
♥Love Taiwan 7-Eleven♥
I start to miss their 7-Eleven.

So, I recommend you to visit 7-Eleven wherever you're in Taiwan, Hong Kong or even in Japan and trust me, I believe you will go visit for the second time. One of the best place for you to find foods for your breakfast, lunch, dinner and even supper if you are thrifty.

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 12, 2010

First Night Dinner at Osaka

Do you know how much it cost per person to have dinner in Japan?

So, this is the small shop me and my friend went it.
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The ambiance of the little tiny shop.
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The lady who do all by herself. Serve the customers, cook the dishes, etc...

When we start to order, looks like there is a communication barrier. My friend and I speak in English and the lady who served us speak in Japanese with no little knowledge of speaking in English. Luckily I know a few Japanese foods, so I ordered "Tori Katsu Don" but the lady said she only have "Tori Karaage". I know that by the way as TTM always brought me to Japanese restaurant. Thanks TTM!

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Tori Karaage (fried cutlet chicken).
A bowl of rice, 4-5 pieces of chicken, soup and a cold "sky juice"

Then, how much it cost?
1200 yen per person which approximate RM45.

This prove that Japan is one of the most expensive city to live on.

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However, we do enjoy the dinner. Travelling oo... It's like that one lah..

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 12, 2010

7 Days of Sweet Summer Getaway to Hong Kong & Macau Itinerary (2010)

Finally, after 2 months plus, I had finally managed to finish posting my blog regarding Hong Kong and Macau trip.

Here is my Hong Kong & Macau itinerary [click on the blue colour fonts]:

Day 1 (15 September 2010)
- Reached Hong Kong International Airport
- Dinner at Kingswood Ginza Shopping Plaza

Day 2 (16 September 2010)
[Part 1] - Take speed boat from Hong Kong to Macau, Visiting The Sands
[Part 2] - Visiting The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Dinner at Cozinha Pinocchio, Taipa Village

Day 3 (17 September 2010)
[Part 1] - Macau City Tour; Senado Square, Ruins of St Paul
[Part 2] - Avenue of Stars, Tsim Sha Tshui

Day 4 (18 September 2010)
- Ocean Park

Day 5 (19 September 2010)
- Victoria Peak and Madame Tussauds

Day 6 (20 September 2010)
- Hong Kong Disneyland

Day 7 (21 September 2010)
- Breakfast and Lunch at Kingswood Ginza Shopping Plaza
- Goodbye Hong Kong

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 12, 2010

It's My Haul from Hong Kong & Macau (2010)

Hong Kong & Macau 2010

This is one and only photo I have because I accidentally deleted the rest of the photos. Sigh! Not many things I bought from my Hong Kong & Macau trip because I went Hong Kong twice before this. Let's see what things had I bought back from Hong Kong & Macau.

Hong Kong
  1. Pink colour handbag from Ladies Street (HKD200)
  2. Beige colour handbag from H&M. I quite love the quality of H&M products, which I ever bought before from Nice, Paris and United Kingdom (HKD199)
  3. Dark blue colour purse from Esprit (HKD199)
  4. A set of fridge magnet from Ocean Park (HKD20)
  5. T-shirt, cookies, fridge magnet, keychains from Disneyland Hong Kong (HKD1,085)
  1. The famous almond cookies (HKD180)
  2. Pouch from Naraya (HKD136)
  3. Fridge magnet (HKD10)
Did you notice that I even brought back the 2 small cups of Haagen Danz? Haagen Danz is my favourite dessert. Ever bought in Malaysia but it cost RM11 for small cup whereas in Hong Kong, it cost roughly around RM8. That's so cheap, man! The total damages that I spend for my travel haul was HKD1,884.90 (Approximately RM770).

    Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 12, 2010

    First Visit to Hong Kong Disneyland

     Date of Visited: 20th September 2010

    Back in year 2005, it was my first visit to Hong Kong with my family and my late grandfater. It was during Chinese New Year at that moment. Unfortunately, I didn't had the chance to visit Disneyland because it is still under construction at that period. Too bad~

    Then in year 2006, visited Hong Kong again after a week travel around China before going back Malaysia. Unfortunately, we only had 1 day stopby Hong Kong and my mom prefer to spend the time shopping around Mongkok instead going to Disneyland. Here goes again of missing another chance going to Disneyland.

    This time around, my 3rd visit to Hong Kong, Disneyland is a not-to-be-miss in my itinerary. If not, I will regret for the 3rd time. We went Disneyland in the noon time. After having breakfast and a short and quick shopping around Mongkok, we took MRT to Disneyland.

    Disneyland 01
    Disney train with Mickey Mouse theme. Falling in love with this train

    Disneyland 02
    All about Mickey Mouse; the window and even the grip handles

     Disneyland 03
    Entrance of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

    Disneyland 04
    Saw it? Mickey Mouse surfing on the top of the fountain

    Disneyland 05
    D represents Diana. Just kidding. D represents what else? Disneyland

    It was a fine weather until when we bought the ticket, gosh; it starts to rain. Looks like it's not my luck to visit Disneyland.

    Disneyland 06
    Saw people are taking umbrella and wearing rain coat?
    By the way, this is Sleeping Beauty castle

    Although raining, but it don't stop me from....

     Disneyland 07
    Taking photo with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Finally...
    I missed the chance when visiting Paris Disneyland

    Hong Kong Disneyland is Asia's second Disneyland (first is in Tokyo) and it is the smallest Disneyland compare to others. Therefore, we plan to go there after lunch. There are 4 themed lands; Main Street U.S.A., Fantasyland, Advertureland and Tomorrowland.

    We only able to enjoy few rides mostly indoor one. In order to kill time, we even went to watch those live show such as The Lion King Musical Performance.

    Disneyland 08
    One of the indoor ride, Space Mountain

     Disneyland 09
    Buzz Lightyear which famous for its "To infinity and beyond"

    Disneyland 10

    Disneyland 12
    Hakuna Matata

    Disneyland 13
    It's A Small World and I watched for second time. The first time was in Disneyland Paris.

    Not much photo can be taken as the rain starts to fall heavily in the evening. But one thing that cause us to wait till night time is the fireworks over the Sleeping Beauty castle. It's so amazing and mesmerising. There is suppose to have performance before the fireworks but it had been cancel as the rain non stop falling.

    Disneyland 11
    Impressive fireworks

    The park ticket cost HK$350 per adult for 1-day ticket.
    (UPDATED: Effective from from 1st August 2011, the 1-day ticket has increased to HK$399)

    How to get to this fairy-tale theme park: 
    Take the Tung Chung Line to Sunny Bay and then transfer to Disneyland Resort Line.

    Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 12, 2010

    Victoria Peak & Madame Tussauds

    19th September 2010
    We supposed to go Ngong Ping 360 which is the getaway to Lantau Island and famous for the world's tallest, outdoor, seated bronze statue of Giant Buddha but due to the overheat (the very very very hot weather), we cancel the plan. We woke up late as we don't have enough sleep for the last few days. Travelling is like that; sleep late at night and wake up very early.

    Since woke up late, find breakfast also much convenient as more shops are open. After breakfast, we moved to another Hong Kong famous attractions, Victoria Peak. Victoria Peak is also my second visit by the way =p. If you like to have a stunning 360 degrees panoramic view accoss Hong Kong, this is the best place to be.

    There are lots of attractions in Victoria Peak. Our main destinations is visiting Madame Tussauds which located in the Level 2 of Peak Tower. Madame Tussauds is a wax musseum displaying lifelike wax of historical and royal figures, celebrities and sports stars. So, we took this opportunity to spot our favourite superstars and pose lots of crazy pictures.

    From East ===>

    Lee Ping Ping and Andy Lau are promoting their latest movie

    Who in the world will not know this guy? Jay Chao, the Taiwan king rapper which sometimes I can't hear what he was singing or rapping :P


    Everyone knew him as Ip Man; Donnie Yen

    Theresa Teng looks stunning in awesome cheongsam

    Anita Mui

    Even Korea superstar is here; Bae Yong Jung from Winter Sonata

    To the West ===>

    Lastly, not forgeting the famous sport star of all time, David Beckham

    How to get there: MTR to Central Station and exit J2. Turn right, through Chater Garden, cross Queen's Road Central and make way up to Garden Road. Pass the Bank of China Tower and Citibank Plaza on the left and St John's Cathedral on the right before arriving at the terminus, which is on the left hand side.

    Both Peak Tram and entrance to Madame Tussauds cost HK$180 which is highly recommend to take combo package.