Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 12, 2011

Top 3 Commentators for Year 2010-2011

Deng! Less than 4 hours gonna bid goodbye to the year 2011 and then, brace yourself for welcoming the year of 2012 soon.

Now let's back to the main topic. Refer to few of my previous post, I did mentioned that I will give a lil gift for those who always come and support my blog especially for those who leave a trail or comments in my blog. I remembered Armstrong did mentioned before in his blog that every bloggers love comments. Who doesn't right? Therefore, I decided to reward the top 3 commentators of my blog to show my lil appreciate for what you did to my humble blog.

*Let's the drum roll...............*

Begin from the bottom top 3

Rexs Leonard J. Madan from Si Aki Borneo - with 30 comments

I remembered most of his comments on my previous posts were all about the photo I took for my Japan trip. Thanks for a lot for the compliment but I think Aki's photography skill is much better than me.

UPDATED on 08.02.2012: Rexs a.k.a. Aki did a post regarding the gift that he received. Do check out his blog - si Aki Borneo: Year of the Dragon's Luck: Early February.

Here's the small lil gift for you, Rexs:
Top 3 Blog Commentators
  • T-shirt from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Fridge magnet from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Face mask from Seoul, South Korea
  • Handphone ornament from Seoul, South Korea

For the top 2

Mei Tzeu from Sketches of Life - with 34 comments
A blogger cum my own friend who I met during college time. She is very active in blogging and if not mistaken, she started blogging during further her study in United Kingdom. What I loves about her blog is her food posts. Everytime when I wanna find great foods around Kota Kinabalu, her blog is the one that on my mind.
Here's the gift for you, lady:
Top 2 Blog Commentators
  • Unique handbag which can only found in Bandung, Indonesia
  • Fridge magnet from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Face mask from Seoul, South Korea
  • Handphone ornament from Seoul, South Korea
  • A black headband

Finally for the winner goes to...

Ken Wooi from - with 40 comments
He claimed himself as not-so-famous blogger but who on blogsphere doesn't know him? In my opinion, not matter how famous he is, he is one of the most down to earth blogger. He is willing to sit down, read the blog and comment it. Ken, no matter what post did you published either personal, advertorial or anything, your blog is the best one lah!
Here is my gift to this famous blogger:
Top 1 Blog Commentators
  • T-shirt from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Bookmark (special edition) from Bandung, Indonesia
  • Face mask from Seoul, South Korea
  • Handphone ornament from Seoul, South Korea
  • Earphone (Orange colour; Ken, your favourite lah)

For the rest, how I wish I could reward something for you guys too but unfortunately, I can't or else, definitely there will be heavy damages in my bank account. But I really like to thanks thanks a lot to all of you. If without you guys, my blog wouldn't go so far.

Here are the list for those who comments at least 10 and above:
1. Armstrong - 27 comments
2. Shirley Tay - 24 comments
3. Biqque - 16 comments
4. Nava.K - 16 comments
5. SJB aka Sue J-B - 15 comments
6. Miss. Tina - 15 comments
7. Sailor - 13 comments
8. hcworld of Travel and Photography- 13 commetns
9. CathJ - 13 comments
10. Jeff Chuah - 11 coments
11. Daniel Chiam - 11 comments
12. Eric Lee - 11 comments
13. Cutebun - 10 comments
14. de engineur - 10 comments
15. maso.tee - 10 comments

Hey, but wait! I did randomly pick someone from the list above for giving the best comment. And the one that give the best comment is...

Sherrie Pui from cutebun

The comment given by her:
"Awesome guide. I feel like reading lonely planet! =D I wanna go Japan. Yosh!"for the post "Top 5 Things To Do or See in Osaka, Japan"

The prize for you
Best Comment

For the four winners above, hope you guys like the small tiny little gift that I prepare. By the way, don't forget, to leave your name and mailing address to my email: to courier the gift to your doorstep.

So, that's the end and final post of my blog for the year 2011. Blogging for almost 4 years, this year is the first year that I managed to reach more than 100 posts. Hopefully in 2012, I could post more on travel blog and not forgeting, more trips, travel and vacation to come. *wink wink*

Before I end this, I would like to wish to all my readers;

Wishing this new year brings you with new hopes and new opportunities to explore.

*✫✫✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫✫✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫✫✫
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Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 12, 2011

Tyrol, Austria

Small Note: Being abandoned for almost 2 years in order to give way to blog of other places first, and now decided to resume my trip around Europe in 20 days back in year 2008.

Austria 01
You know how exhausted and tiring to sit in a bus for almost 12 hours a day for the straight 20 days?

The 6th country that we stopby during the trip around Europe in 20 days. Austria (somehow sounds like Australia) is one of the landlocked country in Central Europe. Once we reached Tyrol, one of the city situated in the west of Austria, this city somehow give me somekind of feeling that I was in Switzerland.

Austria 03
The clear blue sky and the green mountain in Tyrol is really similar to the one I saw in Switzerland.

Austria 04

Austria 05
Not only for the scenery, even each and every of the structure and design of the building also similar to Switzerland.

Austria 07
This is the guest house that we're overnight during our stayed in Austria.

Austria 06
Nestled in the Alps with a river which runs through it.

Although we didn't managed to do sightseeing for the attractions because most of it being blocked by the mountains, but this is one of the coolest place to plan for an extreme outdoor activities such as skydiving. Few of my tourmates from Australia did skydiving by jump off from the small aircraft and managed to witness the spectacular view of the city. So envy with them but imagine how expensive it was? To jump off one time like that, it cost almost RM1,000. Maybe I should start earn and save money by now and feels the satisfaction of using own money, right?

Austria 08
Even though we didn't do the skydiving, but we rent a bike and cycling around the town. The weather on that day is cloudy and windy and we're absolutely love these kind of weather. It was the perfect time for us to cycling around. (Hey, I just did cycling too yesterday around one of Sabah's magnificent resort with boyfie).

Austria 09
What an amazing scenery? The city with no pollution and all you feel is the fresh air. It is absolutely a healthy place to stay.

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 12, 2011

Indonesia Trip Teaser

Hello everyone! It's been a hectic period for me for the past few days as I was sick, tried to adapt to my new working environment and doing my last minute plan for my trip. Yeap, currently I'm somewhere around Indonesia and guess this year will be another year for me to celebrate Christmas in oversea as in previous year, I was in Taiwan celebrating Christmas.

Indonesia is my fourth trips of the year and it is also will be my final year end holiday. Hopefully no more sudden trip again because I'll busy with other things soon I get back to KK. So far for this trip, everything is under control (hopefully) and what amazed me was the people over here was so friendly. However, things are expensive especially on the transportation and foods.

Jakarta Trip 2011
We took direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Jakarta.

Jakarta Trip 2011 02
Then on the next day we reached, we took train from Jakarta to Bandung.

Bandung Trip 2011
This is what I hate when comes to travelling - Heavy rain really spoil the travelling mode

Bandung Trip 2011 02
We stayed so near to the shopping mall and street which means, soon we'll burn a hole in our pocket.

Bandung Trip 2011 03
But for a non-shopaholic like me, I did plan for few sightseeing around the city. I can't stand if shopping everyday lah.

It will Christmas soon in the next few days. Hereby I wish everyone especially to my dearest readers,

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Bandung Trip 2011 04
May this wonderful festival bring abundant joy and happiness throughout your life!

Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 12, 2011

Foodie Friday: Pancake House International, Karamunsing

Pancake House International 02 Frankly speaking, I am not a big fan of pancake neither do I ever crave for it too. But my two nasty besties send me a photo and try to seduce me while I was doing my revision in KL and told me that there was a newly opened franchise restaurant in KK city, hence I replied to them that I love to try once I am back to KK. Who doesn't love to try new thing?

A day after I reached my beloved KK city, both of them brought me to the place we'd promised before. Gosh, the gals seems like the regular customers of the restaurant. Had tried this, had tried that before but for me, everything is completely new - so it took a long time for me to decide which to order.

Pancake House International 01

Pancake House International 02
For those who is die-hard-pancake, it's a must try!

Not just they do serve pancake, there are lots of other choices to choose including western foods like steak, burger and more.

3 of us decided to order the set meal, as it is more worthwhile for money.

Pancake House International 03
A set meal come along with a drink and we prefered Iced Lemon Tea.

Pancake House International 04
Spaghetti taste nice and for the taco, I would live to give thumb up for the taco. Unfortunately, disappointed with the fried chicken, it taste salty.

Pancake House International 05
A sandwich, a salad and taco too.

Pancake House International 06
A meal wouldn't complete without order their signature dish - Pancake.

It's not bad after all trying the pancake. But somehow, pancake still not my favourite food. Another new place in KK town for family and friends come together to enjoy an awesome foods.

Pancake House International,
Ground Floor,
Karamunsing Complex
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2011

Top 5 Things to DO or SEE in Osaka

Small Note: I'm back from my almost 2 weeks hiatus mode. Done with my exam and now I can start blogging. Yipee!

Since AirAsia X has just commenced their new route to Osaka, Japan end of last November, I really felt wanna go again after saw the promotion price for less than RM650 for the return flight. It is damn freaking cheap, seriously. Since ever my maiden visit in Autumn 2010, I really wish go and revisit Japan again especially Osaka, as it is also the main getaway to Kyoto, Nara and even Kobe.

Hence, I decided to resume my blog by starting my humble sharing of the top 5 things to Do or See in Osaka, based on my own personal experience:

1. Osaka Castle

Known as Osaka-jo in Japanese language, this is another classic style of the Japanese castle. Osaka Castle is Osaka's famous landmark and even it is notable to be the symbol of the city with its 500-years incredible history. The castle even features museum where you can see historical artifact. The most recommended season to visit will definitely during the spring season as the castle will be surrounding with magnificent sakura blossom bloom, which usually takes place in early of April.

Opening hours: 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Admission: 600 yen
How to get there: The closest JR station to Osaka Castle is Osakajokeo on the JR Loop Line.


2. Umeda Sky Building 
Stands upon 173 meter tall, Umeda Sky Building is the most amazing piece of architecture featuring two 40-storey towers in the district of Osaka. The two main towers are connected with each other by The Floating Garden, a rooftop observatory on the 39th floor. However, too bad this place is not recommended for those who afraid of height because during getting to the top, you will experience see-through glassed-in escalator for the final five floor storeys.
The open air observatory offers a great and spectacular night view of Osaka City.

Opening hours: 10:00 am - 10.30 pm (entrance until 10:00 pm)
Admission: 700 yen
How to get there: 10 minutes on foot from JR Osaka Station or Hankyu Umeda Station.

3. Shinsaibashi Shopping

Shopping from head to toe, shopping till you'll drop will be the most probably especially to the ladies that it is hardly to avoid when visiting this shopping haven in Osaka. Shinsaibashi Shopping Center is the largest shopping area in Osaka which extends up to 580 meters in a north-south direction and approximately 180 stores including old-established shops, department stores, and those selling major brand products such as Shiseido and Kose which stand next to each other. One unique and vibrant shopping experience shouldn't to be miss.

  4. Dontobori

Another Osaka's most famous tourist spot, Dotonbori is the most happening and liveliest area when the day turns to night. This single street runs through the Dotonbori canal is packed with many restaurants and become the main destination for both domestic and foreign tourists for a food hunt in Osaka. What Dotonbori amazed me was the hundreds of colourful neon lights and advertisement signboards brighten up the street during the night time, including the famous Glico Running Man sign and Giant Crawling Crab sign.

5. Okonomiyaki & Takoyaki
Just like Tokyo is famous for sushi, Osaka is non-exemption for that too. A must try Osaka's famous local delicacies, Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake) which to be known as "Osaka Soul Food" and Takoyaki (octopus ball) when visiting the city of Japan's spiritual heartland. These two dishes are belief originated from Osaka and being popularised by a street vendor sinceafter.

So, interested going to Osaka, Japan and wanna experience all the above?

Frankly speaking, even myself would definitely love to make another revisit again to cover some other area which I miss out during my first visit including;

Universal Studio Osaka, the first theme park located outside USA
Universal Studio Osaka

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, one of the largest public aquarium in the world
Kaiyukan Aquarium Osaka

Till then, sayonara and hopes you guys enjoy reading of my this small lil sharing!