Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2016

Cat Playground Cafe Myeongdong, Seoul

Date Visited: 26th March 2014 

As it was our last day in Seoul, we decided not to travel further and just loitering around Myeongdong Street, which not far away from Namsan Guest House. Oh well, it's another last minute shopping activity again especially for my mom. In the midst of wandering around, we spotted a cute orange colour mascot, to be precise it's a cat looking mascot with a signboard hanging around his/her neck. Approached the cat mascot closely and we saw it's written Cats Cafe and the rest were in Hangul. 

All these while I knew about this interesting themed cafe existed but never in my life visited this before. Hence, we're thinking why don't give a try since we still have plenty of time before our departure time. 

#1: Cats Cafe in Myeongdong 

We're greeted by the staff who politely requested us to take off our shoes and wear the slippers they prepared for the visitors. And upon entering the cafe, we had to disinfect our hands with a sanitizer to prevent from bringing any hidden gems to the cats. Just when we thought it's free to enter and what we need to do is just order the drinks we wanted, we're so wrong at all. Each visitor is charged with admission fee of 8,000 won for adult and 7,000 won for the kid. Although the admission fee is included a cup of drink with the choice of coffee or tea, I still found it's pretty pricey if covert back to Ringgit Malaysia - it's approximately to RM25. Since we had stepped inside the cafe and no choice but to proceed with paying the admission fee and ordering the drinks for four people. 

#2: The kitchen 

While taking our order, the staff briefly explained to us few things we should take note of, such as:
  1. The cats with the blue scarf signify they are pretty sensitive. So, it's advisable not to get too close to them.
  2. Camera flash is not allowed as the eyes of the cat is quite sensitive.
  3. Put all the belongings into the bag as these cats might be naughty. 
#3: Almost 20 cats within the cafe with different breed 

There are like almost 20 cats within the cafe; some were indeed playful and naughty and some slept throughout our visit there. We were in our best to avoid those with the blue scarf and play with those keep approaching us. 

#4: Playful cat on the barista 

 #5: My drink and the cat 

 #6: Yoga cat?

It's funny when my family and I are not really into cats, it's not like we dislike nor we hate but we are more into dogs (my family owning 5 dogs currently) but in this cafe, we just can't help ourselves with the cuteness overload by these furry little one. All of these cats were indeed being well-taken off and the cafe is exceptionally clean from any of their pee and poop around. I guess this is an ideal spot for us to kill the time before leaving to the airport. Meow Meow! 🐾 

How To Get To Cat Playground Cafe in Myeongdong
Myeongdong Station - Exit 6. Walk straight until spot New Balance shop and turn right. The cafe is located on the 3rd floor. 

Opening Hours: 12 pm to 11 pm (Close on Sunday) 
Admission Fee: 8,000 won for adult and 7,000 won for children including one drink 

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 5, 2016

Foodie Friday: My Favourite Korean Local Delights

Kimchi - Nay!
Bibimbap - Nay!
Tteokbokki (Spicy Korean rice cakes) - Nay!

Although I dislike the above food which are indeed authentic Korean dishes but thank goodness for their diverse cuisine, Korea has wide array of food to explore ranging from traditional dishes, Korean BBQ to finger licking good street food. So what were my favourite local delights when I was in Korea two years back? 

1) Korean Spicy Chicken 
South Korea 2014 - Day 01 Busan 08 Haeundae Market
#1: Street food in Haeundae Market - Korean spicy chicken, my favourite

I'm so addicted to Korean spicy chicken lately. Probably I love the spicy and sweet sauce coated with chicken. One bite and you want more! 

2) Jjim dalk
South Korea 2014 - Seoul Bukchon Hanok Village Jjim Dalk 02
#2: Jjim dalk, a hidden gem of Korean cuisine

Jjim dalk is a dish originated long ago in the city of Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. Normally, this dish is served on a huge plate of steamed chicken with sweet and sauce based mix along with potatoes and veggies over a bed of glass noodles. This is the second time I had this after my Korean friend introduced to me. Guess what, even my family enjoyed this meal. 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Bukchon Hanok Village Jjim Dalk 01
#3: Something different from the norm - Hot Curry Jjim dalk in Bukchon Hanok Village 

I spotted two restaurants in Myeongdong that serve delicious Jjim dalk: 

South Korea 2014 - Restaurant in Myeongdong 02

South Korea 2014 - Restaurant in Myeongdong 01
#5: Bongchu Jjimdak 봉추찜닭
Address: 33-9, Myeong-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 

3) Yoogane - Marinated Chicken Galbi Fried Rice
South Korea 2014 - Yoogane Myeongdong 02
#6: There are more than 130 branches in South Korea. Even in Myeongdong alone, I spotted two

More than 130 branches in South Korea, Yoogane is well-known for Galbi, a pan-grilled marinated meat with an unique sweet and spicy sauce as the main dish and served with either Tteokbokki (Korean rice cake), sweet potatoes, fresh vegetables, noodles, rice, cheese, chicken and even together with seafood and stir-fried all together on the pan. Although they are not Halal certified restaurant but I found out plenty of Muslims dine-in here. 

South Korea 2014 - Yoogane Myeongdong 01
#7: Yoogane is well-known for Galbi, a pan-grilled marinated meat

South Korea 2014 - Yoogane Myeongdong 03
#8: There even have free flow salad bar serving kimchi, pickles and sliced cabbages and you can take as many as you want

4) Gimbap
South Korea 2014 - Seoul Gimbap

Looks like sushi, taste like sushi but somehow there are two significant differences from the authentic Japanese sushi rolls in terms of the rice and the filling. While Japanese sushi rice is seasoned with vinegar, gimbap is cut with sesame oil and sweeter. As for the fillings, most of the time Japanese filled with raw fish such as salmon, tuna whereas Korean filled with the inside layer with cooked or preserved items like canned tuna, kimchi, grilled bulgogi, ham and cheese. Despite the differences, I never missed out to have gimbap whenever I saw selling by the vendor street food. 

5) Budae Jjigae
Last Day in South Korea 07 - Budae Jjigae

Budae Jjigae is a thick soup mixed with modern ingredients like instant ramen noodles, sliced sausages, canned ham, sliced of American cheese, garlic, onion, kimchi along with with traditional spicy soup flavoured with red chilli paste. Absolutely suits to my liking as spicy food is what I'm looking forward. Again this is the second time I had when I travelled with my family but we need to reduce the amount of red chilli paste cause my mom unable to bear the level of spiciness. The shop is located in Myeongdong too. 

6) Korean BBQ
South Korea 2014 - Seoul Korean BBQ

Obviously a trip to South Korea is incomplete without having Korean BBQ. The best way to enjoy these meaty goodness is wrapped the marinated pork galbi together with garlic and onion in lettuce leaves. 

7) Garlic Bread by Paris Baguette 
South Korea 2014 - Paris Baguette Cafe

It's hard not to miss out any cafes in Seoul and Busan cause they are like almost everywhere. Among all the cafes, I personally like breads and pastries by Paris Baguette especially their crispy bite of garlic bread.

South Korea 2014 - Paris Baguette Cafe 2

8) Banana Flavoured Milk
South Korea 2014 - Korean Milk

This is one drink that shouldn't miss by anyone when visiting South Korea. Some said it's too sweet but it is one of the best seller drinks in South Korea. Besides the banana flavoured milk, there are even other flavours available such as honeydew and strawberry.

Well, so what's your favourite Korean local delights? By the time writing this post, I'm seriously craving all the food above now and wishing I will be back to South Korea again, for the third time.

[Credit To: Food Republic

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2016

COEX Aquarium, Seoul

Date Visited: 25th April 2014

Right after we done with the free traditional Korean costume experience, we proceeded to Coex Mall, the largest underground shopping center in Asia containing convention centers, exhibition halls and various malls in Gangnam area. But our main purpose is not for shopping but merely for Coex Aquarium which is housed within Coex Mall. It's time for under the sea again! 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 01
#1: Coex Aquarium is housed within Coex Mall

Being recognised as one of the largest aquarium in South Korea, Coex Aquarium showcases more than 40,000 sea creatures from over 650 different species on display. Just like any other aquariums, Coex Aquarium features distinctive unique of theme areas in order for the visitors to view species of fish indigenous to the theme location. 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 01-1
#2: Took photos before start the tour 

The uniqueness of Coex Aquarium is where it has been designed according to "Water Journey" theme. Upon entering into the museum, visitors were embarking on an adventures by following the water on its journey from the high Andean mountains, through the Amazon tropical rain forest to rivers, swamps, seashores and finally reach to the depths of the ocean.

#3: The map of COEX Aquarium [Source]

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 03
#4: Story of Korean Fish 

The tour starts off by displaying the uniqueness of Korea where the exhibit area is filled with different types of Korean fish. Slowly then we proceeded into the Garden of Korea, where it reminiscent the garden of Gong, the Korean Palace. This is where I found it's pretty fascinating where they were doing their best to promote the beauty and charming of Korea eventhough it's within the aquarium.    

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 02
#5: Garden of Korea 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 04
#6: Look closely. Real fish display inside a painting 

We came upon an interesting and catchy exhibition by the named of "Fish Wonderland". It was literally blew our mind instantly where instead keeping the fish living in typical fish tank, these fish were swimming in a collection of eccentric fish tanks which one never though of, such as telephone booth, bath tub, toilet bowl, refrigerator, computer monitor and more. 

South Korea - Seoul Coex Aquarium 12
#7: Fish Wonderland where fish are keeping in a collection of eccentric fish tanks

South Korea - Seoul Coex Aquarium 11
#8: Besides fish and sea creatures, other local animals are also included in the exhibit such as birds, Egyptian Fruit bats, otters, Squirrel monkeys and more at the Amazonia World theme area.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 07
#9: A special area for the Korean couple to display their love 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 08
#10: Ocean Kingdom where visitors can view sharks, stingrays, sea turtles and more sea creatures swim in all directions

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 09
#11: Always my favourite part when comes to aquarium - watching jellyfish

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Coex Aquarium 10
#12: We ended our tour at the Happy Feet's playground

Fun fact of penguins: Do you know that the clear line on the chest indicate that it is adult penguin whereas without clear line is a young one. 

Is it worth to visit? If you are in tight schedule over your South Korea trip, probably you could just skip this tourist attraction cause it almost similar to the rest of the aquariums. But if you have little children with you, perhaps bring them along and I believe they will having more fun here than the adults. 

How To Get To Coex Aquarium
Samsung Station - Exit 5 or 6 connected to the Coex Mall. The aquarium is located at the end of the Ocean Walk section. It is next to Megabox Cinema on the Basement 1 arcade.
Admission Fee: 22,000 won for adult and 19,000 won
Opening Hours: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 5, 2016

Free Traditional Korean Costume Experience in Seoul

Date Visited: 25th March 2014

Have you ever thought of experience the traditional local costume whenever travel foreign countries? What's more when you can experience it for free, without any additional charge? Yes, you can do so when you're in South Korea.  

My family and I got the opportunity to experience Hanbok, the traditional outfit for the Korean when we're in Seoul and it's absolutely free of charge. Thanks to Kampungboycitygal, one of my favourite blog when relating to travel for sharing this, or else we will going back Malaysia with regret and disappointment. 

South Korea - Seoul M Plaza
#1: M Plaza of Myeongdong Street 

Where to experience this? It is located at Seoul Global Culture & Tourism Center on the 5th floor of M Plaza in the hustle and bustle of Myeongdong Street. It is easily to spot M Plaza once you saw Zara and Forever 21 in between. Although the center starts at 10.30 am, but it is advisable to go early for registration purpose. First come, first served basis and advanced registration is not available. 

South Korea - Free Hanbok Experience 01
#2: Registration counter. First come, first served basis. Advanced registration is not available

For each time slot which takes about half an hour, only two groups (maximum 6 per group) are allowed to enter for free hanbok experience and phototaking. Luckily us as we got the second time slot, which was at 11 am or else, we might need to wait for another few hours before our turn. Like they said, the early bird gets the worm. 

South Korea - Free Hanbok Experience 02
#3: Not just for free hanbok experience, there are also traditional art classes available here

South Korea - Free Hanbok Experience 03
#4: Various of hanbok to choose from 

Now, let the photos do the talk:

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 07
#5: Love the combination of these hanbok colours adding with simple accessories

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Free Hanbok Experience
#6: Yours truly and baby sister

Although it was kinda rush for the phototaking, but I glad and delightful to see both my mom and sister enjoyed this fun moment experience to the fullest. Do we wanna try for second time again? Of course yes! Afterall, it's free. 

How To Get Here
Myeong-dong Station - Exit 6. Walk straight until you see M Plaza on right side. Seoul Global Culture & Tourism Center is located on the 5th floor of M Plaza. 

Korean Culture Experience: 10:30 am to 6:00 pm daily 

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2016

The Day I Wandered Alone in Seoul

Date Visited: 24 March 2014

It all started when my sister and her boyfriend intended to visit Everland Resort, so I brought them to Gangnam Station where the bus station to Everland is situated. Since I went before, I decided not to go and wandering other places with my mom along. However when the bus approaching, out of sudden my mom jumped into the bus together with my sister and her boyfriend and bid me goodbye. I was indeed in state of shock but then, that indicate Seoul is a safe place for a lady to travel alone and my mom believe I could wander independently. 

Since I was alone, hence I took this opportunity to visit the places I've never been before.

Ewha Womans University
Ewha Womans University was Korea's first educational institute for women and the largest in the world. Surprisingly, Ewha Womans University area is also well-known to be one of the popular shopping districts in Seoul. Once I got out from the nearest station and on my way leading to the university, I found myself surrounded by various clothing stores, accessory shops, cafes and hair salons. Most of the items there are pretty cheap and affordable.  

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Ewha Womans University 03
#1: Shopping district of Ewha Womans University 

Talking about the university, it seems like anyone whether local or foreigner are allowed to enter into the university without any restrictions. Although it's a private women university, but I spotted some handsome guys within the university. *wink wink* I even went and visited the campus and oh boy, how I wish I could be back to university again. University life is one of the best moment of my life, to be honest.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Ewha Womans University 01
#2: Ewha Womans University - I wish to be back to university again! 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Ewha Womans University 02
#3: Ewha campus complex 

How To Get To Ewha Womans University:
Ewha Womans University Station - Exit 2 or 3. From the station, 5 minutes walk to the university.

Sinchon Area
Once again, I wandered aimlessly without any printed map on my hand and soon, I found myself in the middle of Shichon area, a place full with youthful and energy vibes. Sinchon is widely claimed as the Mecca of Young People for its location surrounded by major universities of Korea such as Ewha, Hongik, Yonsei and Sogang. One thing I notice about Sinchon is it's clustered with wide array of chic and stylish cafes to cater the universities' students. This is where I spotted Cafe Bene before they ventured into Malaysia market a year later.

South Korea 2014 - Sinchon 01
#4: Sinchon area is clustered with wide array of cafes to cater the universities' students 

South Korea 2014 - Sinchon 03
#5: Any Hello Kitty fans? So far, I found there are three Hello Kitty Cafes in Seoul - Myeongdong, Hongik and Sinchon. 

South Korea 2014 - Sinchon 02
#6: Shichon area, a place full with youthful and energy vibes

Itaewon Special Tourist Zone
Located adjacent to the main military base of U.S. Forces Korea, Itaewon has a unique foreign flair. It is a multicultural area where more than 20,000 foreigners live and widely recognised by international visitors. The uniqueness of this street is majority of the restaurants here served international dishes and cuisines from around the globe including from Pakistan, Turkey, India, Thailand, Germany, Spain, Italy, Mexico and more which are not commonly found around South Korea. 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 04
#7: Itaewon - a multicural area

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Itaewon 02
#8: Spotted nation tiles in Itaewon but unfortunately I can't find Malaysia

Another interesting features adding to Itaewon's exotic atmosphere include Seoul's islamic mosque - the first one in Seoul. If you are looking for halal food, there are plenty of halal restaurants nearby the mosque. 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul Itaewon 01
#9: Seoul Central Masjid

How To Get To Itaewon:
Itaewon / Noksapyeong / Hangangjin Station

Namsan Seoul Tower
The final stop for the day is none other than Namsan Seoul Tower. It offers the best location from which to gaze down on the panoramic view of Seoul city and the surrounding areas. Built on the mountain side, N Seoul Tower is Seoul's popular landmark and the ideal time to visit at night as it offers spectacular and mesmerising Seoul's night view from the peak of Namsan mountain.

There are two options to go up N Seoul Tower; via cable car or public bus. A return ticket via cable car cost 8,500 won (approx. to RM26) for adult and 5,500 won (approx. to RM17) for children. However, I opted for the latter option which is significant cheaper than the first option - only cost 1,200 won (approx. to RM4) for a single fare via public bus. 

South Korea 2014 - Namsan Seoul Tower 03
#10: Surrounding at the bottom of N Seoul Tower  

South Korea 2014 - Namsan Seoul Tower 02
#11: N Seoul Tower Ticket Counter - 10,000 won to go up observatory 

South Korea 2014 - Namsan Seoul Tower 01
#12: Ideal time to visit N Seoul Tower is at night 

How To Get To N Seoul Tower:
By Public Bus - click here. I took the bus from Myeongdong Station - Exit 3 and board on Namsan Sunhwan Shuttle Bus No. 5 for only 1,200 won (approx. to RM4) for a single trip. 
By Cable Car - Walk about 10-15 minutes following the street of the right side of the Pacific Hotel, after coming out from Exit 3 of Myeongdong Station. A return ticket cost 8,500 won (approx. to RM26) for adult and 5,500 won (approx. to RM17) for children. 

Admission Fee for Observatory: 10,000 won (approx. to RM31) for adult and 8,000 won (approx. to RM25) for children

However, I didn't manage to up to the observatory tower as I need to rush back to our guest house while waiting for my family members to get back from Everland Resort and having dinner together. 

Yoogane Seoul
Yoogane, one of my favourite restaurants in Korea serving galbi - a pan grilled marinated meat with an unique sweet and spicy sauce served with Korean rice cake, fresh veggies, noodles, rice, cheese and more

Check out my experience of having Yoogane in Singapore - click here