Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 7, 2008

First Chinese Food in Sheffield

It's been 2 days our in-house chef didn't cook. Maybe she's too tired with her work. We also can't really depends on her. Somemore, I was tired as well. Every night sleep late at night, around 3-4 am. I know it's not good for my health but I used to it already. Not busy with any assignments since 2 assignments had been submitted last week, but I just chasing English drama. Grey's Anatomy. Well, hello there, I'm back with this drama again. Sometimes, it's really a touching drama.

Back to topic, due to everynite so late sleep, came back from class, then heading to the bed for afternoon sleep. It's been so long I never having a nice and relax afternoon sleep cause most of that time use for discussion. Luckily for this week itself, all my group members agreed to get a good and enough rest before we continue on the following week. After woke up from my afternoon sleep, for sure will be a little bit and hungry. So we make decision go eat Noodle Inn since lots of people went there already. So me, Liong Sung and Siew Hsia went there to have dinner.

Before we enter, I thought it was a big restaurant. Well, my imagination was wrong. Just a normal shop like the other. However, when I enter, I feel like I in Malaysian Chinese restaurant. I really miss chinese food especially roast pork. And yes, we had order roast pork with rice as well as ho fun.

Comment on the food we had: Well, can't said it really taste nice and also can't really said not nice at all. Just ok. Still can eat. But i really like the roast pork.. Taste nice that the other. And not forgeting, at last I can eat fish cake. The fish cake was cooked together with ho fun. Overall satisfied with the food and we plan to come again to taste the other menu. Before we left, a free chinese dessert for us..Not bad..

Here is the photo of the chinese food we had

Should go and try it. Chinese food in UK not bad at all.
Next food search: Nasi lemak in UK :P

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