Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 1, 2009

Around Europe in 20 Days [Part 5 - Italy]

26th September 2008


Orvieto is the third city of Italy that we visit. It is a historic hilltop city. We took cable car which almost looks alike Penang Bendera Hill's cable car but we didn't need to change twice to reach to our destination. The main focus of Orvieto is the Orvieto Cathedral or known as Duomo di Orvieto. The cathedral’s façade is a classic piece of religious construction, containing elements of design from the 14th to the 20th century, with a large rose window, golden mosaics and three huge bronze doors.


Next, we heading to Italy's capital, The Eternal City of Rome. After been through this wonderful and enriching tour, I think the day my foot step on Rome was my unforgetable day. There were 2 stories that I like to share with u all. We reached Rome on 26th September 2008. This date is special because is was my Queen of my heart birthday. Besides that, it was my classmate and also my housemate, Liong Sung birthday. So, we gave him a call to wish him. He told me that those who join Ken Air tour maybe somewhere around Rome. I was like is it impossible for us to meet them at Rome? OK, before I continue with my story, let me introduce some interesting places of Rome. First of all, Miss Sarah introduce us the Spanish Steps. These set of stairs is the longest and widest staircase in all Europe. It is also the craziest step which was crowded with people.
Spanish Steps. Alamak, so many people!
Next to the Spanish Steps was the Barcaccia Fountain. Miss Sarah told us that it is safety for us to refill water from this fountain.
Andrew refill his water to his bottle from Barcaccia Fountain.

Now the story continue from here. While waiting for my tourmate to refill their water, I was thinking of what Liong Sung told me. My eyes are keep searching and my mind is keep on thinking that will I able to see my other friends who join Ken Air tour? Suddenly I saw a gal that seems so similar was taking the fountain photo. Is that Jing Ying? Then I saw a guy and he is waving to me. And that guy is Joe Tan. I was so shocked and I shouted to Vincent, who was beside me that time that I saw them. It was really them. We were so happy when we ran to them and everyone is looking at us. It is so suprise to see them. It is impossible to see them as their tour was started from the Netherland while we started from Paris.
Us and the Ken Air tour members
Miss Sarah asked us if we had the intention to join them. We really wish to join them but it is better to join back our own tour as we unsure either Ken Air tour guide allow or not.

One of the place that u shouldn't miss when visiting Rome was the fountain. This is the fountain I was searching for, Trevi Fountain. Few movies as well as drama had been taken here. If you are TVB lovers, you should seen this in the drama Triumph in the Skies where Flora Chan makes her wish and throw the coin at this fountain. Besides that, the teenager superstar movies such as Hilary Duff "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's movie "When in Rome". Not forgeting a few scenes of Bon Jovi "Thank You for Loving Me" music video was also taken here. Gosh! This place was totally crowded with lots lots lots lots of people and it is very hard to take a nice and beautiful picture unless you are very professional. While strugging to take photo, I found out lots of people was sitting at this fountain with their ice-cream in their hands while enjoying the view. Suddenly I feel like "I need some ice-cream".
Trevi Fountain

After finish with our shooting, we go meet our tourmembers and some of them also eating ice-cream. They told me that ice-cream was sold for 3.50 euro for 5 flavours. Without thinking too much, I straight ran into the ice-cream shop and order my favourite dessert. Andrew, Nicole and Kyong Hee were following my footsteps too. However, 4 of us were unlucky. This is where my second interesting and funny story came. My tour had gone! Miss Sarah gone! All gone! Left these 4 people holding ice-cream in their hand? What should we do? We keep calling Felicia and Vincent for help but it seems impossible for us to find them since both of them also unsure where Miss Sarah gonna bring them. We haven't finish our ice-cream and yet, we need to run like mad Ox to meet the others. Luckily Kyung Hee is so smart and she guess that the next place was Pantheon. Luckily we find the right place and when we reach there, they are having 30 minutes break. Thanks Lord or else, we need to run again!
Fuh!! So tired after run like mad people

The Pantheo and I'm still holding my Gelati

The final places I gonna introduce (By the way, it's was not final but I will continue in the next post as I was too tired to type) is non other than Colosseum.
Me & my tourmates in front of Colosseum
Final part of Italy will be post in the next post. Chiao and Grazie for reading my non-sense post :P!

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