Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 2, 2009

Day Trip Around Kundasang

This will be final trip of my ji mui in Sabah. At first we plan to overnight at Kundasang yesterday night, but due to some problems, so we postpone it and just make it for a day trip. Thanks to my dad's driver to drive us all the way to Kundasang.

First stop is at Strawberry Farm & Hotel. Quite dissapointed with the strawberry cause it is too small. Next stop is Agro T Nursery, where you can see, feel and touch all the plants and flowers being planted.
After that, we're heading to one of a place that visitor should stopby when going Kundasang. This place is Poring Hot Springs.
Lunch time! We stopby Ranau area to have our lunch. I'm not really sure where and what to eat at Ranau, so we just simply have our meals to fill our hungry stomach.
Finally, this is the place where everyone searching for, Kinabalu National Park. That's our last destination before heading back to KK. This is one of the first national parks in Malaysia and most popular tourist spot where if you want to climb the highest mountain in South East Asia, you could start from here.
Big and huge rafflesia but it is fake one.

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