Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 1, 2011

Party Play Lifestyle Cafe @ Lintas

I think most of you had noticed or even visited this newly opened cafe which located in Lintas.

As what I'd read from Mei Tzeu's blog and one of my colleague, Angliea who non-stop telling me, regarding this Party Play, finally we had decided to have a small gathering at there.

To Mei Tzeu: Sorry for keep put "airplane" since Sept or Oct 2010 on our promise to dine in Koganei Japanese Restaurant, Lintas. Hopefully after CNY, we able to go there for dinner.

The cocktail which I ordered (forget the name xP)

Spaghetti with Tom Yam sauce. Really special spaghetti to me

Roasted Whole Teriyaki Spring Chicken

Overall, the foods are delicious especially the spaghetti which I think you can't find at other place. Most of the restaurant serve spaghetti either in red sauce or white sauce but this one serve in Tom Yam sauce. Besides, I love the unique ambiance of this cafe. Suits the name. I feel like I was picnic somewhere surrounded by the green green grass filled with lots flowers with a cleared blue sky.

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