Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 2, 2011

Miso Japanese Restaurant @ Karamunsing Capital

As today I plan to search for screen protector for my iPad at Karamunsing, we decided to have our dinner somewhere nearby. Without any doubt, my first choice will be definitely Miso Japanese Restaurant. This elegant Japanese Restaurant caught my attention when me, TTM and his friend were having lunch at Mint Peppermint, Karamunsing Capital last Wednesday. Damn likey likey Japanese foods recently. By the way, so far I'm having Japanese foods for the 4th time.

The first three round that I had were also in this month of February. First round was at the newly opened Sushi Tei, Suria Sabah with my deariest. Second round with my family at Sushi King, City Mall. Still remember on the day of this year Valentine's Day - which I'd had dinner at Recipe House, Damai. Maybe there will be fifth round before end of this month. [=.=]

Back to Miso. Let's the picture do the talking.

Miso Japanese Restaurant (2)
This reminds me of the current drama which I watch lately in Astro on Demand.

Miso Japanese Restaurant (3)
The creative and unique ambiance of the restaurant

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Their black book menu
Miso Japanese Restaurant (4)
Miso Japanese Restaurant (5)
Miso Japanese Restaurant (15)

Starting with appetizer
Miso Japanese Restaurant (10)

Miso Japanese Restaurant (6)
Miso Japanese Restaurant (7)
California Maki (Vinegared rice with cucumber, crabmeat stick, omelette, mayonnaise and fish roe). This is my favourite.

Miso Japanese Restaurant (8)
Miso Japanese Restaurant (9)
TTM's meal; Oyaku Jyu (Simmered chicken and egg with sweet and sour sauce). He asked me to made decision for his meal, so I ordered this.

Miso Japanese Restaurant (11)
My meal; Chicken Soup Ramen

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Miso Japanese Restaurant (14)
Another maki again, Tori Teriyaki Maki (Vinegared rice with cucumber, Teriyaki chicken and mayonnaise fish roe). It's so huge that I can't put it into my mouth for the first bite.

Our dinner ends with dessert.
Miso Japanese Restaurant (16)
Cold barley dessert with peanuts and beancurd. It's so refreshing and sweet.

Overall, the foods are excellent and tasty. Especially the Maki. There are variety of Maki and I almost can't made up my mind which to choose from for our dinner. Besides Inari, Maki is also my all-time-favourite when comes to sushi. So, how much we pay for tonight dinner? It cost us RM72.60 for 2 people. With the attentive services and also not forgeting to mention that the appetizer and dessert are complimentary, it is worth every ringgit you pay. But I'm still consider whether to come back for second visit, unless I hit jackpot.

Miso Japanese Restaurant (1)

Miso Japanese Restaurant
Location: F-0-5 & F-0-6, Karamunsing Capital, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Opening hours: Monday - Fri : 10.00 am - 2.30 pm, 6.00 pm - 11.00 pm
Saturday - Sunday : 10.00 am - 11.00 pm

Before I end my post, there is something I would like to post my shoutout for today.

"Karamunsing Capital is the current place for food hunter. Lots of new restaurant opened and lots of foods to try. Can't wait to try all of them! =D"

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