Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 3, 2011

J-Hoppers & Fukushima of Osaka

All along for this Japan trip, I owed Nicole a lots as she really done well with this trip. She booked the accommodation, plan the itinerary, give information and advise to me in order to apply for visa and lots more. Oh ya! I had lots of my friends comment and enquiry regarding Japan trip which I think I will share and post it soon.

During our stay in Osaka, Nicole booked budget hostel/guesthouse for backpackers like us. wink

J-Hoppers is the name and it is located in 3 minutes away from JR Fukushima Station. It is so near that we no need to worry about the time consuming from the hostel to the train station. Besides that, our favourite stopby convenience stores was nearby there too. "7-Eleven is the spot" like what Teriyaki Boyz sang in the Tokyo Drift song. Without 7-Evelen, I can't imagine how can we survive after our first night dinner experience when we arrived Osaka.

Besides the train staion, Umeda Sky Building is also just 15 minutes walk from J-Hoppers.

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Located on the quiet shopping street standing lots of restaurant and bars side by side.

Lobby of the hostel
This is where their reception, welcoming us by their friendly and warm staff.
They even provide lots of flyer for you to get up-to-date local travel information and if you can't find the info you want, ask their staff. [Pics from their homepage]

The well and fully-equiped self-catering kitchen

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Double decked that me and Nicole slept; Me at the top while Nicole at the bottom

Nicole booked the mixed dormitory which fix 6 person in 1 room. It cost 2,500¥ per person for a night. What I like about this hostel was free access to their WiFi using our own gadget. No worry about connecting with my family and friends and back in Malaysia.

Another tips for those who plan to Japan; Nicole and I unable to call back home during our 8 days trip in Japan. So, it is better for you to search for the accommodation that provide free WiFi access.

If you are staying in budget hostel, besides the room, the other part that you would like to know is whether the toilet is clean or not. But for J-Hoppers, you do not have to worry too much because it is awesomely clean and warm too. ◡‿◡

Clockwise: Lavatory with dryer, toilet with heated seat (this is so cool until I don't feel like want go outmrgreen) and showers room with heater. (This pic is not mine too)

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The unique bed curtain. Nicole is busy packing as we are about to leave.

We stayed for 3 nights and we are the only 2 gals in the mixed dormitory eek...All along our stay, we being accompanion by the 4 Caucasians guys. Some from France, some from Australia. On our first night, there was one French guy invite us to join him for dinner but i refuse. Better take pre-caution. But on the next day, that French guy had been checked out from the room. Sometimes I regret for rejecting him because I can have a French guy friend and he can become my tour guide on my upcoming trip to France. ❤‿❤ [Day dreaming again]

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Besides Osaka, J-Hoppers also have branches in other cities; Kyoto, Hiroshima Trad and Hida Takayama. And if you stay any of their branches for more than 10 times (if not mistaken), you will get 1 night for free...

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Fukushima Station

So if you plan to holiday in Japan and overnight in Osaka, do check out their homepage for a pleasure and comfort stay.

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