Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 6, 2011

My Shortest KL Trip Ever

I went KL last month for 2 days or I can said not even reach 48 hours and this is my first ever shortest trip to KL. Mostly people will go KL for 3 days 2 night but what to do, being attached to a job with limited annual leave which I could only apply for 2 days off only.

17th May 2011

The day before I went to KL, TTM and I going to 1B for a movie. After the movie, we went to Digi Centre to subscribe the Digi Plan. As what he promised me for this year birthday present, at last he granted my wish. Although my birthday had been passed for almost 2 months, but it is better than nothing. I never force him to give whatever I want and I couldn't think what I want for this year birthday present. Out of sudden, he suggest handphone and this is what he bought for me.

kl 01
Thanks to my dearest TTM for this HTC Desire HD razz

Initially, he suggest iphone 4 but too bad no luck. There is a story behind why I didn't manage to get iphone (really really long story and too lazy to write it out) and end up, I plan to get HTC Desire HD. Actually I never thought of HTC at all but maybe influence by most of my friends especially two of my bestie who are currently using HTC too, so I think it is not a bad idea to have a try on it. And also it's time to change my 6 years old SE w810i.

However, I never thought that Digi Plan only works after 24 hours you subscribe that plan. End up, I brought 3 hp to KL (HTC, my old SE w81oi and borrow my bro hp). Sounds crazy, rite?

18th May 2011

kl 02

This is my firs time taking AirAsia's plane pic.

Once I reached KL, taking Skybus to KL Central. It had been one and half year since my last visit to KL. Sometimes I do miss KL. Without noticing, there is few changes in KL.

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Especially on their LRT. Got code somemore.

I still keep the Touch n Go card with me and the balance is RM10. Wow! So immediately start my KL trip by going to Central Market or known as Pasar Seni. Someone requested for Baby Milo T-shirt and all I can think is to get it from Pasar Seni. But I not just purposely went Pasar Seni for that, I even bought almost 2kg of dried meat for my family. Can't find the best dried meat in KK, therefore need to get it all the way from KL.

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Bargaining at Petaling Street or commenly known as Chinatown

After that, took KTM to Serdang to find my friend who check-in in Asia's most extraordinary and world-class award winning luxury hotel,

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The Palace of Golden Horses (will blog about this)

End my first night at KL by attending my friend's wedding dinner at the Mines. This is the main purpose I went to KL for. Shamed on those who lived in KL but unable to attend the dinner meanwhile for me, who all the way from Sabah also managed to attend his wedding dinner.

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Congratulation to Lee Bing and Kinki.

19th May 2011

Kicking my day by having breakfast as Wangsa Maju. Loves to have breakfast at Wangsa Maju. Cheap and varieties of choice to choose from.

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Wangsa Maju or more known as Desa Setapak is my lepak place during my study life in KL.

Thanks to Yin Yin,who drop by me here. After the breakfast, went to KL Central to deposit my luggage at the luggage storage for just RM3. OMG! Before this, I thought it cost me more than that not until Yin Yin told me. I feel like want to bang my head to the wall because I brought along my 5kg luggage with me when I went to Pasar Seni for almost 2 hours.

As my flight back to KK around 6.30 pm, so I went last minute shopping at Bukit Bintang. Enjoy the feeling of shopping alone because I managed to shop around 5 shopping centre within 3 hours.

kl 08

Not only shopping centre around Bukit Bintang, I also managed to visit Suria KLCC by taking shortcut behind Pavilion. Which means within 3 hours, I had shopped around 6 shopping centres and all by just walking.

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The purpose I went KLCC is because of the bookstore, Kinokuniya and also having lunch with my deariest, Purplefish. If talking about shopping at Suria KLCC, I would rather shop around Petaling Street or street markets even though under the hot and sweaty weather because I am not those chasing high end products and brand person.

Finally, bid goodbye to Kuala Lumpur.

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Even LCCT changes a lot. More shops are opened.

Three funny things happened when on my way to be on board:

1) Before check-in to the boarding gate, there is an inspection on your identication card or passport. While the security checking my IC, I was almost shocked to death when he knew my dad's name without any computer besides him. WAH! I never knew my dad is so famous. Actually the truth was coincidentally my dad has the same name as Malaysia's infamous producer who has produced uncountable of Malay movie in Malaysia. Guess who is that?

2) During the scan on the hand luggage or cabin luggage, I were being asked to open what's inside my wallet. WALLET??? What had I stored inside my wallet which I never know? They said my wallet contains many metals and guess what? I had too many coins with me. Like that also they can't differentiate coins.

3) Finally, I almost miss my plane because I was queue on the wrong gate. Despite queue on Gate 10, I was queue on Gate 11 due to too much addiction of the new toy (what else non other than new handphone). With my stupidity, I still saying "Wah, that line so fast one!" then I just realised that was my gate. Immediately run through that gate. Lucky enough for me to aware or else, I will heard my name or maybe my dad's name during the annoucement.

Say it is the shortest trip but I blog like I went KL for a week. You might boring with my rants and ramblings of my KL trip as most of you had went there before but this blog serve as a place where I share my travel experience, adventure and journey throughtout my life. Who said go to KL from KK cannot treat as travel adventure?

Before sign off, wishing everyone

I'm going to have my mom's homemade dumpling as my dinner. Yummy yummy!

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