Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 4, 2012

Solo Trip To Ho Chi Minh City, Perhaps?

One-by-one of my previous trips (South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Phuket, Brunei & Philippines) are going to be backdated post because I am so busy with travelling recently. Yeap, just back from Philippines for less than 5 days, and now I am flying off again to another city, another country. So if you are reading this right now, I am at Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam at this moment.

Vietnam 01

This trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was supposed to be a trip of four people but ended up, one of my bestie unable to join due to her final exam was clash with this travel period. But also at the end, I alone wander around this madness and craziness city filled with tons of motorbikes. Ok! Only on the first day I was alone, because two of my friends who supposed to meet me at night, their flight was delayed to the next morning due to bad weather. Even the hotel that I am staying currently including the street, all blackout in the sudden. My heart was almost pumping out from my body at that scary moment.

Vietnam 02
Staying in this big room all by myself on the first night

Frankly speaking, I not that worry and scare to travel around alone due to my past experience that I gained and learned from my previous trip. But there are few things that I dislike about solo travelling and this will be discuss in the future post.

Vietnam 03
Venture around this famous market which situated few steps away from my hotel

So on the second day, finally get to meet and see my friends landed safely and here we go our journey around Uncle Ho's city. Visited few places and attractions which have been recommended or being listed as "a-must-go-places" such as:

Vietnam 04
Presidential or Independence Palace

Vietnam 05
Notre Dame Cathedral

Vietnam 06
Old Saigon Post Office. Not only to buy stamp and send postcard to my friends, it is truly one place you should not miss. I personally love the atmosphere and interior design of the building.

Vietnam 07
A cruise to Mekong Delta is a must when you visit this city

And I just came back from a thrilled adventure enter into super small, dark, hot and stuffy Cu Chi Tunnel. So right now, going to Ben Than night market again for third times for dinner. Hope you guys enjoy reading my trip post to Vietnam.

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