Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 10, 2012

Melbourne, Australia 2012 (Sneak Peek)

Another sneak peek of mine! Just back from Hong Kong & Macau trip, I was flying off once again after resting in KK for 6 days. I went to Melbourne, Australia and I was travelled alone this time around. I always wanna experience travel alone but I found out that travel alone was not really my type. I prefer to travel along with my friends or even with my family better.

I always wanna go Australia since I was 8 years old and after had been waiting for more than 10 years, my tears falling out when I seeing myself landed in Australia. Seriously, I was crying silently but it was cry of happiness. There are many places and cities of Australia to choose from for visiting and holiday but I chosen Melbourne mainly because I have a friend there. Ok, I was not really alone anyway but throughout the trip, I did travel alone most of the time. So, this Australia trip marked as my 7th international trip for this year itself.

Melbourne, Australia 01
Went for 7 days but some of the locals I met told me that I was spending too little time in Melbourne. They advised that I should spend at least 2 weeks. Gosh! How I wish I have more leave for that but I couldn't cause I will be travelling to other destination again. 

So, here's a lil bit of sneak peek of what I did in Melbourne for 7 days:

Melbourne, Australia 02
Flinders Street Station when I took the free city tram for a free ride and also free Wifi Connection at the nearby Federation Square. Melbourne is so stingy with free WiFi Connection somehow.

Melbourne, Australia 03
Ride on Puffing Billy, Australia's oldest steam railway that still runs on its original mountain track.

Melbourne, Australia 04
Went up to 88th floors of Eureka Skydeck for stunning and marvelous unsurpassed views of Melbourne and far beyond. 

Melbourne, Australia 05
Booked a day tour to Great Ocean Road and met lots of new friends from South Korea, Thailand, Germany, Italy and more.

Melbourne, Australia 06
As well for a day trip to Phillip Island and Penguin Parade where I got to experience wildlife adventure.

Melbourne, Australia 07
Another day trip to Mornington Peninsula and finally got the chance to see these brightly coloured bathing boxes that believe some might cost up to thousand dollars. It's unbelievable.

Melbourne, Australia 08
Breakfast and some souvenirs shopping at Queen Victoria Market which you shouldn't miss out when visiting Melbourne.

Melbourne, Australia 09
Tesselaar Tulip Festival which only held from 13th September to 9th October which is the reason why I choose to visit Melbourne during spring season at the end of September and early of October. I never experience spring season before in any country even though I had went more than 20 countries and Australia is the first country where I experienced my first ever blooming spring season.

One thing for sure when in Australia is to experience and see all these wildlife adventures. Seeing penguin parade in Phillip Island was one of the amazing thing that took my breath away where watching a raft of wild little penguin emerge from the sea and waddle across the beach to their sand dune burrows when the sun is down. It's not like you watching them through the glass in some zoo or aquarium but you can eventually get close and touch them. Sometimes, it will reach up to almost 900 of these wild little penguin emerge from the sea. However, no photography is allowed cause penguin's eyes are too sensitive for the flash especially.

Melbourne, Australia 11
Feeding the wallabies. They are so humble and adorable. Well, this is not my first time as I experienced before back in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Melbourne, Australia 12
For the first time I saw these hopping kangaroo and we're so lucky to saw more than 20 of them.

Melbourne, Australia 13
Last but not least, took photo with the koala bear is a must cause you never got the chance to see this cute animal in elsewhere but only in Australia.

One and only thing that I heard from the people I met was "Australia is so expensive!". Well, it is indeed true and for those who went Australia before, I guess you had the same thought as that too. Luckily thank goodness, I saved my cost of accommodation especially where I stayed at my ex-roomate place. Thanks to Jerlin, my ex-roomate for her hospitality or else, I think I will hurt my wallet badly. But that's not gonna stop me from continue chasing my dream to visit other place and city of Australia especially Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Perth. Till then, G'day! That's why Aussie said so!

In between, notice I changed my blog header again?

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