Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 2, 2013

Cashew Nut Factory, Wat Chalong, Karon View Point, Promthep Cape & Seafood Dinner

NOTE: Kinda busy with preparation for CNY, therefore my blog not being updated for almost a week. By the way, wishing all my readers a prosperity, wealthy & healthy year ahead. Welcome the water snake year and get bless. Happy Chinese New Year everyone. 

Date of Visit: 05th January 2012

Since we had wasted half of our day upon arriving in Phuket, I suggested to my friends for a half day tour around Phuket. One of the guesthouse's host, Neil told us that the rate charge for 6 hours tour would be 1,500 baht and one car can accommodate up to 4 people whereas for 9 hours tour would be 1,800 baht. We agreed to take the 6 hours tour although the 9 hours tour seems to be more worthwhile but we had another plan at night, which I will blog in the next post.

Few of the places I did do some research before leaving to Phuket except for the last destination, which was suggested by Neil that shouldn't miss out by any traveller or tourist.

Cashew Nut Factory
Phuket Day 1 - Cashew Nut Factory
 #1: Cashew nut factory

Our first stop was this cashew nut factory, by the name of Sri Bhurapha Orchid. It was the first ever cashew nut factory in Phuket. To our surprised, first time we came across the juice of cashew nut which locally known as Cashewy. As for the cashew nut itself, we spotted that not just the original flavour, there is so many kind of different flavours to choose from; spicy, BBQ, honey, garlic, coconut, butter and even Tom Yam flavour. Not fancy cashew nuts? No worry cause besides cashew nuts, this shop has a whole range of dried fruits and dried seafood too. Plus, this shop even sell some souvenir items such as keychains, fridge magnets, postcards and more.

Wat Chalong
Phuket Day 1 - Wat Chalong 01
When in Thailand, must do the Thai's thing. Visiting the wats or known as Buddhist temples is one of the things you shouldn't miss out in any city of Thailand, including Phuket. We visited Wat Chalong, the largest and most visited temple in Phuket.

Phuket Day 1 - Wat Chalong 02
All the shrines and temples here are perfectly well-maintained and amazingly beautiful.

Phuket Day 1 - Wat Chalong 03
Bear in mind as this is a religious compound, therefore must dress appropriately. Yes, you can still wear a very short pants and short skirts but you will given a "sarong" before entering the temple and return it once done with wandering around the temple. Besides that, we also had to remove our shoe before entering the temple.

Phuket Day 1 - Wat Chalong 04
Although this temple is free entrance but it relies on donation for the maintenance and to keep running. Therefore, don't be stingy and be a generous person to donate some.

Karon View Point
Phuket Day 1 - Karon View Point 01
With our driver, Lob

Our third pitstop was Karon View Point, which is around 35-40 minutes drive from Patong Beach. This place is highly recommended for a spectacular panoramic view of the island. 

Phuket Day 1 - Karon View Point 02
From this viewpoint, it gives a complete view of all 3 beaches on the south side of Phuket Island; Karon Beaches, Kata Yai and Kata Noi. 

Phuket Day 1 - Karon View Point 03
A group photo with my besties

Promthep Alternative Energy Station
Phuket Day 1 - Promthep Alternative Energy Station 01
Although Phuket is just a small little island, but it is well-equipped with signboard everywhere. Talking about lost if you drive by yourself, definitely you won't. 

Phuket Day 1 - Promthep Alternative Energy Station 02
This one is actually not included in my itinerary but our driver purposely stopped by here for another picaresque. Absolutely stunning view and it was very serene too.

Promthep Cape
Phuket Day 1 - Promthep Cape 01
Last but not least, this place was actually recommended by Neil, our guesthouse' host that we should visit this place when in Phuket. Indeed, upon arriving this place, we saw tons of tourists as this place is a staple of many tour itineraries.

Phuket Day 1 - Promthep Cape 02
There is some commercial going on while waiting for the sunset. We're guessing might be car commercials and spotted number of pretty and sexy ladies too. 
 Phuket 04
After waiting for 30 minutes, here is the moment that each and everyone of us were here for - the mesmerising and breath-taking sunset view.  

Phong Phang Seafood Restaurant
Phuket Day 1 Dinner - Phong Phang Seafood Restaurant
Seafood for dinner (Clockwise from Top Left); Spicy Seafood Tom Yam Soup, Steamed Squid Egg with Lemon & Chilli Sauce and Spicy Local Green Vegetable Salad.

Before heading back to the guesthouse, my friend suggested to our driver that she wanna has seafood for dinner and recommended which is the best in Phuket. Hence, Lob which is our driver brought us to this Phong Phang Seafood Restaurant for a decent and fresh meals. While enjoying our meal, we felt the breezy wind as this restaurant is located besides the seaside. For 3 meals together with white rice and beverages, the total damages that we paid was 760baht. Consider quite cheap for a seafood meal. 

Anyhow, our first day in Phuket didn't ended with seafood dinner. We got some night to catch up and wanna know more? Stay tune for the next post.

For more of my travel updates, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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