Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 3, 2013

Day 4 in Phuket & It's Our Last Day

Date of Visit: 8 January 2012

We had to face it that our happy moments in Phuket ended real fast. It's seems like 4 days in Phuket is seriously not enough for us. This trip can be consider as my gathering trip with my besties and so many things we not managed to catch up on each other. But it's ok cause I believe someday we will have another besties trip again.

Since our flight was in evening, therefore we tried to do "some" last minute things before heading to the airport. We woke up quite late as all of us were so exhausted and tired with the island hopping yesterday (Phi Phi Island Day Trip). After done with final packing, we went down and had our breakfast at the food court above the Banzaan Market, which located just few steps away from our guesthouse.

Phuket Day 4 - Phuket Market
#1: Banzaan Market - fresh foods on the ground floor whereas on the 1st floor, this is where foods court located together with some fashion stores.

Phuket Day 4 - Condom on Notice Board
#2: Oh look what I noticed on their notice board?! - Condom babe!

Banzaar Market is runs as early from 6am until 9pm daily. It is located just behind Jungceylon Shopping Mall. You can find all sorts of fresh and great quality of foods here, ranging from fruits, veggies to seafoods, raw meats and more.

Phuket Day 4 - Stalls Nearby Guesthouse
#3: This is our last minute thing - Final shopping at stall nearby the guesthouse

Phuket Day 4 - 7 Eleven & Foods
#4: 7-Eleven of Phuket, Thailand. Just take a look at their wide selection of foods

I think besides those in East Asia countries such as in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 7-Eleven outlets in Thailand turn out to be my favourite spot to visit. My friends and I never missed every of our single day to visit 7-Eleven; when we woke up and even before we went to the bed. One of the plus point we chosen Loveli Boutique Guesthouse was 7-Eleven located just underneath. We even grabbed and bought many kind of foods in 7-Eleven before leaving Phuket especially the Lays potato chips. Hard for me to resist. We even asked our taxi driver to wait for us while doing our "shopping" inside. Crazy bunch of ladies!

After almost an hour ride, finally we reached Phuket International Airport (HKT). Kinda sad to leave this place cause frankly speaking, I tends to prefer Phuket than Bali and wish to come back again someday for another island hopping.

Phuket Day 4 - Phuket Airport 01
#5: Phuket seems to be famous holiday spot especially for the Caucasians.

Phuket International Airport is not as big as what you can imagine. It has only two floors; the ground floor for arrival area whereas the first floor is for departure area. It is advisable to reach the airport at least 3 hours before your flight cause it was crowded and full with hundreds foreign tourists almost everyday.

Phuket Day 4 - Souvenirs in Phuket Airport
#6: Souvenir stores in Phuket International Airport

If you didn't managed to buy any souvenirs for your friends and family, fear not cause you can find in Phuket International Airport. And of course, don't say I never warn you on the price tag.  

Phuket Day 4 - Shops Around Phuket Airport
#7: Coffee corners, jewellery shop and foot massage & spa

One thing I like to share with you guys before I end my this Phuket Travelogue. I always tend to lazy went and queue up with the rest when the announcement for boarding had made. Waited for the queue to be shorter, then I will go on the board. But for this Phuket trip, I realised I might miss out my flight even I on board on time. We were surprised that one or two Caucasians being asked to wait for the next flight cause of "OVERBOOKED". Had anyone of you came across this? Overbooked, man and it's only happened for AirAsia. I guess Malaysia Boleh, AirAsia also Boleh. Therefore, our flight back to Kuala Lumpur on that day was delayed for almost an hour due to overbooked and to solve the luggage of that two passengers being requested for the next flight. I'm not sure whether they will get compensate or not but I believe they should. It's unfair, is it? So the next time, make sure be on the plane earlier than anyone else. That's what I am doing recently cause afraid I might be requested waiting for the next flight.

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