Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 5, 2013

Philippines Day 4 - Manila City Tour Park 4 (Manila American Cemetery and Memorial)

Date of Visit: 23rd March 2012

Before the day turns to night, we managed to visit numerous of places in just a day:
The next place that we are heading to is a place that not many people willing to visit. But when I surfed from the net, it stated that this place was one of the top tourist attractions in Manila. I bet if my mom know that I will visit this place, for sure she will stop me from doing so but I really love to see this place as it being mentioned by visitors that it was beautiful and serene.

Manila American Cemetery and Memorial, which located in Taguig City took almost an hour drive from our previous destination and when we arrived, it almost closed. I was so scared that we might not able to witness this place but thank goodness to Abel, he had few words with the guard and fortunately, the guard allowed us to enter although it almost closed in less than 10 minutes 
Day 4 - Philippines American Cemetery and Memorial 01
#1: White marble headstones in the cemetery. Isn't it beautiful, green, and tranquil?

Manila American Cemetary and Memorial is claimed to be the largest number of graves with over of 17,000 graves of any cemetery for U.S. personal killed during the World War II and hold war dead from the Philippines and other allied nations. This place is so beautifully kept and well-maintained. When almost all the other cemeteries gave the scary and spooky feelings, this one was totally unlikely where it gave us the feeling of calm and peace. 

The cemetery is located at the far side of the large green grassed circle whereas the memorial building is located in front of the cemetery.

Day 4 - Philippines American Cemetery and Memorial 03
#2: A tower containing the small devotional chapel standing in the middle of the walkways.

Day 4 - Philippines American Cemetery and Memorial 05
#3: Inside the chapel, the worship area is set off with an altar crafted from Sicilian marble; on the wall behind it is a blue mosaic featuring a Madonna figure scattering flowers in memory of the heroic dead. [Source]

Day 4 - Philippines American Cemetery and Memorial 04
#4: Tablets of Missing - Over 32,000 names engraved on these limestone walls

Day 4 - Philippines American Cemetery and Memorial 02

Exactly at 5pm, the carillon plays both of the U.S. and the Philippines national anthems, followed by a volley of rifles and the playing of "taps". My friends and I stood still as a respect just like we all did when we sang "Negaraku". After that, we need to be rush in taking photo before being requested to leave by the guard.

This is a beautiful place and worth for every visitor to stop, think and remember. The cemetery is open daily to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except on December 25 and January 1.

[Credit To: Wikipedia,]

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