Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 8, 2013

Ho Chi Minh City Day 4: War Remnants Museum

Date of Visit: 4th April 2012

To be frank, I am not the type who love history and if can, I would try to avoid by visiting those boring museum. I tends to prefer enjoy watching the amazing and beautiful scenery and landscape, visiting theme park or maybe watching the moving creatures in zoo or aquarium. But for this War Remnants Museum which situated in District 3, instead of feeling boring, turns out that my tears almost dropped by just looking at the photos from the past displayed inside the museum.

War Remnants Museum 01
#1: The opening hours for War Remnants Museum

War Remnants Museum 02
#2: The admission fee is 15,000 VND per person (approx. to RM3)

Just as low as RM3 for the admission fee, I guess you won't have to think twice whether to visit this museum or not. War Remnants Museum is being listed as one of the well-known, cultural and tourist sites, attracting both Vietnamese and foreign tourists. It's just located a couple of blocks behind the Reunification Palace. Hence, it would be great idea if you visit Reunification Palace in the morning, have your lunch then visiting War Remnants Museum in the afternoon - in case you only spend couple of days in Ho Chi Minh City.

War Remnants Museum 12
#3: The main building of War Remnants Museum 

Primarily, this museum contains exhibits relating to America phase on the Vietnam War. Frankly speaking, I didn't know much about Vietnam War and if you are interesting to know more, you can read here. But after spending more almost two hours inside this museum, at least I get some roughly pictures of what were going on during the Vietnam War and the huge devastating impact especially to the Vietnamese.

War Remnants Museum 13
#4: Artillery, armor and aircraft collection

War Remnants Museum 15
#5: Unexploded ordnance being display in the corner of Museum's courtyard.

War Remnants Museum 05
#6: Tiger Cages, where the South Vietnamese government allegedly kept political prisoners and for punishment purpose.

War Remnants Museum 07
#7: Exhibition of anti-war artwork done by the Vietnamese children on the ground floor

The museum is specialised in research, collecting, preserving, and exhibition the remnants proofs of Vietnam War crimes and their consequences. It shows some of the true horrors behind the Vietnam War and for those who has weak heart, it may not be the best choice for you to visit cause it comprises provocative displays of photographs.

War Remnants Museum 14
#8: The devastating impact caused by the Vietnam War

It's indeed heartbreaking by just looking at the war documentary photos. I even saw few of the visitors failed to hold their tears in front of the pictures. Initially I decided to take some cruel and horrify photos of the aggressive war crimes especially the traumatizing consequences of Agent Orange and share it here but at the end, it's hard for me to do so cause I was trying my best to hold my tears. Therefore, I only managed to take few photos as the following:

War Remnants Museum 09
#9: Photo of the vicious fighting in Vietnam

War Remnants Museum 10

War Remnants Museum 11

Just when you thought museum is boring, the War Remnants Museum could be consider out of the norm. Not only does the museum illustrate a phase of painful history, but it also tells the unknown stories about war to people.

[Credit To: Wikipedia, Vietnam Travel & Living Guide]

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