Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 9, 2013

Foodie Friday: Sunny Hill Ice-Cream @ Kuching

Date of Visited: 08th September 2013

Life is sweet when I have my ice-cream. I can't deny that my favourite dessert of all time would be ice-cream, besides pudding. So when I went back Kuching last few weeks, I kept telling my dad that I can miss out all those famous foods in Kuching but definitely not this one. I had this ice-cream number of times when I was young but ever since I went college, it's been ages I didn't have this and now I'm craving for more. Thank goodness my flight back to Kota Kinabalu was at night, and therefore we had spare time to visit this ice-cream parlour.

Sunny Garden Ice-Cream 01
#1: This looks alike old school canteen is situated in front of Sunny Hill Secondary School

Sunny Garden Ice-Cream 02
#2: There are plenty of choices on how you want the sundae to be served; either in cone or with cup, served with pudding or in sandwich style, or even banana split to choose from. However, if you opt for take away, extra 20 cents will be charged.

However, there are only certain of flavours will be served on the specific days and most of the time, only two flavours are served; strawberry flavour on every Monday and Tuesday, pandan or corn flavour on every Wednesday to Friday and chocolate flavour on every Saturday and Sunday. Whereas for vanilla flavour, it will be served on every single day. So, no worry for those who love Vanilla.

DSC09273 Kuching
#3: Sweet treat for 6 of us and the total damage was less than RM30

Sunny Garden Ice-Cream 03
#4: Our ordered: Banana split, sandwich sundae, pudding with sundae and the rest were sundae topped with nuts.

Sunny Garden Ice-Cream 04
#5: One thing I love about this sundae is that it was not that too sweet and the texture was very smooth and soft at the same time. Simply perfect to cool down my body in such scorching hot weather.

This famous and legendary ice-cream parlour has been operated for more than 50 years and my daddy told us that, when he was in his teenage year, he went and had this sundae if he happen to pass by this area. I can see that the local keep coming in to this ice-cream parlour for non-stop and full with crowd especially on weekend. No doubt that this simple but sweet local delight has brings so much joy and happiness to the local especially to those Kuching people who grew up with the companion of this ice-cream shop.

Business Hours:
Sunday - Thursday: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

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