Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 12, 2013

Hong Kong & Macau Day 4: Big Buddha, Ngong Ping Village & Citygate Outlets

Date of Visit: 20th September 2012

Day 4 Dim Sum Breakfast
#1: Kick off our forth day by having dim sum as breakfast again. #nonhalal

For my previous trips to Hong Kong, I didn't get the chance to visit Big Buddha in Lantau Island due to time constraint. So this time around, it is mandatory to visit, or else I will hold huge regret for the rest of my life for not visiting this.

Day 4 Ngong Ping Cable Car
#2: Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal

Can't believe once we arrived the starting point, we found out that the most popular way to reach Big Buddla which is by taking cable car has been suspended temporarily for major maintenance. What an unlucky day! Imagine after 4th trip to Hong Kong, I still unable to experience the ride in the well-known crystal cabin.    

Day 4 Bus to Po Lin Monastery
#3: Alternative way to go Big Buddha is by taking bus no. 23.

One thing I like about Hong Kong is the mode of transportation within the country is very efficient and convenient. Just like in this case where the cable cars were being suspended, they will increase the bus frequency. Instead of 1 hour, the bus frequencies range within 15-20 minutes and slowly without realising, it's our turn to board on the bus eventhough it was kinda a long queue in the beginning. The bus ride took roughly around 45 minutes and for your information, passengers are required by law to bucket up their seat belt.

Day 4 Big Buddha 01
#4: In order to reach the Big Buddha, visitors have to climb 240 steps.

Initially, I thought it is free of entrance if plan to head up to the Big Buddha but unfortunately, it's not. The entrance fee is HK$28 per person and this includes a coupon meal to exchange for bean curd desserts and vegetarian snacks.

Day 4 Big Buddha
#5: The Big Buddha, also known as Tian Tan Buddha is the world's tallest seated outdoor bronze Buddha statue.

Although it was quite tiring to climb hundred of stairs but it still worth it. Witness the huge monument right in front of you, it was indeed very impressive and talking about the view from the top, only two words I could describe - magnificent and spectacular. We spend less than half an hour wandered around before going down to claim for our vegetarian meals.

Day 4 Vegetarian Meals
#6: Using the meal coupons to exchange for these - bean curd desserts and vegetarian snacks. So scrumptious!

#7: This place is so windy that you could consider to buy these colourful windmill to play around. 

#8: Before leaving this place permanently, we stepped off to the culturally themed, Chinese-style Ngong Ping Village

Day 4 Different Country Theme Cable Car
#9: First-ever inernational cable car gallery in Ngong Ping Village. Can you guess which country these cable cars represent?

#10:Ngong Ping Village 

Spanning 1.5 hectares, this themed attractions inside the village include the "Walking with Buddha", a multi-media presentation, the educational animated fable "Monkey's Tale Theater". There's also a range of restaurants serving delicious Eastern and Western cuisines and shops with unique souvenirs to take home the wonderful memories of Ngong Ping Village. Don't be surprise if you seeing Starbucks and Subways available here.

We went back to Tung Chung MRT station by taking the same bus number. And before taking train back home, Boyfie and I decided to go for little shopping expedition at this one and only outlet shopping mall in Hong Kong - Citygate Outlets.

Day 4 Citygate Outlets
#10: There are over 80 international brand names all at year-round discount from 30% up to 70%.

Day 4 Citygate Outlets Loots
#11: My loots from Citygate Outlets - Giordano for myself whereas Coach handbag for my Queen as her birthday present.

How to Get To Big Buddha
Tung Chung MTR Exit B and head to Ngong Ping 360 Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal is located just a short stroll away. Alternatively, if you happen to be unlucky like me, take Bus No. 23 and it will stop directly there. As for Citygate Outlet, you will see it once get out from Exit B as well.

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