Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 2, 2014

Melbourne, Australia Day 5: 1 Day Mornington Peninsula Ultimate Tour

Date of Visit: 4th October 2012

Overall from my 8 days trip to Melbourne, I booked three different full one day tours from the local tour operator - Great Ocean Road Classic Tour, Phillip Island Penguin Parade Tour and Mornington Peninsular Ultimate Tour. Honestly speaking, if I have the choice, I wouldn't choose to do so but that could consider the last resort I had. For this Mornington Peninsula tour, it was my last minute decision to book it just for the sank of these brightly colourful bathing boxes.

Mornington Peninsula is just oven an hour's drive from Melbourne city center. Eventually, there are so much to see and do, hence it is ideal for a short day trip from Melbourne or for an extended stay. 

#1: My friend gave me a box of macaroon and I had it as breakfast. Oh dear, they were so huge and most importantly, so delicious! 

#2: Our first pit-stop, the famous colourful bathing boxes in the seaside resort township of Portsea. Do you know some of these bathing boxes could eventually cost up to AUD$250,000? It's unbelievable.

#3: Besides phototaking, we stopby for morning tea. It's so windy!

#4: Next, we reach the stunning Point Nepean National Park. This park is located at the very tip of the Mornington Peninsula. Besides enjoying the truly one of Victoria's spectacular natural landscapes, we also explore the military forts and tunnels.

#6: Without realising, it's time for lunch. Well, of course we're not having our lunch outside cause it's kinda hot, eventhough it was spring but with this kind of awe inspiring view, it's indeed breathtaking.

#7: So what we had for lunch? Let's see - we had red meat like bacon and beef accompanied with bread, cheese and pairing with wine. Oppps, did I tell you that we eventually got complimentary wine tasting as well but unfortunately, I rejected cause I can't drink. Too bad!

#8: The driver stopped in the middle no where cause he spotted kangaroos! What a lucky day!

#9: Drove to the top of  Arthurs Seat's famous Murray Lookout for dramatic bay and coastal views of Mornington Peninsula

#10:Then, we explored the oldest and most popular Hedge Maze in Australia, Ashcombe Maze. Oh gosh, I was indeed lost while getting through this maze but it was freaking fun!

#11: Besides the maze, this 25 acres of woodland gardens are beautifully manicured by vast of colourful flowers.

#12: Wrapped out this tour by visiting Mornington Peninsula Chocolate. Unfortunately, I'm not a chocolate lover and most of these chocolate were beautiful to see but wait till you see the price, it's even more beautiful (if you get what I mean)

Note: The cost for this tour was AUD$145 which included all park entrance fees, morning tea & biscuits and lunch. It even included pick-up and drop-off from where I stayed. 

This tour package I booked from Bunyip Tours.
You can book online at their website or go to their office:
Bunyip Tours
570 Flinders Street,
Melbourne Victoria,
Australia 3000

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