Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 3, 2014

Post The Card (Part 4)

This is another entry of the postcards which I received from my fellow friends as well from the humble and friendly bloggers.
Previous posts:

Hanoi, Vietnam from #travelholicawesome
I was supposed joining them for the 14 days trip via overland from China to Vietnam but due to work commitment, I couldn't made it. So glad that they were so kind to send a postcard to me.

Dalat, Vietnam from Lily Riani
This adorable and humble blogger never failed to send me a postcard whenever she travelled.

Shanghai, China from a close friend of mine, Tracey
First time my friend went China and already had bad impression about the local there.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia from my newly wed couple
This is one of my favourite postcard which I received from my newly wed couple who went there for honeymoon. Great Barrier Reef is another of my travel wishlist.

Phuket & Bangkok, Thailand from Jeff Chuah
Jeff is the first travel blogger that I travelled with and after I back from Laos, he continued another of his adventures to Thailand. 

Japan from #travelholicawesome

Kerala, India from Lily Riani

Bali, Indonesia from Dr. C Wern Hong

Lijiang, China from Ivan Chan
The first postcard I received from this blogger and hopefully to receive more.

Well, I have special announcement to my blog readers. I had decided to send a postcard to 10 lucky readers and as usual, for those who have comment the most in my blog for this year itself will receive a  postcard from my next upcoming trip. As usual, I can't reveal where I will be going. Here are the list of the 10 lucky readers:
1. **Small Kucing & Mamarazzi from
2. **Jeff Chuah from Jeff's Travel
3. **Biqque from Beauty in Darkness 

4. Chency from theChency 
5. **Hong Chern Wern from World of Travels, Environment and Photography 

6. **Shirley Tay from Luxury Haven
7. Muhammad Afif from Travel My Way
8. Twilight Man from Twilight Zone
9.  J-Mei from Interesting Corner of Me

10. Aemy Nadira from Aemy the Lil Lady

For those who without **,  kindly please don't forget to leave your name and mailing address to my email: by 15th March 2014, or else you will miss out this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity from me.

Before I end this post,

Thoughts and prayers to all those affected passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As a wanderlust and also frequent flyer of Malaysia Airlines especially, it's heartwrenching when heard this new on Saturday morning. It's almost 72 hours but until now, no news regarding this missing flight. Let's us pray together for miracle to be happened.

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