16.1 Mega Pixel Camera (White Colour) with SEL1855 & SEL16F28 Lens
Original Price: RM3,005
Bought in August 2012
Selling Price: RM1,800 (Price is negotiable)
All includes:
- Double Lens Kit - SEL1855 & SEL16F28 Lens
- External Flash
- Two Rechargeable Battery Packs (RM285.00 each)
- 8GB SDHC Memory Card
- Rear Lens Cap
- Soft Carrying Case
- HDMI Cable (Mini)
- Pink Jacket Case (RM139.00)
- Compact Battery Charger
- Extra Camera Strap which I bought abroad (RM80.00)
Prefer: Cash on Delivery.
The reason behind I'm selling this because I still prefer small and compact camera. To be frank, Sony NEX 5ND it's kinda lil bit bulky for me cause whenever I travel, I tends to bring tons of things including a laptop. This camera indeed produced great outcomes/results, no regret owning it - you can check out all the photos I took while on my adventures around the world - Sony NEX 5N.
Interested? Kindly please contact me at dianateodt@gmail.com or tweet me at Twitter @dtdianateo
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