Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 6, 2014

Minsu (民宿) I Stayed in Taiwan

Normally, I would blog most of my travelogues in sequence (unless it required to blog urgently) but because lately I received quite numbers of emails asking about the minsu I stayed during my trip to Taiwan last year (My 2013 Year End Trip: Taiwan 台湾 - Sneak Peek), hence I decided to blog about them now.

Taiwan is well-known and popular for minshu (民宿), which is the type of accommodation that equivalent to homestay, guesthouse, B&B and some known as farmstay if there are animals within the property. The experiences of staying in minsu are completely different and unique comparing staying in a conventional hotel. Bear in mind, most of the minsu are mainly to accommodate couples, a small group of families and travellers. Therefore, if you are travelling alone, minsu might not be the best option unless you are willing to bear the cost of paying for 2 pax. One of the main reasons I chosen minsu instead of normal hotel because I love the way how majority minsu in Taiwan are decorated in varierty and colourful themes and decor to light up the atmosphere. 

NOTE: However, the main drawback I encountered with Taiwan's minsu was the owner or host replied me in Chinese when I sent all the emails in English. Therefore, you might need some help from those who know how to read and write Chinese.

Brief details of the Three Different Minsu (民宿) I Booked
1)  Minsu in Taichung 逢甲夜宿館 (In Chinese Name) - Check their Facebook Page

Taichung Minsu

I came across this minshu from Facebook page and after inquired for the room rate (with the help from Boyfie to read, write and translate for me), I found it was indeed utterly cheap and I instantly booked without any second thought. Plus, no deposit of upfront payment required. However, they refused to give me the map of their exact location when I requested quite number of times via email and we need them when we reach Taichung. Overeall, the room is pretty simple, clean and convenient.

Room Rate: NTD1,000 per night (approx. to RM113)
Location: Less than 2 minutes walk to the famous Fengjia Night Market
Facilities: Free WiFi access, Air-Conditioning Room attached with Private Bathroom
Advantages: Cheap, great location and we are allowed to check-in and check-out at anytime if the rooms are not being occupied.
Drawback: Small bathroom and there was no proper place when taking shower. 

2) Sunny Room in Jiufen
(九份) -

Sunny Room Jiufen 04
Our room theme - Dark Chocolate 

Sunny Room Jiufen 03

 Sunny Room Jiufen 01

Sunny Room Jiufen 02
Free breakfast provided by the owner

This was eventually recommend by a friend of mine. A bit pricey and the most expensive minsu I stayed but somehow, it was one of my travel wishlist to stay around Jiufen area and successfully accomplished now. The room was so spacious, beautifully decorated and most importantly, we had our own private balcony to enjoy the magnificent and breathtaking mountain and sea view. However again, this is also exactly the same as above whereby I send so many emails in English but the owner keep replied me in Chinese. Deposit of NTD1,000 is required and it is non-refundable.

Room Rate: 2,600 per night (approx. to RM294)
Location: 10 minutes away from the Jiufen Old Street. It is best to stop at the station between a post office and Hi-Life convenience store when taking a bus.
Facilities: Free WiFi access, Breakfast provided, Mini Bar 
Drawback: Not located right in the heart of Jiufen Old Street and required to walk up and down of countless of staircases and extra careful needed at night due to minimal lighting. Not suitable for elderly people.

3) Fox House Hostel Taipei - Facebook Page

Fox House Hostel Taipei

This hostel was shared by a Penang based lifestyle blogger, Henry Tan. This minsu is very cosy and the host, Fiona was very friendly and helpful. If you are the type that love night life activities such as pub and clubbing, it just few stones away but unfortunately, both Boyfie and I dislike those.

Room Rate: NTD1,600 on weekday and NTD1,800 on weekday
Location: 5-8 minutes walk from MTR Zhongxiao Tunhua Station
Facilities: Free WiFi access, Air-Conditioning Room attached with Private Bathroom, Free Laundry Services. 
Advantages: No deposit or advanced payment require. Family Mart is situated right outside the minsu.
Drawback: Except for nearby Family Mart, there is no restaurant and cafe nearby the surrounding area. We always had hard time and difficulty looking for breakfast. 

Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with all the above three minsu but in case if going back Taiwan again in future, I will tend to choose and stay in other different minsu cause I believe there are plenty of them waiting for another truly lifestyle experience of stay. 

If you ever experienced staying in any wonderful and lovely minsu in Taiwan, feel free to share with me.

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