Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 8, 2014

My Bangkok Travel Loots & Expenses (2013) Version 2.0

Read My Version 1.0 of Bangkok Travel Loots

I know I just came back from my first visit to Bangkok (less than half year), but it's really hard to stop myself from keep shopping and shopping in one of my favourite shopping spots in the world.

Bangkok 2013 Haul 01
#1: My total damages from Bangkok - 4 dresses, 12 tops, 2 shorts, 4 skirts, 4 bags and accessories. And also pillow case (my current addiction lately)

Bangkok 2013 Haul 03
#2: Hair accessories from Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok 2013 Haul 04
#3: Earrings from Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok 2013 Haul 05
#4: Long necklaces from Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok 2013 Haul 08
#5: Cute USB flash drive - Bought from street stall nearby our hotel

Bangkok 2013 Haul 06
#6: Fridge magnets and most of them I bought from Chatuchak Market

Bangkok 2013 Haul 02-1
#7: Passport cover and luggage tag from Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok 2013 Haul 02
#8: Handmade luggage tags from Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok 2013 Haul 07
#9: Last but not least, foods haul - Thailand famous junk food like Lay's (Potato chips), Pocky (Biscuit sticks), Koh-Kee (Peanut snacks) and more. 

As for the amount of expenses I incurred, I unable to share the full and exact details because as you may know, i went with my family and majority were paid by my parents, especially in terms of transportation fees, foods and so on. Even for my shopping loots, some paid by my mom cause the more we bought, more discount were given.

Hereby I share some of the travel expenses I managed to track down throughout my 6 days and 5 nights trip in Bangkok, Thailand:

Travel Expenses Bangkok 2013
(The exchange rate by the time I changed; RM10: 10.42 baht )
  1. Return airfare with Royal Brunei Airlines from Kota Kinabalu to Bangkok (transit in Bandar Seri Begawan in between)
  2. Stayed for 5 nights throughout the trip, which inclusive the breakfast only on the first night stay. For more information about this hotel, click HERE.
  3. Included pick-up service from the hotel, transport and boat ride.
  4. Not a complete details cause mostly paid by my parents. 
  5. Including 100 baht free call plus 7-days unlimited internet
  6. Most of my souvenirs and shopping haul are as above photos. Also including postcards and stamps which I bought and sent out earlier.

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