Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 1, 2015

Recap of 2014 & My Plan for 2015

Again, this is my first official blogpost for the year 2015 like what I did for the past 4 years (here, here, here and here). Most bloggers did this kind of post on the final day of last year but for me, I prefer to blog it in a different way somehow. 

Here's the recap of my travel adventures for the year 2014:
2014 DT Travel
  • January - Myanmar. After our successful gathering trip to Cambodia last year, we did it again and this time around we chosen Myanmar as our second college gathering trip. 
  • January - Kuching. Went back my so-called second hometown with my family and Boyfie for my twin cousin's wedding. Why I called her as twin cousin cause both of us were born on same day, same month and same year. What a coincidence! Not just that, even her wedding day was also the anniversary day for both Boyfie and I.
  • March - South Korea. My mom and sister wanna go South Korea so desperately and because of that, we booked our ticket with Korean Air kinda last minute. No doubt it was pricey but for the sake of my family, it's worth it. Besides Seoul, we took train down to Busan which my first time there. 
  • April - Northern Thailand. Joined my friend just for Songkran, the Water Festival. From three hours bus ride to small but lovely town of Pai, we back to Chiang Mai for Songkran festival. Besides that, I also took a day trip to Chiang Mai just to witness the most magnificent and enchanting White Temple.
  • June - Putrajaya. Represent Sabah State for Girl Guides Annual General Meeting which held annually. And with this, I unofficially complete visited the whole 13 states and 3 federal territories of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya). 
  • August - Singapore & Johor Bahru. Since ever I revisited Singapore back in year 2011 with Boyfie, thereafter I went Singapore every year without fail. This time around was an assignment given by my dad just to accompany two brothers who wanna go Singapore for their semester break. Plus, we even went to Legoland too cause they wanna go there. Yup, I visited Legoland twice within two years.
  • October - Australia. Honestly to say, among all the trips for this year, this is the one I anticipated the most cause besides Japan, Australia is my favourite country since ever I was younger child. Back to Australia for the second time it's like another dream come true. I went with my very close friend who I met when I studied in United Kingdom and also with very good friend of all time. Spending 9 days there, we went Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast.
  • November - Nepal. Within a year, we have two college gathering trips. Early of the year we went Myanmar (like I mentioned earlier) and 10 months later, we went Nepal. For the very first time, I assigned my friend to become the tour leader for this trip cause I was too busy with my full-time and freelance jobs. Plus, I was pretty busy with family commitment as well. That's explained why I didn't update my blog so frequently lately.
  • Novermber - Bhutan. This is another last minute decision and frankly to say, the most expensive trip compare the rest. But by the end of the trip I never regret with my last minute decision to visit this stunning and unique country, in both culturally and enviromentally. Absolutely one of the country should at least visit once in the life (because of this trip, I forgone of buying new compact camera).
  • December - Singapore & Johor Bahru. Back to Singapore again for my UK housemate's wedding. It's like another gathering with my friends who used to travel together around Europe for 20 days, including our Korean friend where we met her there. I also took this opportunity to go Johor Premium Outlet but I went home empty handed. It's absolutely still pricey, eventhough after discount was given.
  • December - Eastern China. Tagged my mom along for Christmas trip cum my year end trip. I always love and want to celebrate Christmas abroad for no reason. Now thinking where will be my next Christmas list for this year. 

Simplified everything, this year I managed to accomplish few of my bucket list which was visited new countries such Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan as well as new cities like Busan, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Besides Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia, I took the opportunity to experience other airlines as well such as Korean Air, Druk Air and Silk Air. Looking forward to experience other airlines in future especially Asiana Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Thai Airways, Turkish Airlines, Emirates and more, perhaps. 

2014 DT Travel Airlines

What's my plan for this year? Apparently, I have few in my list but I'm so sorry to say, I unable to share with you guys now cause of the so-called jinx. But no worry, I will be delightful to share out when I manage to go there either in blog, Twitter, Instagram and even Dayre. But one thing for sure what I must do for this year is to complete my 2013 and 2014 endlessly travel post.

Once again, I wish each and every of you have a wonderful year ahead in this brand new year. A new year that's sparkling with fun, bursting with joy and cracking with laughter! Have a great weekend, everyone.
"Believe the Unbelievable, Dream the Impossible, Never Take No for an Answer" - Tony Fernandes (Group CEO, AirAsia)

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