Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 4, 2015

Foodie Friday: Foods in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Travelling Period: 1st March - 6th March 2013

Let's take a break from temple sightseeing and now let me share what my friends and I had for our meals when we were at Siem Reap, Cambodia. Although there are not much variety comparing to our pride Malaysian foods, but there are still some reasonably good and affordable priced restaurants around serving both Western cuisines and local foods. Most of these restaurants are concentrated in the Old Market and Pub Street areas.

NOTE: All are charged in USD.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 1 - 03
#1: Our lunch on first day at a random eatery nearby KFC in Sivatha Road where they served authentic Khmer cuisines such as Fried Rice Loklak

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - Lunch
#2: Second day lunch at the guest house we stayed where they served both Western meal and local cuisines.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - Dinner
#3: Pizza for dinner on the second night at Pub Street

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 3 - The Pizza Company Lunch
#4: We had spaghetti, pizza, onion rings and more of these Western meals in a restaurant known as The Pizza Company located in Angkor Trade Centre

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 3 - Swensen Desserts
#5: Siem Reap also has Swensen's, a global chain of ice cream restaurants

 Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 3 - Buffet Dinner
#6: Buffet feast with wide selection of Asian foods and few western foods to choose from while watching the ancient art of Apsara Dance 

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - Chinese Dinner Cuisines
#7: One and only Chinese cuisine we had throughout our trip on the forth day in Wood House Restaurant located nearby Pub Street. Not bad but quite oily. 

 Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 5 - Lunch
#8: Local meal for lunch on the fifth day nearby Kbal Spean

 Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 5 - Dinner
#9: On our final night, we settled down with Western cuisines at the well-known Red Piano Restaurant in Pub Street.

One thing I love to travel with big group of friends instead of travel alone is where we can order and share many type of different dishes at the same time. In the event where one travel alone, you can only order either one or two (if you are big eater) but this would be whole lot different when being in a group of friends. The more the merrier, right?

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - Birthday Cake
#10: Last but not least, thanks to my friends for the birthday cake. I had my second birthday celebration abroad (My first celebration was back in Beijing, China almost 10 years ago)

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