Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 11, 2015

Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市) of Taichung, Taiwan

Date Visited: 21st December 2010 
26th & 27th November 2013
11th March 2015

Fengjia Night Market 01
#1: Splendid and bustling Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市)

Once is never enough. And this applies to Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市) in Taichung County which I went five years ago. With only an hour given by the organised travel agent to explore and venture this splendid and bustling night market, it was indeed short and rush visit. Couldn't enjoy as much as I want, hence I decided to go again for the second time. Turned out, I went back again for third times this year. Third time to Taiwan, third time to Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市). 

Night market in Taiwan is not mainly about shopping clothing, shoes, accessories and so on but what attract visitors to here is ultimately for street food hunting. Claimed to be the largest night market in Taiwan, there are wide selections of food and local snacks to enjoy in Fengjia Night Market. Most of the vendors start their business as early as 5 pm to as late as 1 am. Therefore when come to choosing where to stay in Taichung, I would prefer to stay nearby this market instead of nearby Taichung Railway Station.   

One thing about me when comes to travelling is I rarely have a list of what and where to eat. I just eat whatever it's cheap, hygiene and most importantly, it suits my taste. So most of the photos below are what Boyfie and I managed to try:

Fengjia Night Market 03
#2: The notable Bear Paw Bun. Taichung is where it's originated from. Worth to try 

Fengjia Night Market 02
#3: Naughty shape of waffle ice-cream. No, I didn't have this cause it's really awkward walking around with this 

Fengjia Night Market 04
#4: Huge scallops from Scallop Q stall. I know this is available in KL but not for KK yet. Thus, it worth for us to try here. There are like more than 10 flavours you can choose from. 

Fengjia Night Market 05
#5: Soft ice-cream - Second time I had in here

Fengjia Night Market 07
#6: Joined the long queue for this Fried Noodle Bun but it seems so-so. Probably it's best to eat while still hot.

Fengjia Night Market 08
#7: Prince Cheese Potato with topped with bacon, ham and corn. It's so sinful but satisfied my tummy to the fullest. Must try!

Fengjia Night Market 09
#8: Spicy Korean Fried Chicken - Another great bite but it would be better if boneless

Fengjia Night Market 06
#9: It's really huge and crowded especially on weekend

So, anyone of you been to this night market before? If yes, share with me what other kind of food must try in case I'm going back again for the forth time. 

From Taichung Station to Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市)
There are few available mode of transportation to reach this biggest night market in Taichung but we chosen to take taxi which charge roughly around NT$250-350 depending on the meter. 

Alternatively, you can take free shuttle bus 160 towards Overseas Chinese University and stop at Feng Jia University if you are travelling with HSR train. Therefore, remember to keep the HSR train tickets for this exclusive privilege.  

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