Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 9, 2011

Hello to Lion City Again (Sneak Peek)

It's the end of the month of September and this also means that's the end of my travel around 2 countries for this month. 10 days after back from South Korea, I went the Lion City and this time around tagged along my Boyfie as my travel companion.

Singapore - Merlion Park
#1: Symbolic of Singapore - Merlion Park.

We booked via Jetstar as it is much more cheaper than AirAsia.

Singapore 01 - Jetstar
#2: My boarding with Jetstar for second time.

Singapore 02 - V Hotel Lavender
#3: Most of the time I prefer to travel with shoestring, but this time around staying in a bit luxury hotel which much more convenient for both of us - V Hotel Lavender.

I'd been to Singapore quite number of times but my last visit to this small but unique city was back in year 2006, so I took this opportunity to the place where I'd never been before.

Singapore 03 - Clarke Quay
#4: Clarke Quay for dinner and met my 2 best collegemates razz

Singapore 04 - USS
#5: My main destination - Universal Studio Singapore. Not only going with boyfie,

Singapore 05 - USS
#6: But also with my sister who is currently working in Singapore.

Singapore 06 - Singapore Zoo
#7: Second destination must go when in Singapore - Singapore Zoo. This is recommended by my lil brother which he went there before and he said it was awesome.

Finally, it a must things to do when in Singapore - Shopping!!!
Singapore 07 - Bugis Street
#8: At Bugis Street for cheap bargain.

Singapore 08 - Ion Orchard
#9: Or even at Orchard Road for the high end products.

Thanks God it was lovely weather when we were Singapore because before I went there, the weather forecast predicted that it will rain everyday. Just a bit cloudy, so didn't managed to caught the photo with blue sky. Anyway, thanks to my dearest boyfie for accompany me throughout this trip. ♥♥♥

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 9, 2011

5 Different Airports in 24 Hours

This is what I experienced when going to Japan last year all the way from my beloved hometown, Kota Kinabaly. Stopby 5 different airports in 4 different countries within 24 hours. What a hectic day but in the mean time, another absolute cool experience! mrgreen

First, Kota Kinabalu Terminal 2
Kota Kinabalu Terminal 2
Thanks TTM aka my boyfie for sending and accompany me before boarding. razz

Second, Senai International Airport
or also known as Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail
Senai International Airport, Johor
Fly from KK to JB to meet my travelmate, Nicole before move on to the next destination

Third, Changi International Airport, Singapore
Changi International Airport, Singapore
Thanks to this airport as I able to get free online; checking my facebook

Then, transit flight at Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan.
It was a quite rush for us as we need to get off from the cabin, rescan ourself and depart to cabin again within 30 minutes. LOL!
Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan
Revisit this airport 2 months later for my Taiwan trip with family.

Finally, reached the main destination, Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan :)
Kansai International Airport
Most of my friends comment saying that instead read as Kansai, they read "Kanasai" =-=

From the last pitstop, this is where my adventurous autumn Japan trip begin! Do check out my travel adventures and experience around Japan - "8 Days of Adventurous Autumn Japan Trip" if you never read it before.

If you are reading this entry, just want to inform you that this another scheduled post (AGAIN!!!) because I am currently somewhere around in one of the country listed above. This month is really a travel month for me as I'd been on and off to two different countries in a month. - My third oversea trips for the year.

However, I'm a bit worry as I had been skipping class for 3 weeks and only attended class for 1 week within a month. Guess I need to catch up once I come back from holiday. confused

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 9, 2011

Sun Moon Lake & Wen Wu Temple of Taichung

Date of Visited: 24th December 2010

Ooopsss! Falling apart from travel post for so long!!!

The Sun Moon Lake is the largest lake in Taiwan. It is notable to be the most beautiful and most famous tourist attraction for both foreign and local visitors in Asia.

Unfortunately, if you happens to follow my post on Taiwan trip, you'll know that I'm joining organised tour guide and we didn't given any chance to stopby to take a spectacular photo of this place. That's why sometimes I dislikes joining them!

Sun Moon Lake 01
Only able to catch a glimpse of this place in few seconds from bus.

Situated at the shoulder of the mountain, there is a temple named Wen Wu Temple. It is the biggest temple on the northern side of the lake.

Wen Wu Temple consists of three halls:

Wen Wu Temple 01
The front hall where you will see once you enter the temple is known as "The Water and Clouds Hall". Its contains a shrine dedicated to the god of scholars and literature.

Wen Wu Temple 02
The middle hall which known as "The Martial Sage Hall", is specially dedicated to Guan Gong, the God of War.

Wen Wu Temple 04
Guan Gong's blade

Wen Wu Temple 03
Wind chimes along the steps, which are for blessings by the visitors.

Wen Wu Temple 05
The third and final hall, Da Cheng, is dedicated to Confucius.

Wen Wu Temple 06
Eventually want to grand many wishes but if too greedy, later God doesn't want to make any of my wishes come true. So don't be greedy and wish with sincerely.

We were given like 20 minutes to explore around this temple and from the photos above, it shown that I didn't manage to take as much as photo as I want. Because I was more focusing on something that located outside the temple.

Wen Wu Temple 07
Taiwan handmade handphone ornament and fridge magnet of their different tribes. So cute right? Sometimes feel likes don't want give them to my friends and keep it for myself :P

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 9, 2011

6 Out Of 8 East Asia - DONE!

Small Note: Actually, I'm not really having 11 days of holidays but the real actual amount of holidays I had was 20 days. 11 days were officially one but the other 9 days sendiri holidays punya. This means I am skipping my class for almost 2 weeks.

As you know, I had just came back from holidays in South Korea and thank God, this trip can be consider to be one of the best and remarkable holidays I ever had. The main reason was because I am the organiser for this South Korea trip and it took me more than 3 months for the planning process. Although not completely 100% according to the plan, but I'm satisfied with the end results. mrgreen

Surprisingly for me was within 1 year, I managed to travel 6 out of 8 countries and territories of East Asia. wink

DT Around East Asia

DT's Travel Journal Around East Asia

  • Besides Hong Kong which I'd been for 3 times, all is my first time trip ever.
  • Been to China twice but different district and cities.
  • Out of 6, Taiwan is the only one that it was not backpacking trip but we followed organised tour guide.
  • Out of 6, Japan is the only one that I didn't boarding with Air Asia.

Somehow, I would love to visit the above countries again even though including Hong Kong. So many places that I didn't manage to cover and it makes me feel a bit regret. For eg: Nara and Kobe in Japan; Busan in South Korea; Shanghai in China and more. [I would blog what I'd miss and loves to cover if I go these countries again in my future post]

So, did you manage to guess which are the TWO countries of East Asia that I haven't left my footprints on?

800px-Flag_of_North_Korea.svg 800px-Flag_of_Mongolia.svg
The answer are: North Korea & Mongolia [Photo credit to Wikipedia]

For these 2 countries, it has not yet listed in my current travelling list unless I receive a sudden invitation again just like my previous Japan trip.

So, now I'd done travel around East Asia and guess which part will be my next target???

Before I end this short post, I have a lil surprised for my readers but please do make sure check out on my next post.

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 9, 2011

It's My Haul From Japan!

I know it's kinda a lil' late to post this where I should blog about this once I back from Japan. confused

Now, tell me who on earth doesn't do any shopping while travelling? Exemption for the guys but for the ladies, till death also I won't believe that you won't shopping or buy some souvenirs for your family, relatives and even friends.

Don't ask me why but I just love to shop souvenirs for my family and friends (closest friends lah). It's just like something I must-do-while-on-travelling those kind things.

Look what I bought all the way from "Land of the Rising Sun".

Japan's Haul 01

Japan's Haul 02
Make-up, hair accessories, handphone ornament

Japan's Haul 03
Japanese handmade pouch

Japan's Haul 05
T-shirt for brothers and boyfie, bag for myself, Kose mask and scarf

Japan's Haul 04
My haul would not complete without foods >.<

Share a bit on the foods I bought

Japan's Haul 06
Kyoto matcha cake - apparently a green tea cake from Kyoto but I purchased from Kansai International Airport when I saw Mei Tzeu blog about this and she said this cake taste nice. Hehehe...

Japan's Haul 07
"Kuih-muih" from the shop nearby Kiyomizudera Temple, Kyoto. The chocolate filling taste nice and my dad finish these 4 packets. :S

Japan's Haul 08
Sweet honey butter soft cake from Shinsaibashi, Osaka

Japan's Haul 09
Takoyaki and okonomiyaki crackers from Shinsekai, Osaka (Not recommended, not nice one)

Japan's Haul 10
Local snacks from Asakusa Nakamise Shopping Street, Tokyo.

Japan's Haul 15
Tokyo Banana - soft cookies but absolutely taste nice and crispy. From Tokyo Tower.

Japan's Haul 19
Tokyo DisneySea merchandise

Japan's Haul 11
Once I open this,

Japan's Haul 12
my jaw dropping. Full with Mickey Mouse cookies. Nice and tasty.

Japan's Haul 13
Spot the last row of lip balm? It's Shiseido's lip balm which won't see this in Malaysia.

Japan's Haul 14
Fragrance - Weekend by Burberry is my favourite perfume of all time but unfortunately I find it's difficult to be seen in Malaysia currently. So, saw these in Japan, immediately grab it without thinking the cost. Next to it, it's unfamiliar perfume for me and until now I haven't open it.

If you are Kit-Kat lover, do hunt for their different kind of flavour of Kit-Kat when visiting Japan.

Japan's Haul 16

Japan's Haul 17
Some are limited and maybe you could only find it in a particular place such as the Blueberry Cheese Cake Flavour where I found it at train station nearby Mount Fuji.

Japan's Haul 18
1 box contains 12 small packs of Kit-Kat. Share with among my colleagues.

Finally, my own collection whenever I'm on travelling
Japan's Haul 20
Fridge magnet and keychain.

Thank goodness that all of these haul didn't cause my luggage to be overweight. Do you know it is damn costly once you found out your luggage was overweight and sometimes it can cost you up to thousand riggit. My dad experience this before during his honeymoon with my mom in Vietnam and I guess one my friend too.

Will share my haul from Taiwan once I done with the travel tales and stories for that.

Short Note: Again another scheduled post because I'm not around Malaysia at this moment. I'd prepared 4 scheduled post in a day before leaving. Don't know why lately so hardworking in blogging #mosthardworkingbloggers