Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 9, 2011

Hello to Lion City Again (Sneak Peek)

It's the end of the month of September and this also means that's the end of my travel around 2 countries for this month. 10 days after back from South Korea, I went the Lion City and this time around tagged along my Boyfie as my travel companion.

Singapore - Merlion Park
#1: Symbolic of Singapore - Merlion Park.

We booked via Jetstar as it is much more cheaper than AirAsia.

Singapore 01 - Jetstar
#2: My boarding with Jetstar for second time.

Singapore 02 - V Hotel Lavender
#3: Most of the time I prefer to travel with shoestring, but this time around staying in a bit luxury hotel which much more convenient for both of us - V Hotel Lavender.

I'd been to Singapore quite number of times but my last visit to this small but unique city was back in year 2006, so I took this opportunity to the place where I'd never been before.

Singapore 03 - Clarke Quay
#4: Clarke Quay for dinner and met my 2 best collegemates razz

Singapore 04 - USS
#5: My main destination - Universal Studio Singapore. Not only going with boyfie,

Singapore 05 - USS
#6: But also with my sister who is currently working in Singapore.

Singapore 06 - Singapore Zoo
#7: Second destination must go when in Singapore - Singapore Zoo. This is recommended by my lil brother which he went there before and he said it was awesome.

Finally, it a must things to do when in Singapore - Shopping!!!
Singapore 07 - Bugis Street
#8: At Bugis Street for cheap bargain.

Singapore 08 - Ion Orchard
#9: Or even at Orchard Road for the high end products.

Thanks God it was lovely weather when we were Singapore because before I went there, the weather forecast predicted that it will rain everyday. Just a bit cloudy, so didn't managed to caught the photo with blue sky. Anyway, thanks to my dearest boyfie for accompany me throughout this trip. ♥♥♥

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