Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 10, 2011

It's Time To Say Goodbye, Taiwan!

Finally, it comes to the end. Gosh! Initially, I thought that my Taiwan post will only be around like 7-8 posts but ends up to almost 20 posts. What to do? If I choose to cramp everything in few post, there will be a consequences where I might end up got nothing to update for my blog. Therefore, I prefer to divide into few post and by doing that too, I can even share more photo!

Now, let's back to the topic. On the final day, we woke up as early in the morning to catch our flight around 10 am. At least 3 hours required in order to check in for international flight and the journey from our hotel to Taoyuan International Airport was almost 1 hour. Oh my! I was damn sleepy while doing my last minute packing.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 01
There even a flora exhibition in the airport.

Although Taoyuan International Airport being listed as Taiwan's largest airport, I don't think it is bigger enough if compare to Osaka International Airport, Japan and Hong Kong International Airport. Guess you can cover almost all the area in less than an hour.

In order to kill the time because we reached too early, my bros and I plan to do last visit of Taiwan's 7-Eleven. I really kind adored most of East Asia's 7-Eleven except for the outlet located in China. Sometimes, it makes you wander around this small tiny little shop for hundred times. Unlike the Malaysia one, Taiwan's 7-Eleven got so many things to see and buy especially when comes to their foods and beverages. My two lil bros almost visited all the 7-Eleven they came across.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 02
Onigiri taste so much better than Malaysia one.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 03
Spotted #1: Taipei International Flora Expo iconic - so cute and I love the purple one.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 04
Spotted #2: A damn tall Christmas tree

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 05
Spotted #3: A 6 feet tall Gundam. Anyone love Gundam? My bros are huge fans of Gundam.

It's the time to bid goodbye to Taiwan and luckily by the time that the plane to take-off, the rain stopped. Before this, it was rain cats and dogs for almost 2 days once we reached Taipei. The journey from Taipei, Taiwan to Kota Kinabalu took almost 3 hours and eveytime when I on board, I would specifically request for window seat. The reason why is because of this especially going back Kota Kinabalu on the day time.

Aerial view of Sabah
Aerial view of Kota Kinabalu - What a wonderful city! Don't you think so?

And if you happen to notice my blog header, yes! This is the photo I used for the background.

So, that's the final epic of my Taiwan travelogue. Guess most of you also bored with my same old travel tales. Ok, now it comes to the end by the way. Anyway, I would like to thanks for those who drop by and most importantly thanks so much for those who continuously leave by a comment or two. Seriously, I am so touching. Might some gift for you all at the end of the year (you know who you are).

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2011

Taiwan Day 6

Sushi in Taiwan 02
Date of Visited: 25th December 2010

My never ending Taiwan tales almost comes to the end on the 6th day because on the 7th day, we gonna depart back to Kota Kinabalu in the early morning. Now, let's recap my 6th day itinerary in the big city of Taiwan, Taipei.

Taipei Day 6 01
Kicking our day by visiting the most recommended and famous of the 3 historical and cultural heritage in Taipei; National CKS Memorial Hall, Martyr Shrine Taipei and National Palace Museum. Shouldn't miss out these places if you plan your trip to Taiwan.

1Taiwan 201027
By the time we're in Taiwan, the biggest internationally garden festival were still going on and here we are visiting the Taipei International Flora Exposition 2010. My first ever experience to visit the world's international exposition and you know what, its definitely an eye-opening adventure.

Sushi in Taiwan 01
While waiting for the other before move on to the next destination, we spotted small Japanese shop but packed with variety of sushi. Most of it cost NT$100 (approximately RM10), how could you won't resist this?

Ximending, Taipei 01
Ximending, Taipei 02
Ximending, Taipei 03
This will be the last and final night market before going back home - Ximending, Taipei. One of the most famous night market and bustling shopping district situated in the heart of Taipei and from what I observed, most those visitors around this area are teenagers. However, based on my own experience and also from my friends too, we agreed to most of the items sold here are quite expensive and not affordable to buy. Recommended you to shop other place before come here for shopping.

Sushi in Taiwan 02
End the final night in Taiwan by having supper, SUSHI! My favourite sushi - Inari and Maki, which bought from the shop located outside of the Taipei Flora Expo. Cheap, fresh and taste good! Yummy yummy~

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2011

Adventure with My Lil Guci

Although she is tiny and small but she is one of the courage dog (not the like cartoon where the dog name is Courage, but it was actually a Cowardly dog).

Dog is my favourite pet since I was a little girl and since ever my dad brought home this lil and cute Shih Tzu breed dog 2 years ago, I really can't help myself from loving her. Even though I am residing in KL currently, I never stop missing her all the time. Would you believe that this dog know how to cheers me up when I was upset and down? Everytime I came back from work, she will wait in front of my house. Let me introduce you, Guci!

Guci 02
Say hi to everyone Guci!

This post is serve for the purpose in conjunction to win a pair of tickets from Nuffnang to watch my childhood cartoon that showcast on every Sunday morning, The Adventures of TinTin.

How I wish I could be Tin Tin and my Guci will be Tin Tin's trusty dog, where we could do the most exciting and thrill adventure around the world.

But let's us just face it. In the true reality world, my Guci is not allow to board on the place. As you can see from my blog, I love to travel and sometimes how I wish to bring Guci along. At least she be my companion. Protect me from the strangers and even can become my model when I want to do some phototaking :P

Sorry Guci! They not allow you to on board.

But it's ok. We still can do another adventure together and it doesn't meas we have to go travel around the world. We can go and do island hopping when Guci and I can snorkelling together.

Island here we come!

Swim in the crystal clear blue sea together with a school of fish. Guci know how to swim a bit just like me :P

That's the ideal adventure of me and my beloved pet together.
I really miss you fatie cutie lil doggie! Can't wait to be home in few weeks time.

This entry is specially for the exclusive screening by Nuffnang.

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2011

Floral World at Taipei Flora Explo 2010

Date of Visited: 25th December 2010

Taipei Flora Expo 16I think among all the places that I went around Taiwan (Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung), I guess this is the main highlighted on the trip - Taipei International Flora Expo 2010.

Taipei Flora Expo 01

It opened for almost half year, start onwards from 6th November 2010 and run until 25th April 2011. Besides served as the garden festival, the purpose of Taipei International Flora Expo being held is for horticulture exposition. It is Taiwan's first time experience to held this internationally recognised exposition.

We started to venture around the Global Garden Area. Seriously, this exhibition is so massive and need to take a ride on their shuttle bus to visit the other area. So sad that we won't able to cover all the other area within 2 hours.

Now, shall us let the photo do the talking (some I able to identify their country):

Taipei Flora Expo 02
#1: Malaysia
Come from Malaysia and visited the Malaysia area. End up with disappointment. They didn't contribute much in order to promote Malaysia's flora.

Taipei Flora Expo 03

Taipei Flora Expo 04

Taipei Flora Expo 05
#4: Palau, not Pulau

Taipei Flora Expo 06
#5 Hong Kong

Taipei Flora Expo 07
#6 Hawaii

Taipei Flora Expo 08

Taipei Flora Expo 09

Taipei Flora Expo 10
#9 Thailand

Taipei Flora Expo 11
#10 Indonesia

Taipei Flora Expo 12

Taipei Flora Expo 13
#12 Netherlands - I thought they famous with tulip but they use board to display their flowers. Unable to import to Taiwan because the location is too far??

What an unique exhibitions around the world.
So among all the photo above, which you prefer the most?

Without realising, for just 1 area of the exhibition it can consume 1 hour plus. So, my family and I are kinda in hurry in order to cover the most that we can.

Taipei Flora Expo 14
The Flower Landscape - They will feature different type of flora in once a month and this time around (December), this area featuring the poinsettias.

Taipei Flora Expo 15
Gosh! Don't you think it's awesome and fascinating with all these colourful flowers?

Taipei Flora Expo 16

Taipei Flora Expo 17

Although I am those type that not really into flowers much except for lily, but this exhibition really impressed me. It was fairly interesting and worth seeing with lot of flowers on display over the vast area of Taipei that the Flora Expo covers. Unfortunate for me was visit this exhibition for less than 2 hours is totally not-so-awesome as there are many things to see and worst case ever was crowded all over the area. cry

Really wish that I get the chance to visit the other kind of Expo in the nearest time.

P/S - I even missed out the Shanghai Expo which eventually my dad purposely went for that and he told me that it was awesome too.

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 10, 2011

Foodie Friday: Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley

A week after I came back from South Korea, my bestie decided to meet up for a movie. Movie is my favourite outing and I will never reject wherever I get the invitation but for karaoke session, I might reconsider thousand times. While waiting for the rest to finish their work, my bestie suggest, "How about Korean food for dinner?". Since ever I came back from South Korea, I received more than three invitations to have Korean food but honestly speaking, I not really into Korean foods at all. I prefer more on Japanese cuisine.

Therefore I suggest my bestie, "Let's try Pasta Zanmai". The location of this restaurant is not easily being spotted but if you know where is the location of Madam Kwan in Mid Valley, it just located next to it.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 01
2 types of menu; Yellow for dishes whereas red for beverages and desserts.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 02
Cozy and spacious restaurant. Have you ever try eating paste using chopsticks?

From the name, no doubt it serve combination of Japanese foods and Italian pasta. Creative and unique restaurant which I never came across. Browse through their menu and there are so many choices to choose from. Finally, both of us had made up my mind and these are what we ordered:

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 03
Teriyaki Chicken Pasta - This is our favourite.

Mix the half-boiled egg with the pasta and you are ready to eat. The teriyaki chicken is so juicy and tasty together with the soft and delicious pasta.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 04
Scallop Pizza

First time I ate pizza topped with scallop because most of the time, I have is the scallop sushi. What a surprised! A good combination and the pizza taste so crispy.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 05
Chicken Onsen Tamago Rice

It serve exactly alike Teriyaki Chicken Pasta but this serve on top of rice whereas the above on top of pasta.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 06
Shortneck Clam Soup Pasta

I didn't manage to try this because I am extremely full.

Pasta Zanmai, Mid Valley 07
Imagine 2 ladies ordered 4 dishes. What a big appetite we have!

Actually, we ordered the Mini Pasta set that serve 2 different type of foods in a mini size. I love this idea of Mini Pasta set because we can try different varieties even in a small group. The price is reasonable too for a set of Mini Pasta that cost RM23, whereas the ala carte itself cost roughly around RM20 and above.

Thinking of Pasta Zanmai, I definitely love to return again to try the other dishes. Have a blast and great weekend everyone!

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 10, 2011

Spotted Betel Nut Beauty

Is this a form of business trick or just to draw tourist attraction?

I guess most of you know that Taiwan's betel nut lady is where young lady selling betel nuts and even cigarettes from a neon-topped and see-through kiosks while wearing outrageous and see-through outfits too.

Betel Nut Beauty 01
Betel nut kiosk alongside the main street nearby freeway intersection.
My first capture of betel nut beauty: Somewhere nearby Taichung, a truck driver is buying a pack of betel nuts and trust me, that lady inside the kiosk really dressing in skimpy string bikini and short dress.

Thanks to the courtesy of our driver as he purposely stopby and just to show us the real beauty of "Betel Nuts Lady of Taiwan".

Betel Nut Beauty 02
She's too fast! Sorry lah! I don't have a high quality camera like you guys one. Mine just only average compact camera.

Betel Nut Beauty 03
Oh no! She went in to the kiosk. Please come out again.

Betel Nut Beauty 04
Thanks goodness! She came out to return the change to the driver. The photo too small to see???

Betel Nut Beauty 05
Here you are. Now, can you see it clearly. Didn't she looks pretty and hot too?

Want to view more photo of this Betel Nut Beauty? Check out here.

Reminder: Don't eat too much betel nuts or well-known as "pinang" as it will cause oral cancer. It's ugly true fact!