Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 10, 2011

Taiwan Day 5

Date of Visited: 24th December 2010

The first place we're heading to was Museum of Taiwai Hinoki.

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 01

Well, I guess it was written wrongly. Apparently, suppose to be "Taiwan" but being written as "Taiwai". At this museum, everything is made out from Cypress, Taiwan's world famous wood. Cypress is known to be an exceptionally stable and durable wood that can last long up to thousand years. For further information, you may click here to find out what is Cypress about.

Honestly to say that I have no any idea of the wood because I was not really quite interested with it. Let's the photo (as usual) do the talk.

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 02

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 03

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 04

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 05

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 06

Museum of Taiwai Hinoki 07
Touch up a bit because the original was too bright.

Next, we proceed on to Sun Moon Lake and Wen Wu Temple.

Chung Tai Chan Monastery

And finally, as usual went to the Night Market before heading back to the hotel for a nice and wonderful sleeping beauty sleep.

Taiwan Night Market-1

The night market is located nearby the hotel that we stayed. Even though on the night we arrived, it was Christmas eve night but it seems to be that area is so isolated and so quiet. I guess maybe most of them are heading to Taipei. What a silent night?

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