Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 11, 2011

In Miri To Meet My BFF

Seldom came cross where I blog about visiting around Malaysia? This is because I has visited most of the cities around Malaysia when I was in high school. At that moment, blog is still undiscovered by me yet. Well, thanks to opportunity given by the Girl Guides Association Malaysia Sabah and not forgetting to my dad too, who loves to have road trip at that moment for me to explore more cities around Malaysia. Only two states which I haven't visit yet which are Kelantan and Pahang. Hopefully I can go Kelantan in coming years to visit my BFF there.

Talking about Miri, I purposely added into part of my trip when visiting my relatives in Kuching back in 2008 just to visit the people I met during my college life. It's cool and awesome to meet lots of friends who came from different places/cities/states and without realising as the times passes, slowly some of us getting closer and has become best friends. Not only that, somehow there's culture embedded within us where "You visit my hometown, I visit your hometown" those kind culture. Quite funny right - when we were young, bold and free at our younger period?

Visiting Miri this time around is much different compare to my previous visit because I became a truly tourist and got to see more places around Miri, thanks to the courtesy of my best friend and her family.

Miri 01
One of Miri's landmark that my best friend brought me to was The Grand Old Lady. Miri is known as birthplace of Malaysia's petroleum industry and this Grand Old Lady is the first oil well in Malaysia. However, this oil well is no longer production and it has been declared by the Sarawak Government as a protected historical monument.

Miri 02
Statues showing how the old days drilling was done without the help of high technology equipments

Miri 03
A view of Miri City from the observatory platform.

Miri 04
Next to this oil well is the Petroleum Science Museum - traces the history and technological development of the oil & gas industries in Malaysia.

Thereafter, we wandered around Miri City. Even I has visited Miri few times, never thought there are so many place yet to discovered by me.

Miri 05
Take for example, Luak Esplanade - a long stretch of beach where you can enjoy the blue ocean scenery and smell the ocean breeze. Just like the Tanjung Aru.

Miri 06

Miri 07
This massive bronze seahouse is the landmark of seafood restaurant located in Marina Bay.

Miri 08

Miri 09

Thanks to my dearest friends during my visit in Miri. Appreciate that so much for willing to spare some time with me.

[Credit to: Miri Resort City]

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