Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 11, 2011

Featured Twitterer in

Being part of a Borneon girl is always what I proud of. Not just that, I am very proud too to tell my friend that I'm not just a Sabahan lady, but I am a Sarawakian too. Quite complicated to explain this but not matter where I from, I always proud to become a Malaysian. Malaysia my home, my place.

A few weeks after being informed by Malaysia Asia that I was featured in his blog as "Malaysia Travel Blog List", I was given another surprised by admin of, Tom Rungitom that he invited me to be the Featured Twitterer in for September (another delayed post again). Guess what? By the time I received his message via fb, I will flying off to Korea in another 4 days. Double happiness at that period and I almost can't sleep at night. Hype to the max!

Bc Buddy 01

Frankly speaking, I'm not really like to ask you guys to follow my twitter because I crap a lot especially of my everyday lifestyle & personal activities. This is why nowadays you won't see I blog much about my own personal lifestyle in my blog. I tend to prefer "tweet tweet".

Bc Buddy 02

Therefore, when one of the interview questions asked "Why should I follow you on Twitter?", my best answer was - I won't force you to follow me on Twitter but if you do, "Follow at your own risk".

However, my old Twitter account @dianateodt came to its end when I unable to log in last month. It was being hacked when I was holiday in Malacca and all this while, I can only tweet using my smartphone. I has this bad habit where I didn't practice the attitude of signing out after done with the social network. Experienced this before where my hotmail being hacked, but I still don't learn the lesson. Because of that, I has decided to create a new Twitter account @dtdianateo. So for those who follow me before, you may follow me @dtdianateo now.

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The blue bird mascot of Twitter is best describe about myself because blue is my all time favourite colour and I want to become free as the bird where I can fly as high as I can and travel all around the world.
Once again, thanks thanks thanks to everyone who willing to follow me on my twitter. Do follow me @dtdianateo but a strong reminder, "Follow at your own risk". Thanks to Tom Rungitom too for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

"Sometimes being a blogger, being featured is more meaningful than winning something"

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