Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 2, 2012

Shenzhen, China - Day 3 City Day Tour Around Shenzhen

Only on day 3 I realised that the place that I stayed for the last 2 days was not the real city center of Shenzhen. The name of the city that I stayed is called Dongguan, and it is 1 hour away from Shenzhen city. And because I had expressed my interest to visit Shenzhen on the day before we make a trip there, hence my dad had made an arrangement so all of us got the chance to visit Shenzhen city.

Two drivers arrived at the hotel that we stayed at 10 am and here we go our journey of 1 hour plus to the bustling city of Shenzhen. China's drivers are really damn scary and horrible. They drove like mad, keep "honging" their cars and our hearts are almost pumping out from our body. Thank goodness we reached safely and immediately bid goodbye to the mad and insane drivers. Maybe this is the real behaviour of the way they are driving, I guess!

We checked in to our second hotel and although this hotel is not that luxury and grand like the previous one we stayed before (click here), we are satisfied especially with the strategic location. It is just few steps away from the subway station, hence it is convenient for us to go wherever we want.

Shenzen- Day 3 01

Shenzen- Day 3 02

Shenzen- Day 3 03
Guess what this?

I thought this "extra and special" service is only available in Thailand. Few years back when I went Hatyai, Thailand with family, I saw this inside the drawer of the hotel I stayed. Few years later, I met them again but this time around, it was displayed in the bathroom. But wait! It is not free, you must pay for what you use.

After done with everything, we decided to make a short visit to their shopping center by taking subway. Somehow we faced a lil difficulties when comes to reading their signboard. For your information, all of my family members are banana (This term means Chinese people but don't know how to read Chinese words). Only my mom is the one who know how to read Chinese and I really can't imagine how I could travel if my mom is not joining us. The second reason I said so was because China people are ain't that friendly at all and some are not willing to help. I guess most of you who visited China or ever encounter any China people, maybe you might facing the similar situation as mine too.

Shenzen- Day 3 04
Anyhow, China's subway are much way better than Malaysia one and saw the token on the bottom right? Malaysia are sometimes a copycat (if you get what I means)! :P

By the time we were about to shopping, it was lunch time! So, we dine-in in somekind a Taiwanese shop which located under the subway and it is quite tiny which can accommodated up to 10 people at a time only. Their main dishes are so-so but their dessert are superb!

Shenzen- Day 3 05

Shenzen- Day 3 06
Mango and honeydew ice-cream with assorted kind of fruits

Most of my friends who went Shenzhen before telling me that Shenzhen is one shopping paradise, which I could partly agreed with them if the main purpose of visiting Shenzhen is solely for shopping. But since I had shopping non-stop for the past 2 days, I tends not to shop more on the third day because I start to feel a lil bit sick seeing of those surrounding garments.

Shenzen- Day 3 07

After 2 hours plus of shopping, we went to one of Shenzhen's top attractions, Splendid China. I did blog about this previously in two separate post. So if you haven't read them, do check them out! Splendid China is a theme park divided into 2 distinctive park but with only a single ticket.

Shenzen- Day 3 09
Miniature China

The time we spent in Shenzhen was so short and there are many places that we were unable to visit. But I do believe, maybe someday, I will be back again.

Ok! I lied. I did some shopping on the third day but it was last minute shopping. Trust me, really a last minute shopping before going back on the next day.

Shenzen- Day 3 10
The handbags and purse on the left side are for my besties and cousin and the socks on the left are for boyfie. Only the shoe and the belt are belong to me.

Shenzen- Day 3 11
I always dream to own this shoe but in Malaysia, it is quite pricey.
I managed to bought this for RM40++ in Shenzhen. mrgreen

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