Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2012

Shenzhen, China - Day 4 Last Day & Cheap McD Breakfast

Note: So, how's is Valentine's Day celebration? I plan to blog yesterday but I worry that no one gonna read my blog because everyone is busy with lovey dovey. By the way, do you aware that I am doing give-away contest? If not, hurry up and join the fun before it ends this Friday (click here). Good luck guys!

Date of Visited: 31st May 2011

Ok! So this is the final travelogue of my Shenzhen trip with my family. Took me almost 2 months to finish it because I am damn so lazy sometimes. Prefer to blog other things instead.

Back to the story. So, it's the final day and it's time to check-out from the 2nd hotel we stayed in Shenzhen. But before checking out, I saw this notice which stick at the back of the door that kinda attracted me. You might think what special of this notice but please do read the below:

Shenzen- Day 4 01
Can you see the "Alien" words? Who on earth does the alien refer to? Sounds weird but yet kinda funny too at same time.

But before check-out, once again my mommy was planning to do her last minute shopping. I mentioned before that the hotel that we're staying was so near to subway station and underneath there, there is even a shopping centre. Hence, my mom would like to venture around before seriously saying goodbye to Shenzhen.

Shenzen- Day 4 02
So this is the subway that connecting us to everywhere we wanna go

Shenzen- Day 4 03
That's our hotel and can you name the artist on the billboard?

However, it was too earlier for Shenzhen people to start operating their business at 9.00 am. Mommy kinda dissapointed and therefore, decided going back to the hotel. Somehow, I saw this 24 hours McD restaurant and I was told before that if wanna try their pork burger, it is only available for breakfast. Hence, I tried my luck to buy the pork burger. Bingo! Yes, the pork burger is only available in the morning and you won't believe it how much it cost. China's McD breakfast is so freaking cheap.

Shenzen- Day 4 04
1 pork burger with the choice either coffee or tea (their tea is cold peach tea, taste much more better which Malaysia don't have) cost RM3 per set. Yes, it cost RM3 only and mommy bought 8 sets of them. I even "tapao" the burger back to KK for my boyfie. wink

Shenzen- Day 4 06
Shenzhen International Airport - It's kinda small and not much things to buy.

Did I mentioned before that even you have free wireless connection but it is kinda sucks cause China totally banned facebook, twitter, youtube and blogspot. Damn! Damn! Damn! I tried to log in facebook, twitter and my own blog for half hour but keep fail to upload for almost thousand times. Not until I went and google search "China Banned Social Network", only then I realised I was so stupid for wasting my time to keep log in.

So, that's all of my Day 4 trip in Shenzhen. And if you're asking me whether will I going back for a second trip, might not at this moment. Better plan and heading to other place of China instead like Shanghai which is currently in my travel list. *cross fingers* I'm looking for a travelmate for trip to Shanghai at this moment.

Photo credit to Wikitravel

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