Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 6, 2012

Hiatus Mode Again!

Sady to declare that I need to set my blog for another hiatus mode again (on hiatus more before this) for a week in order to prepare myself for another war, I means for my external accounting paper. Initially I plan to do this earlier, at least early of this month but seems like blogging has dominating my current daily life.

Hiatus Mode

So, please forgive me if you can't see me doing any blogwalking and even leave comment on your blog due to the limited time given for my revision. Exam will ends on next week Monday, 18th June 2012 and my blog will resume as usual after that. Can't wait to be free as a bird and so many things on the list wish to be done after exam, especially on planning for my upcoming trips. Seriously can't wait for another trips and vacation again. 

More of these in Travel & Living Journal of DT once the active mode is back:

Seoul & Jeju Island
Try to finish my Seoul & Jeju Island trips as soon as possible

DT 2011 Trips
 DT's 2011 Trip around Singapore and Indonesia (Jakarta & Bandung)

DT 2012 Trips
DT's 2012 Trips (Phuket, Philippines, Vietnam & Brunei)

And more to come...

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