Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 6, 2012

Everland Resort - 4th Theme Area: American Adventure

Continue again with the 4th theme area of Everland Resort.

The shortcut ride of Skyway took us from European Adventure theme area to another portion of the park, the American Adventure.

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The themes of this area are most basically presented based on American history. The building, the restaurant, the streets, the songs and even the ride are all in the oldies of American style.

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Somebody wanna pump gasoline?

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Drive-In Restaurant

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Besides the prominent T-Express ride in the European Adventure area, here could be consider the most favourite place for those who love to challenge themselves in the thrill ride of "scream machine". There are more than 5 extreme rides which can been seen in this park area.
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Let's twist and turn

Since we were reluctant to join for the ride of T-Express ride, finally some of us decided to join her for another ride after being persuaded by her for few times. She did also mentioned that it is quite waste if we didn't try any ride since we were here in Everland Resort.

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So here we are embrace ourself to this exhilarating thrills.

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See! It's up side down ride! I was screaming like hell and my friend who sat next to me keep shouting "When will this ride end?", "Please don't spin, please don't spin!". Although it was damn scary but I was laughing at the same time cause of my friend stupidly reaction. 

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Double Rock Sping - A powerful spinning and rhythm ride. Loves to try this too but cause we were too tired of screaming, hence we decided to watch only.

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Billboards during the oldies time.

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Columbus Adventures - A dizzying viking ship. My friend said this ride is not suitable for those who has big tummy.

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