Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 7, 2012

Met United Buddy Bears For Second Time

Nowadays, social media network like Facebook, Twitter and even Blog are spreading news way too fast than the newspaper and even in television and radio. All you need to do is snap a photo and post. Done just by few clicks. I can't recall how I came across about United Buddy Bears happened to be in Kuala Lumpur early of this year but I'm for sure it must be somewhere from social media network. Seems like I am the last blogger to blog about this.

So before flying off to Phuket early of this year, I stopped by KL for a day and keep telling to my friend that I wanna meet all of these two meter tall fibreglass bears. Afterall, I met United Buddy Bears for the first time when I was in Berlin, Germany back in yer 2008 and therefore, I am so desperate wanna meet them again for the second time.

United Buddy Bears @ KL
I only knew there is a merchandise store located on the 5th floor after I went back to KK =="

United Buddy Bears @ KL 01
Located in front of the entrance of Pavilion KL and I to see the United Buddy Bears surrounding the fountain.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 02
The unique among the others with holding heart between the two golden bears. ♥♥♥

United Buddy Bears @ KL 03
Unlike the experience I had in Berlin where the bear sculptures are scattered around, this exhibition was displayed at one point and it makes thing easier where you take photo or even hug with them without worrying that you might miss out any of them.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 04
These bears are indeed so colourful and attractive to anyone who passby Pavilion.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 05
Say "Peace" as this is one of the message that United Buddy Bears wanna spread out to the world. 

United Buddy Bears @ KL 08
"Angry Bear" I assume...

United Buddy Bears @ KL 07
My very close and best friend, Chris with one of her favourite bear. 

United Buddy Bears @ KL 06
These bears are everywhere...

United Buddy Bears @ KL 09
Either on your left...

United Buddy Bears @ KL 10
Or even on your right

United Buddy Bears @ KL 11
Met Eisenstein bear for the second time. This is one and only bear sculptures that I snapped for the second time. The rest are extremely a whole new experience to me.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 12
The first and virgin appearance of our own Malaysian United Buddy Bear. This is its first time experience joining the other bear sculptures on the globe-trotting mission.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 13

Unfortunately, I didn't managed to take as many photo as I want with all of these United Buddy Bears cause my friend and I are rushing for last minute shopping in Pavilion. Hunting for a wedding gift for my friend whose wedding will be held a week after my Phuket trip and also last minute to search for a new pair of sunglasses cause mine was broken before my island getaway even started. Deng! I can't live without sunglasses everytime I'm on travelling especially to the island.

United Buddy Bears @ KL 14
Goodbye United Buddy Bears. Till then, hope to see you all again!

And if you're asking which of these bears are my favourite, I would definitely say "ALL OF THEM!".

You can check out this too: Met United Buddy Bears in Berlin

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