Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2012

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 (Sneak Peek)

For those who follow me in Twitter or Instagram, you might know that I went to Hong Kong & Macau with my boyfie for a week. Well, I went Hong Kong & Macau exactly 2 years ago (click here) and now once again, here I am at this vibrant and bustle little big city.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 01
This is my 4th trip to Hong Kong and wondering why I choose to go back there again?

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It's all because Hong Kong is distributing HK$6,000 to all the Hong Kong Citizen and my boyfie is partly of Hongkie. So, he decided to tag me along and sponsored this trip as the treat of my birthday gift for this year.

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During this trip we had save a lot especially in terms of accommodation. We stayed at boyfie's relative place which located just less than half an hour from the city. It was indeed a small room but we're eternally grateful for all the kind hospitality given by boyfie's relatives.

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And also during our stayed with boyfie's relatives, almost every morning we're brought to have dim sum, the delicacies that you shouldn't miss out when visiting Hong Kong.

Since I went Hong Kong for 4th times and boyfie has been went Hong Kong like don't know how many times, some of the places we skipped like Ocean Park but for some I did repeated again. Some I went exactly for the first time - which I totally missed out from my previous trips.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 02
Went Stanley New Street for the first time but I felt like being fooled to come what a long way and bought things that in slightly higher price. Therefore, this place is totally not recommended.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 04
Took Peak Tram to visit The Peak for 3rd time. Went here just to kill some time by sat down in some random restaurant and having high tea. And also at the same time, to write 20 postcards which I bought from Stanley Market.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 05
Finally, got to experience Star Ferry for the fist time after listened to boyfie's story of his experience of taking this ferry ride to across from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon. Only cost HK$2.50 for almost 10 minutes ride.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 06
Macau for 2nd time to meet up with my BFF who was coincidentally in Hong Kong & Macau too for 10 days with her boyfriend.

 Hong Kong & Macau 2012 07
There's so many varieties and assorted of snow skin mooncake in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 08
The Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery in Lautau Island was actually inside my itinerary last 2 years but I cancelled this cause my friends were so tired and exhausted. Plus, at that period, the weather was freaking hot.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 09
We even did a lil bit shopping at CityGate Outlets which was being told by my friends that the stuffs especially the high end are super duper cheap.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 10
Walked like more than 20 minutes from MTR station just to take photo with Golden Bauhinia Square at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 11
Strolled along Avenue of Stars, Tsim Tsa Tsui for second time and the first time I went was at night time.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 18
Ladies' Street, Mongkok is the place that I went over and over again. Never get bored of here and this place is highly recommended than Stanley Street. So, whoever wanna visit Hong Kong, stay nearby Mongkok.

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Last but not least, Disneyland Hong Kong one more time again! The first time I went it was rain heavily but this time around the weather was so fine and the sky is so blue.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 14
My dream to stay in Disney's Hollywood Hotel finally came true.

Hong Kong & Macau 2012 15
Ok! That's all for my Hong Kong Style. I should do the Oppa Hong Kong style but I was too shy. 

Whether will I go back Hong Kong again for the 5th time? Well, I have this love and hate relationship towards Hong Kong but probably I will, just not within this nearer period.

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