Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 9, 2012

Post The Card (Part 2)

I blogged before regarding the postcards I received from my friends - Post The Card.
So, here is the post of Part 2 which I plan to blog earlier but I keep delayed until now.

Taiwan from Chris
Postcard 06 - Taiwan
From a very best friend of mine where we knew each other in college until now. She even made a day stop in Kota Kinabalu before departed to Taiwan.

Bandung, Indonesia from Tracie
Postcard 09 - Indonesia Bandung
Third postcard I received from another close friend of mine. I did went Bandung during last year Christmas but I didn't managed to find postcards from there due to ran out of time. Thank goodness that she willing to spare some time to search for postcard and purposely send for me. She never fail to send me a postcard whenever she is travelling.

Well, not only I received postcards from my own friends but I did received postcards from few bloggers which I met through online. Although we didn't knew each other in personal, but we still exchanged postcards with one and other.

Cambodia from Jeff Chuan
Postcard 07 - Cambodia
The first postcard I received from a blogger. Somehow, I came across that Jeff will going Cambodia with his uni friends via twitter and I just simply requested postcard from him but he seriously did so. Oh gosh! I really never thought of that but anyhow, thank you so much, Jeff! Cambodia is currently in my travel bucket list.

India from Kemang
Postcard 08 - India
I forgot how the stories came about but if not mistaken, for sure I think I did requested a postcard from Kemang #thickface. He is another kind of travel blogger that did travel solo and I absolutely salute those who did so cause I always wanna try travel solo but unfortunately, I don't have the guts to do so #cowardgal.

Krabi, Thailand from #travelholicawesome 
Postcard 10 - Thailand Krabi
My third Krabi postcard but it was my first time received from these four awesome travel bloggers, Danny/John, Janggel/Rain, CoCoNutz, and MasmZ during their short trip to Hatyai and Krabi via overland on Labour Day.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia from Lily Riani
Postcard 11 - Cambodia
Some known her as Lily and some known her as Globetrotter. If you visit her blog, for sure you will be blown away by looking at how many places, cities and countries she visited. Lily, I deeply in love with your blog header and I wish I could travel as much like you. She went Phnom Penh in the objectives to do community services by visiting orphanage there and this is a such meaningful activity, besides travelling. Not just postcard, but she did separately send fridge magnet to me too. Gosh! I almost in tear when I saw the fridge magnet cause I never expecting that.

Sri Lanka from Lily Riani
Postcard 12 - Sri Lanka
Another postcard from Lily again and this is one of her secretive trip. Every year she will go and discover new places and countries to visit.

Melbourne, Australia from Danny/John
Postcard 13 - Australia Melbourne
Another postcard from him and it was from my dream place that I wanna visit since I was small. When oh when, could I visit Australia. Danny/John, I hate you so much for making more and more jealous with you. Neh, I'm just kidding!

Sydney, Australia from Danny/John
Postcard 14 - Australia Sydney
Ok! Now I really hate you for this too. Hahaha...

Ireland from R.a.W.
Postcard 15 - Ireland
Another #thickface case again but I seriously wanna a postcard from Europe. Never got the chance to visit Ireland and now, holds a huge regret for didn't plan to do so during my study time in United Kingdom back in year 2008. If I got the chance to visit Europe again, Ireland will be on my list for sure. R.a.W, hopefully your postcard will bring more Irish luck to me and makes my wish to go Europe again someday come true.

Hua Hin, Thailand from Lily Riani
Postcard 16 - Thailand Hua Hin
The recent postcard which I received from Lily again.

Extend my gratitude especially to all the bloggers above for the postcard that you guys send to me and for sure, I love all of them so much. Thank you once again and I really delightful to receive more postcards. Wondering how I kept my postcards? I used to kept them in a fancy box until I view my photo albums and there's where I got the idea from.

Instagram 01 Postcard Album
My postcard album and I think I might need to get more. 

Instagram 02 Postcard Collections
For those which I bought but I didn't send out, I kept in a fancy box but until last few days when I opened it, I was so surprised that I actually did bought and collected so many postcards. That's the reason why I need to buy more and more postcard albums.

 Instagram 03 Postcard Collection
Extra postcards that I bought. Anyone want?

You like postcards too, like I did? Well, I have special announcement to my blog readers. I decided to send a postcard to my readers and after reconsider from all aspects, I pick those who have comment the most in my blog for this year itself. Here are the lucky readers:
  1. Simple Person from Simple Life
  2. C Wern Hong from World of Travels, Environment, Photography
  3. Meitzeu from
  4. Shirley Tan from Luxury Haven
  5. Small Kucing from
  6. Hartina Arssid from My Littlewing
  7. Fish Sze Hui from ofishiee
  8. Hilda Matilda Milda (sorry for that) from Being Hildaladida 
So, kindly please don't forget to leave your name and mailing address to my email: by 14th September 2012, or else you will miss out this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity from me.

For Lily Riani and Danny/John, both of you are on the top of list for the recipient of postcards.

Oh yeah! I have Instagram now and follow me at dtdianateo.

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