Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 11, 2012

My Travel Haul & Expenses of Singapore (2011)

Unlike the other previous trips of mine, you might came across where I tends to shop a lots especially in terms of souvenirs and foods. But for my Singapore trip, my aims was just to visit all those attractions which I missed out from my previous Singapore trip. Plus, I just shopped a lot from Seoul & Jeju Island, South Korea which I just back less than 3 weeks before flew off to Singapore.

Here is my travel haul from Singapore:
Singapore Haul
Left photo: Keychains and fridge magnets from Universal Studio Singapore and Singapore Zoo.
Right photo: T-shirt from Universal Studio Singapore.

And this is my sharing of the full details of my travel expenses that Boyfie and I had spend throughout the 4 days and 3 nights trip around Singapore. [All except the one I marked with * are the expenses incurred by two persons.]
Singapore Expenses 2011
(The rate as at the time I changed; RM2.47 : S$1)

  1. For seats selection. Afraid from sitting too far away from Boyfie eventhough it was just an hour flight.
  2. Stayed for 3 nights. For more information about this hotel, click HERE.
  3. EZ Link Card costs $12 for the first time being which included $5 for non-refundable and the remaining value of $7 for own use. We topped up another $10 in case we might travel more than that.
  4. The original admission fee is S$68 but because my sister's boyfriend is Singaporean, hence we bought for S$52.80 per pax only. 
  5. We just took the package for Singapore Zoo itself only. You can even save on your admission ticket by taking the Park Hopper Special package.
  6. Exactly what I spend as the photo above.
  7. My sister and I bought and shared this birthday present specially for our mom. Definitely not for myself. 
Looks like I had overspend especially in terms of the accommodation but once in a while, I also like to pamper myself staying in the comfort boutique hotels as long as it still within my flexible budget. After all, I'm a flashpacker, not a backpacker.

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