Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 11, 2012

Snapshot Sunday: The Awesome Bloggers Gathering 2012

For my previous post under "Snapshot Sunday", it was where it served as a showcase of the photo I took from my previous trip and also serve for the purpose to reminiscence my old travel post, especially for the new readers. But for this post, I would like to blog something extraordinary from my usual posts. 

Last year, both Armstrong and Rexs aka Aki organised Cute Bloggers Gathering (CBG) but I didn't managed to attend cause I was sick. Actually, for the past few days, I was being "attacked" by flu, cough and sorethroat again but I tried my best to attend for this time around. No regrets of attending this year The Awesome Bloggers Gathering 2012 (#TABG2012) cause I really have fun and at the same time, got to know more new friends/bloggers


#TABG2012 took place at Party Play Lintas yesterday night, and during the four hours of gathering, we did ice-breaking, exchange gift, makan-makan and last but not least, phototaking is a must-do-things for all the bloggers. 

I got to meet few of the bloggers where I stumbled their blog before but never got to meet in real person but yesterday night, I did; Aemy Nadira, Beaty John (so coincidentally, she is colleague of my very best friend), Wendy Wong and of couse, both of the organisers, Armstrong and Rexs aka Aki (his Afro hair is damn real for sure) met them for the very first time. Not forgetting to the four lovely and gorgeous ladies, Dyana Reds, Edith Joimin, Elwyna Hansel and Flo Nara, you gals don't mind to share a table with me eventhough we never know each other at all but you gals never stop from making that I was felt all alone by sharing with tons of interesting and funny conversation. Thank you, gals! And also to the organisers, thanks for organised this awesome and meaningful event/gathering. 
"Don't just blog and hide behind of this cyber world, come out to the real world and have some fun with some new friends!"

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