Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 4, 2013

Goodbye 10 Days Trip & Burned 4 AirTickets

At this hour, I was supposed on board to Shenzhen, China to join a group of awesome travel bloggers for 10 days trip around China (Shenzhen, Guilin & Nanning) and Vietnam (Hanoi & Halong Bay) via overland but at the end, I had to cancel due to my own business and work commitment. Imagine that my 10 days leave successfully being approved by my big boss as well for my China visa application also has finally done but still, the trip had to be cancelled at the end. #heartpain

And of course, I am feeling freaking sad and depressed at this moment cause unable to join them in this wonderful and amazing travel adventures. Plus, among the places that going to visit, three are currently in my travel bucket list (check out my DT Travel page) - Guilin, Hanoi & Halong Bay. That's makes me more #heartpain. 

Shenzhen - Window of the World
Went Shenzhen before in year 2011 but would love to visit here again and visit Window of the World - where it houses vivid replicas of the world's wonders, historical heritages and famous scenic sites. 

Guilin is being known as Heaven on Earth and is considered the most beautiful city in China with its fantastic natural mountain and water scenery in the world.   

Nanning - Source
Nanning - a nice "little" town of in Guanxi province in southern China.

halong bay2_thuyen vang
Hanoi & Halong Bay, Vietnam - Source
Halong Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been listed as New 7 Wonders of Nature. Would really love to witness this myself especially the typical junk. 

This could be consider to be the very first time in my travel history I had to burn my tickets (well, I did burned one of my ticket before) but since ever I started to travel extensively from my Hong Kong trip back in 2010, I had never burned any tickets of mine until this one. Not just one or two airtickets, but I eventually burned 4 tickets that I bought earlier. I thought that I might got the chance to experience the new airline Malindo Air but looks like perhaps next time.

Ticket Burned

But then I believe "Him" The Almighty must be planning something bigger and better for me, perhaps. #prayharder. And this means since I ever back from my Cambodia, and also because this trip had been cancelled, I am not going to fly and travel anywhere until end of July. Not flying for more than 4 months, now my body seriously feeling itchy. Imagine for a travel junkie and jet setter who had been flying for almost every month - it's really a tough time for me.

P/S: To Helmi/John aka Kaki Berangan, thank you so much for letting me join you guys but unfortunately I unable to join at the end. I'm so sorry for the troublesome especially in the arrangement of the accommodation. 

Too Many Dreams, Too Many Destinations, Too Little Time & Money Seems to Be Insufficient. 
#truestory #quote

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