Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 4, 2013

Philippines Day 3 - SM Mall of Asia

Date of Visit: 22nd March 2012

On the third day, we decided for more free and less rush trip since we will spend a whole week in city of Manila itself. Plus we will be heading for another city tour with the local tour guide which recommended by my cousin on the next day. Therefore, we plan to do a lil shopping as Philippines is famous for the size of their shopping malls which few being listed as top 10 largest shopping in the world.

Among the shopping malls that being listed was SM City North EDSA and SM Mall of Asia. Between these two, SM Mall of Asia is the most closest to our lodging and we decided to visit this instead. From Friendly Guesthouse of Metro Manila, we took taxi cause one of my friends afraid to use jeepney and she felt more comfortable with taxi. Before embark to this mall, we were being approached by another Caucasian backpacker from Canada that he would like to car pool since he was alone. We instantly agreed cause at least the cost of sharing among of us will be lesser.

Travel Tips in Philippines
Before get into the taxi in Philippines, do ask the driver to use the meter. If they refuse to do so, find and wait for another taxi cause without using the meter, they tends to overcharge.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 01
#1: Huge signage of SM Mall of Asia

SM Mall of Asia is the second largest mall in the Philippines after SM City North EDSA, third largest shopping mall in Asia and the 4th largest shopping mall in the world.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 02
#2: Our brunch at McD. Guess I was being spoiled by this fast food chain restaurant whenever I travel.

Upon arrived and bidded goodbye to the Caucasian backpacker, immediately we went to McD to have our brunch. Well, there were slightly different from ours one in Malaysia where they're selling rice.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 03
#3: Even their sitting and rest area were so huge and plenty too

Mall of Asia consists of four buildings which interconnected by walkways; the main mall, the entertainment mall, and the north and south carpark buildings. One thing I found out about Philippines's shopping mall was they were very strict in their security. Everytime before entering, we will being asked to open our bag for security checking.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 09
#4: Food courts located on the top floor

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 05
#5: The mall even features the Philippines's first Olympic-size ice skating rink. Even ice hockey can be held here. 

Besides ice skating rink, another highlight of this mall is the first ever IMAX theater in the country, which offers a high quality presentation on a big screen format.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 06
#6: Few of the shops especially for the ladies

Talking about the shopping, we didn't do any shopping here cause we found out that it seems to be more pricey compare to Malaysia. Perhaps maybe cause of the cost of rental they need to bear.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 04
#7: Kultura Filipino - A definititve shopping experience for Philippine culture and crafts

Ok, I lied! We did do some shopping but most of the items that we bought were eventually those common souvenirs for family and friends such as T-shirt, keychains, fridge magnets, tote bags and more in this Kultura Filipino which located right in the center of the mall. We spend more than an hour shopping around here.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 07
#8: Pork Broth Cubes by Knoss - I bet you can't find this in Malaysia

Done with the souvenirs, we went to their supermarket which located on the ground floor to search and hunt for their local snacks and delicacies. We came across these stock or broth cubes which use in cooking soup were available in prawn and pork flavour which I think can't find in Malaysia. Interesting! Besides these, we did bought quite number of dried mangoes cause it was more cheaper in Philippines than in Malaysia.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 11
#9:Dried mangoes - and you know what? It's totally not enough!

There are also a wide varieties of restaurants, cafes, coffee house scattered all over the mall. You can have your favourite a cup of coffee in Starbucks or even sweet little donuts in Krispy Kreme here. After spending almost half of our day wandered and window shopping around, we settled down for dinner before going back to our lodging.

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 08
#10: Dinner at Chowking Restaurant - Biggest Chinese Fast Food Chains in Philippines

Day 3 - Philippines Mall of Asia 10
#11:Large steel framed globe in the middle of roundabout

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