Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 10, 2013

Another Adventurous Autumn Japan Trip 2013 (Sneak Peek)

There's once I posted #throwback photo of my Japan trip and I told my friend that I wish to go back again someday, I never thought after three years later, here I am again going back to the "Land of the Rising Sun".

I found out there is direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Osaka via Malaysia Airlines. Hassle-free from transit to Kuala Lumpur and the airfare is really affordable, so I bought for my mommy as her this year birthday present. 

My initial plan was to do the same route like I did for my maiden trip; Osaka, Kyoto & Tokyo but at the end, I changed the plan which was just solely focus on Kansai area as it was one of my travel wishlist.

Japan - Osaka 01
#1: Long haul flight with Malaysia Airlines to Kansai-Osaka

Japan - Osaka 01-1
#2: After 3 years, I never thought I will seeing this signboard again.

Japan - Osaka 04
#3: Dotonbori for second time just to take photo of this huge & colourful Glico running man in Osaka.

Japan - Nara 05
#4: Deer - the messengers of the gods in Nara Park. One of my travel wishlist accomplished.

Japan Universal Studio 01
#5: Whenever I travel, I always love to visit theme park. No exemption for this one as well - Universal Studio Japan.

Japan Himeji
#6: Himeji Castle - Although it is currently undergoing renovation, but this castle is regarded as the finest surviving example of prototypical Japanese castle architecture.

Japan Himeji Sakura 01
#7: I never seen a real cherry blossom aka sakura in my life but it's hard for me to believe that I able to see it eventhough it is autumn in Japan now.(It's so beautiful I'm gonna die)

Japan Kobe
#8: Another wishlist accomplished but Kobe seems like nothing for me.

Japan - Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan 01
#9: Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, one of the biggest aquariums in the world. Again, another wishlist accomplished. 

Japan - Kyoto 02
#10: Once I reach my most favourite city in Japan which is Kyoto, immediately I went Fushimi Inari Shine.

Although I went Japan twice but I still love to come back again and again. This beautiful and amazing country never fail to impress and amaze me in every single little thing - the local was so friendly and helpful, and when come to the foods, my goodness, my saliva almost dripped eventhough but just looking at the display model.

#11: Even Japanese manhole covers are individual masterpieces of the street art. Seriously so beautiful & decorative.

#12: What we had throughout our trip in Japan - ramen, sushi (inari & maki, my favourite), donburi and bento. Oishii!

#13: Even Japanese desserts were so detailed in each and every design - so refreshing kawaii!

If compare between Southeast Asia and East Asia countries, somehow I still prefer to travel the latter one - to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc. I would love to return back to Japan again and this time, my next aim would be Tokyo (for second visit) and Hokkaido! Sayonara!

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