Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 10, 2013

Bali Day 3: Pura Luhur Tanah Lot, Pura Taman Ayu & Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

Date of Visit: 13 August 2012

After left the disappointing turtle farm of Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, we moved on for our next adventures - the temples visit. Throughout the four days trip, I can honestly say that these three temples visit were my favourite and I personally would recommend these to those who never been to Bali before not to miss these temples - Pura Luhur Tanah Lot, Pura Taman Ayu and & Pura Ulun Danu.

Pura Luhur Tanah Lot
Beautifully perched on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide, Tanah Lot Temple is an extremely popular tourist and cultural icon for photography. It was built in 15th century by the Javanese priest for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods.

Bali Day 3 Tanah Lot 05
#1: Before reaching the temple, we walked across a row of colourful shops selling plenty of souvenirs, foods and drinks.

Bali Day 3 Tanah Lot 01
#2: Captivating scenery of Tanah Lot Temple at low tide

We're lucky enough by the time we visited this sacred temple it was at low tide, which consider to be the best time cause we can walk and get closer to the base of Tanah Lot. Ever since this temple leads to highly commercialised, every visitors are required to pay upon enter into this area. The entrance fee is divided into two categories; local and foreigner and again, we were lucky enough cause we paid IDR10,000 (approx. to RM3) for local fare instead of IDR30,000 which apply for the foreigner.

Bali Day 3 Tanah Lot 02
#3: Side view of the temple

Bali Day 3 Tanah Lot 04
#4: Huge wave behind me

Bali Day 3 Tanah Lot 03
#5: View from the mainland cliff tops 

Before move on to the next destination, we stopped by few souvenirs shops for souvenirs hunting as well bought ice-cream to cool down our body on the very scorching hot weather. 

Pura Taman Ayu
The name of Pura Taman Ayu means the "Temple of the Beautiful Gardens" and it was built by the founder of Mengwi Kingdom. This huge royal temple is surrounded by an artificial waterways and entered over a bridge, making this place similar to a huge garden sanctuary.

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 05
#6: The Candi Bentar or split gate of Pura Taman Ayun

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 01
#7: Gateway to the inner courtyard of this temple

Pura Taman Ayun consists of a forecourt, a central court and a spacious inner court. A tall stone gateway separates the forecourt from the central court, while the inner court is surrounded by a stone wall. Pura Taman Ayu is totally one of the beautiful temple building with multi-storied roof and authentic Balinese architecture.

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 01-1
#8: The temple is also surrounded by lotus

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 04
#9: I always love my sunny to be the main character

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 03
#10: The eleven-storey meru are replicas of the original at difference sacred sites around Bali and are dedicated to the rice goddess Dewi Sri.

Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 02
#11: Unfortunately, visitors are allowed to see the inner courtyard from outside only. 

 Bali Day 3 Pura Taman Ayu 06
#12: The wide gorgeous landscape garden in front courtyard to welcome all visitors who come and visit this temple.

The entrance fee for Pura Taman Ayu is IDR30,000  (approx. to RM10) per person. Too bad, this time around we unable to get the local fare. As for a sweet reminder to the lady, this temple is strictly disallowed to enter during menstruation. So, better plan ahead or else, it believe will bring bad luck.

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan @ Bedugul
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is an enchanting water temple which believed it was dedicated to Dewi Danu, the Lake Goddess for offerings ceremony. This temple complex is situated on the western bank of Lake Bratan in the mountains near Bedugul Highlands, which is well-known for its great natural beauty. Seeing that it was located above the sea level, this area was kinda chilly and cool and most importantly, we felt the deeply fresh air.

Bali Day 3 Puru Ulun Danu @ Bedugul 01
#13: Ceremony and ritual took place when we arrived this temple

Bali Day 3 Puru Ulun Danu @ Bedugul 02
#14: Indeed an enchanting and stunning temple that sit on a very beautiful lake

Bali Day 3 Puru Ulun Danu @ Bedugul 05
#15: One of its temple which I believe being repainted for couple of times

Bali Day 3 Puru Ulun Danu @ Bedugul 03
#16: Very scenic and gives a sense of calmness and relaxing feels

Bali Day 3 Puru Ulun Danu @ Bedugul 04
#17: The temple is surrounded by a myriad of colourful and vibrant flowers

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is another popular photography icon after Puru Luhur Tanah Lot. And for your information, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is featured in Indonesian banknote of 50,000. Just like the rest, the entrance to this temple is not free and IDR30,000 per person (approx. to RM10) is apply to each and every foreigner.

We reached our hotel around 7 pm after more than an hour ride from Pura Ulun Daru Bratan. As it was Pak Bagus final day offering his tour services to us, we decided to give him extra tips for his excellent services throughout the first 3 days we engaged him. And because it was our final night in Bali as well, we planned to have a big feast, I means to reward ourselves with a fine dinner.

Bali Day 3 Dinner
#18: Cause three of us were craving for Chinese foods, so we ended up in Chinese restaurant which located not far away from our hotel. Puri Bali Indah Restaurant is not a bad restaurant after all.

[Credit To: Wikipedia, Wikitravel, Asia Explorers]

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