Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 3, 2015

Reasons Why I Revisit Taiwan for Third Times

Hello blog readers! I just came back from my recent trip to Taiwan!

Taiwan 2015 Instagram
Before I embarked my journey to Taiwan, my dad asked me, "How many times already you've been Taiwan?". I know I went not once but twice before but I love to return Taiwan again for more. Frankly speaking, comparing to almost all South East Asia countries I've been with East Asia countries, I prefer the latter one. Countries like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan especially, never failed to amaze me eventhough I went more than once. 

9D8N Taiwan Itinerary
Customised 9D8N Taiwan Itinerary by yours truly

Forget about the language barrier, here are few of the reasons why I love Taiwan so much that I went back for third times:

1) Colourful & Unique Themed Accommodation
The experiences of staying in minsu and motel are completely different and unique comparing staying in a conventional hotel. I love the way how majority of these accommodation in Taiwan are decorated in varierty and colourful themes and decor to light up the atmosphere. Check out my post on Minsu (民宿) I Stayed in Taiwan
Taiwan - Sato Castle Motel Taipei
Our room on the first night for recent trip - Superman!

2) 7-Eleven & Family Mart Almost Have Everything
If we can't figure out what and where to eat, convenience stores would always be our choice. Their convenience stores, especially 7-Eleven are like everywhere within our sight. Just grab whatever you want, from bento to spaghetti, we never worry of being hungry whenever we're in Taiwan. Not just foods, you can even buy stamps, purchase train tickets, photocopy documents in the middle of odd hours. Absolutely convenient! Check out my old post on 7-Eleven in Taiwan.
Taiwan 7-Eleven

3) Creative Postcards
I love postcards so much and majority countries I went would probably with photo captured from the camera as cover. Unlike in Taiwan, they are not only printed in typical hard cover cards but their postcards are designed and printed on wood, fabrics and even metal license plate.
Taiwan Postcards

4) Chop & Stamp Like A Child
When I was in Taiwan, I felt like I was like a young gal. I bought a mini notepad, solely just to collect all those cute chop and stamps whenever I saw around Taiwan. Even Boyfie joined me for this so-called childish activities. Majority of these stamps can be found in train stations, information counters and shops selling postcards. I was indeed a happy gal whenever I saw them.
Taiwan - Chop & Stamps

5) Night Markets
Imagine enormous variety of authentic Taiwanese food, tasty snacks and drinks popped up from no where when the day turns to night. A visit to Taiwan is incomplete without a visit to any of their night markets, which believed there are more than three hundred of them. Almost every nights, I spent most of my night time wandered around the night markets, regardless in which townships including Kenting. Check out my old post on Taiwan's Night Markets & Foods.
Taiwan - Night Market
Ruiefong Night Market in Kaohsiung

6) Milk Tea Overdosed
Coffee or tea? Of course, I choose the latter as I'm not a coffee lover. I rarely visit Starbucks or Coffee Bean but when comes to order any drinks, tea would always be on top of my choice. I had milk tea in Taiwan more than I drank mineral waters. Imagine milk tea for breakfast, lunch and even during the dinner time. But no worries, milk tea in Taiwan is definitely less sugar and yet, they are so tasty and delicious. Most importantly, there are even cheap. I got a bottle of milk tea from 7-Eleven for only NT$19, that's like less than 2.50 in Ringgit Malaysia. 
Taiwan - Milk Tea

7) Sushi For Only NT$10
I'm huge fan of Japanese cuisines and I could have sushi almost every week. Surprisingly in Taiwan, the sushi there is only selling as low as NT$10, roughly around RM1.20 for a fresh piece, including the salmon one. Tell me, how could I ever resist from having them? For cheap sushi, do check out Sushi Take-Out or even at the 7-Eleven stores.
Taiwan - Cheap Sushi for NT$10

8) Bookstores, Watson, Carrefour Open for 24 Hours
It's like the city of Taipei never sleep. I knew there are few bookstores open for 24/7 but only until my recent trip, I was surprised when I asked the security guard of Watson what time does the shop close and he told me it's opens for 24/7. Even Carrefour in Ximending too.
Taiwan Taipei Ximending Watson 24

9) Celebrated My Birthday
Two years ago, Boyfie had his birthday celebration in Taiwan, Two years later, I want mine in Taiwan too. I don't mind for not having a birthday cake, even a small piece but as long as I could celebrate abroad is what I wish for my birthday wishes every single year.
2015 Birthday in Kenting, Taiwan

Actually there are even more reasons than the above of why I love Taiwan so much. Seriously, I don't mind going back Taiwan for the 4th time. Anyone been to Taiwan more than once?

2015 MAS Taiwan
Last but not least, thanks to Malaysia Airlines for the amazing flight to Taiwan. We flew directly from Kota Kinabalu to Taipei for return only RM650. Thanks for the upgraded to Business class too! #mas #malaysiaarilines

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