Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 3, 2015

Siem Reap, Cambodia (2013) Day 4: Part 1 - Angkor Grand Circuit

Date Visited: 4th March 2013

Most people came to Siem Reap just to visit the well-known Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple and Ta Prohm but there are actually quite number of temples worth for you to spend some time for visit. Almost all the temples we visited on the forth day were less crowded with low traffic of tourists, hence it is good for us because not just we had peaceful time to wander around, we don't even have to worry our photos with any expectation of photobomb.

Pre Rub
Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 01 Pre Roub
#1: The reddish colour Pre Rub temple 

Pre Rub is a temple mountain with a combination of reddish colour bricks, carvings and sandstone construction. Pre Rub is quite high and it is kinda tricky to get on the top due to its tricky and uneven stairs. But once we got on the top of this temple, the climb is worth the climb as the view from the top was simple amazing. 
Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 02 Pre Roub
#2: View from the top of Pre Rub

Most reviewers said the best time to visit Pre Rub is sunset to get most colorful photos but then bear in mind, it might the busiest time for visit as well.

East Mebon
Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 03 East Mebon
#3: East Mebon
Located not far away from Pre Rub is East Mebon, a medium-sized temple, rising three levels and crowned by five towers. This temple was mainly dedicated to the God of Hindu, Shiva and honours the parents of the king. Looking from its size, it's slightly smaller than Pre Rub. The most interesting about East Mebon is the large standing stone of elephants at the corners and lions alongside the steps which were still well intact apparently.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 04 East Mebon
#4: East Mebon is well-known for its two meter high free standing stone elephant at the corner

Ta Som
Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 05 Ta Som 01

Ta Som is another relatively small and classic temple we visited but the uniqueness of this temple is it seems like combination of both famous Ta Prohm and Bayon Temple. It's quite fascinating especially when we saw the giant tree growling out of the ruins temple at the final gate of the temple. 

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 06 Ta Som

Neak Pean
Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 07 Neak Pean

This monument of Neak Pean or the entwined naga is an artificial island with a Buddhist temple on a circular island. It was originally designed for medical purposes and during the ancient times, this was believed to be one of their hospitals. This temple is accessible by a pretty long wooden pathway across a swamped area and upon reached there, we were quite disappointed as Neak Pean was surrounded by fence and one nnot just couldn't get nearer, but couldn't see the structure from different angles.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 07-1 Neak Pean
#8: The wooden pathway across a swamped area - The only thing I enjoyed here

Preah Khan Temple
 Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 09 Preah Khan Temple

The final temple we visited of the day - Preah Khan Temple. Preah Khan is another temple similar to Ta Prohm, where it has been left largely unrestored, with numerous trees and other plants growing among the ruin temples.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 08 Preah Khan Temple

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 4 - 10 Preah Khan Temple
#11: Playful is my middle name

This tour runs through Preah Khan, Preah Neak Pean to the Eastern Mebon and other temple monuments of Ta Som & Preah Rup is known as Angkor Grand Circuit. It is actually an extention of the Small Circuit Tour (Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Bayon, Ta Prohm and more).  

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